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Hostel Room Escape Tips & Tricks

Tags: Hostel Room Escape Game Guides, Hostel Room Escape Hints, Hostel Room Escape Walkthrough

Hostel Room Escape

-Grab poster and 2 pieces of tape from back of mirror.
-Get the envelope under the mat of the door with the key hole.
-Get pushpins from flowers to by the couch (2 different decorations).
-Get the silver key from right below the middle pillow on the couch.
-Get candy wrapper from trash can.
-Get gold key from the top left of the clock.
-Use gold key on top left drawer and get paper weight.
-Use silver key on bottom right drawer and get gift wrapping paper.
-Put the poster, envelope, candy wrapper, wrapping paper, push pins, 
 and tape together for collage.
-Use the paper weight to smash the clock and get the needle.
-Go to the door with the key hole and push collage under bottom 
 left of door.
-Zoom on key hole and use the needle to push key out.
-Pull the collage back through and get key, open door.
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