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Heart Escape 3 Tips & Tricks |
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Heart Escape 3
-get the middle glass in the kitchen.
-get the sugar jar in the cabinet under the oven.
-click above the oven and get the blue heart.
-about itm on sugar jar and get the yellow heart.
-get the chair.
-get the green heart on the table.
-get the yellow key near the candle.
-click on the carpet and get the red hert under it.
-put the chair near the refrigerator.
-get the cherry can from the upper cabinet.
-go to the yellow door and put the hearts on the wall:
-enter the bathroom.
-get the towel.
-open the cabinet with the key and get the card.
-clean the coffee dirt on the table with the towel.
-see the numbers: 7725
-enter these numbers on the white cabinet and get the paper.
-examine the drawings on the paper:
moon: yellow
-insert the card on the panel near the yellow door.
-change the hearts colors to:
-and get the can opener.
-open the cherry can with the can opener and empty the cherries in the glass.
-get the pink key in the glass.
-examine the hearts on the carpet and find the numbers:214
-enter these numbers on the cabinet in the bathroom and take the present.
-use pink key on the door and escape with happy end.
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