Kings Quest 2 Romancing The Throne Tips & Tricks |
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King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne
King's Quest II
King's Quest II begins where King's Quest I left off. You've ascended to the
throne and now find yourself, King Graham, lonely and hankering after a wife
and an heir to the throne.
Looking in your magic mirror (recovered from the previous game) you find
yourself looking upon the lovliest face you've ever seen! When you ask the
mirror whom she may be, it only answers that she's been imprisoned by the evil
witch, Hagatha, in an enchanted crystal tower and it is up to you to rescue
her. Thus begins your quest. Locate as much treasure as you can, and find the
keys which will unlock the doors to your future bride.
A word of caution about the "nasties" in this game (to be avoided at all
costs!): They are Hagatha the witch, an evil enchanter, a wolf in granny's
clothing and a fast little dwarf who likes to grab treasure. When you see any
of these characters, beat feet! 'Nuff said!
You begin on a beach in the kingdom of Kolyma. Begin your quest by going east
twice to Grandma's House. Open the mailbox and get the basket of goodies. Go
east then north to the door in the tree.
Open the door and climb down the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, go east.
Be prepared to leave if the dwarf's home. If he does catch you, though, all he
does (if you're not carrying any treasure) is deposit you back outside the
door in the tree. When you can do so, get the cauldron of soup and open the
chest. When you look in the chest you see a pair of beautiful Sapphire and
Diamond Earrings! Get the earrings and leave by going west, up the ladder,
then west out the door.
Head back south to the screen that's just east of Granny's and wait for (you
guessed it!) Little Red Riding Hood! She's quite distraught because she's
misplaced the basket of goodies she was going to give to her grandma.
Hand her the basket and she gives you a bouquet of pretty flowers. That done,
head back west to Grandma's House and open the door. If the wolf's in bed
(instead of granny), leave immediately! If the coast is clear, walk up to
Grandma and give her the soup. Since she's ailing, the chicken soup is a
welcomed present. She thanks you and tells you to look under her bed. When you
do you see a black cloak and a Ruby Ring, which you take into your possession.
Wear the cloak and the ring, bidbid grandma farewell Grandma farewell and
leave the house.
Now head east three times and open the door to the Monastery. Go up to the
altar and pray. The monk notices your piety and after finishing his prayers,
he stands up and asks your name. Tell him "Graham" and he gives you a Silver
Cross on a chain, then goes back to his prayers. Wear the cross and leave the
Go south and stand in front of the rock by the tree. Look in the hole and you
see a small Sapphire and Diamond Brooch! Take the brooch then go south across
the lake, pass by the Antique Shop (it's closed anyway...right now) and
continue south twice more to the bridge. Be careful when you enter the Chasm
area. Depending on where you are on the screen, you may find yourself falling
to a short version of the game!
I suggest you stop your character whenever you enter a new screen before
venturing on. Cross the bridge and go north to the magic door. Read the
inscription and then go south and west back across the bridge. You get one
point every time you cross the bridge, but only do it when you're instructed
to since the bridge has a limited lifetime!
Once on the firm ground again, go west and then north to the tree with the
hole in in. Look in the hole and get the mallet then go west twice and look in
the right-hand hollow log (the other three hollow logs are empty). Tucked
inside the log is an expensive Sapphire and Diamond Necklace! Get the
necklace, go north twice then west to the tree and get the stake that's laying
there. Now go west to the beach.
A brief word about the beach area. I've NEVER run into any of the badguys
here. So if you meet up with Hagatha on the screens that are just east of the
beach, go west and you'll be safe.
Get the shell you see here. When you pick up the shell, you see a Sapphire and
Diamond Bracelet hidden under it! Get the bracelet, go south twice and get the
Enter the water and swim north threetimes. When you get to the lagoon with
three rocks, you see a mermaid sunning herself on one of the rocks! Swim to
her and give her the bouquet of flowers. She's so enchanted with your gift
that she summons a Magic Seahorse for your transportation! Ride the seahorse.
You won't have to guide it, though, until you get to King Neptune.
When you've reached your destination, guide the seahorse up to Neptune and
give him the trident. He's so pleased to have his beloved trident back that he
gives you a bottle and opens a giant clamshell near him. When the shell is
opened, you see a golden key inside. Take the key and guide the seahorse back
toward the east. It knows the rest of the way, and takes you back to the rock
you found the mermaid on.
Swim back to shore, go north three times then east twice into the cave. If
Hagatha's there, don't worry... she's blind as a post unless you make noise!
Go over to the birdcage, remove the cloth from the bottle that Neptune gave
you and cover the cage with the cloth. Doing so will keep the nightingale
quite and keep Hagatha concerned only with her brew. Take the cage and leave
the cave.
Once outside the cave, head east until you get to the bridge over the chasm.
Cross the bridge and go north to the magic door. Remember the inscription?
Well, you've made that "big splash" and can unlock the door. As you do so, the
key disappears and... another door with another inscription appears! Read the
second inscription, go south and west back across the bridge.
Now go south three times to the Antique Shop. Open the door (shop's open for
business now!) and you find a lady in a rocking chair. Talk to the lady and
she tells you she has a lamp you buy lam might be interested in. Buy the lamp
and she says that the price may bed ear, but she'd give anything if she had
her precious bird back from that evil old Hag. Give her the bird and she gives
you the lamp in gratitude! But since she has her pet back, she's anxious to
close up shop and escorts you out the door.
Once outside the door, polish the lamp and (yup!) a genie appears and lays a
Magic Carpet at your feet! Fly the carpet and you find yourself floating high
in the air going to the mountain top! As with the seahorse, the carpet knows
the way and deposits you gently on the mountain. Go east and you find your
path blocked by a snake coiled and ready to strike! But don't panic!
