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Locked Inside Episode 1 Tips & Tricks

Tags: Locked Inside Episode 1 Game Guides, Locked Inside Episode 1 Hints, Locked Inside Episode 1 Walkthrough

Locked Inside - Episode 1

-get the lighter at the bottom shelf of the bookshelf.
-get the half key from the middle shelf of the bookshelf.
-get the tripod from the bottom drawer.
-get the bunsen burner from the right side of the drawers.
-get the half toothbrush behind the bin.
-get the glass behind the boxes.
-see the "lewis" name on the little box.
-click the left side of the bookshelf. 
-there is a switch on the wall.
-put the bunsen burner there.
-use lighter to light the bunsen burner.
-put the tripod on the burner.
-then put the glass too.
-put the red plastic toothbrush to melt.
-take a tour in the room and come back to get the glass.
-take the other half of the key under the sink.
-make 2 holes on the soap with the half keys.
-then pour the melted plastic in the hole to make a red key.
-see the chemical calender. 
-the code is: chocolate
 enter pc:
 name "lewis" 
 password "chocolate"
-get the code from the pc.
-go to "room 2" a picture on the wall.
-there is a safe under it. click it to see the safe.
-enter the numbers you got from the pc.
 (everyone has different numbers)
-get the coin.
-click the left back foot of the pc desk.
-there is a screw under it.
-use coin to take off the screwdriver.
-use screwdriver in the both drawers.
-get the drawers out. 
 (Use key on the top drawer)
-and escape.
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