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Jack French Webisode 3 - Jack French and the Seven Dwarfs
1.Click the postcard on the ground, then click right arrow.
2.Watch title sequence
3.Click on white box next to body
4.Click on arm to see tattoo
5.Click on pants pocket to get wallet, click to open and click
on each card to see it, you will automatically send the credit
card and hotel card to lab.
6.Close wallet and click left arrow to see the train tracks.
7.Click on the sparkle on the ground to get keys, click arrow to
go forward and then click arrow to turn around, click on briefcase
papers to view train ticket, then exit to map
8.Click on Sam Black to go to his house.
9.Click on arm to see tattoo, click on game system to see it, you
will use the system later, there's nothing to do with it now.
10.Click left arrow to see the rest of the apartment, click on phone
and click play to hear first message, click play again to hear second
11.Click on Yuki to talk to her, then click on the green box beside pizza
box to see cigarettes.
12.Click on black book on the bottom of the book case to look through it,
then exit to map.
13.Click to go to Will White's house. talk to him then exit to map.
14.Click to go to Michel Lebrun's apartment, use keys in inventory to
unlock door.
15.Click newspaper on coffee table to look at, and the click on the black
square next to it to see plane ticket, now click on the cabinet in back.
16.Click on the cards to get a new location, exit to map.
17.Click to go to JohnnyBDesigns.
18.Click on the ladder of the fire escape to shift the scene up, use the
plunger in inventory on the dark window.
19.Click on the beer bottle in the corner to pick one up. Click on the cards
to pick up an ace. Click the ashtray on the table to see cigarettes.
20.Click the arrowto shift the scene right, click on the picture to get a
close look, move your mouse along the figures in the picture to identify
21.Click left arrow twice to end up back outside the building. Give beer
bottle to drunk guy, click on the white oval he throws out and get a poker
chip worth a $100. You'll need $300 in chips later in the game, so you can
either get more beer for the drunk guy, (you'll have to give him two more)
or you can play the slot machines at the casino. I recommend giving the
drunk guy more beer, you can get into the office through the door now.
Click to go to Will White's house
23.Click the To Casino Map button. Enter the Casino.
24.Click to go to the Lobby, talk to the manager then go left and talk to
the waitress, exit to casino map
25.Click to go to the theatre, then backstage, talk to cabaret girl, you'll
automatically end up back at the casino map, go back to the theatre but
this time go to the balcony. Talk to Fair Fred. exit to casino map
26.Go to Casino Floor, You must have at least $300 in chips to enter the
VIP tables. If you didn't get it all from the drunk guy, use the $100
you got to play the slot machines and hope for the best.
26.Once your in the VIP tables, look at your cards and when you get the
option to go all in with a queen high, drag the ace in you inventory to
your cards, then click go all in with suited ace/queen. Now you can talk
to Fair Fred.
27.Eventually you end up back at the casino map, go to the rooms.
28.Look at the cigarette butt and the phone cord used to strangle the girl,
click the girl's purse and get gold key. talk to the manager and the other
29.Go to Michel Lebrun's place and use key on locked box in cabinet, get
memory card.
30.Exit to map and go to Sam Black's place, Click on game system and then
high scores. Watch Ending.
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