Rub the lamp and the genie appears once more and gives you a sword with a
snake engraved on the handle. Hmmm, this seems too simple. It's simple to just
kill the snake and be done with it.
Rub the lamp again and this time the genie (who's tired of your polishing by
now) gives you a bridle. A bridle? How are you supposed to vanquish the snake
with a bridle? Oh well... When the genie (and the lamp) finally disappear, put
the bridle on the snake. What's this? A beautiful white winged horse appears
before you! This is magic! Could this horse talk also? Let's to
the horse and I'll be darned, it CAN speak! It tells you it was turned into a
snake because it refused to become the property of an evil enchanter! But
since you've shown it mercy and returned it to its true form, the horse gives
you a Magic Sugar Cube that will protect you from poisonous brambles. After he
flies away, go east twice into the cave.
On one ofthe boulders lies another Golden Key! Get the key, head west three to
the cliff edge and fly the carpet back to the Antique Shop. Go north three
times and cross the bridge. Go north to the magic door and unlock the second
door. As before, when the door opens, the key disappears and a third door (and
yet another inscription) appear! Read the third inscription, go south, west
across the bridge, then west twice and north twice to the figure in the boat.
This is getting scary! This guy looks like the ferryman from the RiverStyx! He
also looks like he's been waiting for you! Or... someone who looks like you!
Because you're wearing the cloak and ring, the ferryman allows you to enter
his boat and takes you across the poison lake to the ruins of a suspicious
looking castle. This castle is surrounded by poisonous brambles, but you have
the MagicSugar Cube to protect you! Eat the sugar and approach the castle
When you get to the door, you find the way blocked by two spooky looking
ghosts! But upon seeing your attire (and jewelry), they assume you're someone
else and disappear leaving your path unbarred.
Open the castle door and... (gulp!) Eerie music and flickering torchlight
greet (greet?) you. You've just entered Count Dracula's Castle so keep your
silver cross, stake and mallet handy!
Go west and climb the stairs (carefully!) to the Bedroom. Go to the dresser
and open the drawer. Inside you find a candle. Take the candle and go back
downstairs. On the way down, light the candle with the torch on the wall,
continue down the stairs and go east twice into the Dining Room.
On the dining room table sits a large, juicy ham. Take the ham and go east
down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs you see a little rat scurrying
about. He's just there for "atmosphere" (evil chuckle) and won't hurt you.
Save the game at this point. Go west into the Coffin Chamber. Now's the tricky
part. If the coffin is open, take the pillow and get the key hidden under it.
If, however, the coffin is closed, that means "the Count is in". When you open
the coffin, *immediately* kill Dracula with the mallet and stake. After his
body is turned to dust, another key will be left behind. Take that key also.
Go back upstairs to the dining room. If Dracula wasn't in his coffin before,
you'll meet him upstairs now. When he sees you, he'll try to bite you; but
because you're wearing the cross (you *are* wearing it, aren't you?) he'll be
driven off and turn into a bat. When this happens, go back downstairs and go
back to the Coffin Chamber. This time (if it wasn't before) the lid will be
closed and Dracula will be asleep in it. In order to get maximum points, you
MUST kill Dracula. By saving the game, the chance of his being in his coffin
can be changed by restoring the game if you miss him the first time.
Once you've killed Dracula and have both keys, go north through the archway in
the dining room and save your game again. This set of stairs is the absolute
nastiest stairway I've ever encountered! The graphics get a bit sloppy here
and your feet appear to be walking on air, so it's hard to judge your footing.
Climb the stairs to the room at the top and unlock and open the chest.
When you look in the chest you see a costly Sapphire and Diamond Tiara! Get
the tiara and save your game before you navigate those stairs again! Go down
the stairs, go south, west and south to exit the castle. Once outside the
castle, go back through the brambles and get back into the boat.
The ferryman will take you back across the poison lake and deposit you onshore
Once there, go south twice then east twice. Cross the bridge (for the last
time... its lifespan has been sapped) and go north to the magic door. This
time when you unlock the magic door, you find yourself deposited in a strange
land indeed! Blue sand, rainbow-colored water and pink sky meet your
bewildered eyes! You seem to be trapped with no way across the water.
Go north and get the net. (If you're playing this in color, you may have to
bump around for the net... I had a hard time finding it.) Goback south twice
and go fishing. When you haul your net back, a large golden fish flops out of
the net and lays gasping for air on shore! Take pity on the fish by throwing
it back into the water. When you do, the fish returns to you, thanks you for
your kindness and offers to give you a ride across the water! Ride the fish.
When you reach your destination, the fish hurls you to shore where you're
momentarily dazed, but unharmed! Looking around you see some of the strangest
plantlife imaginable! No time to do a botanist's report, though, you have a
date to keep!
Go north twice then east and get the amulet. Look at the amulet and you see it
has the word "HOME" engraved on its reverse side. Go south, open the door and
enter the tower. Again, save your game because these stairs are a bit odd,
Climb the stairs and you find your progress blocked by a roaring lion! Give
the ham to the lion... and the poor thing, satiated, falls into a peaceful
sleep. Open the door. Your quest is at an end because here's the love of your
life! The Princess Valanise! She comes towards you, lovely beyond words! Kiss
her and music swells to your head as you fall even more under her spell. She
then asks your name, and after you respond, the problem of how to leave this
enchanted place becomes your utmost worry!
Ah... the Amulet! Say "Home" and you find yourself blacking out! What devilry
is this? But, despair not, for when you awaken, you find yourself in the
Monastery, standing at the altar next to the monk. In the pews sit all your
past foes, pests and friends. Then, down the aisle comes your bride! After the
monk pronounces you husband and wife, you find yourself returned to your
castle in Davantry to reign long and happily with your true love!