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King of Dragon Pass
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King of Dragon Pass FAQ
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PC Strategy game
by A Sharp
Release Date 11 Oct 1999
Latest revision: 7 Feb 2003
by Bruce Hollebone
@May Issaries ensure the Value of this FAQ and
Lhankor Mhy vouch for its Truth.
Best viewed in 800x600 desktop-resolution, using Notepad without needing
Updated formatting.. all manually spaced, done with barbaric brutal
Less than 79 characters per line guideline, oh please don't messed it
up again.
Interactive story-telling saga and resource-management sim at its best.
Basically, a modern-incarnation of "Choose your own adventure"!
"King of Dragon Pass (KoDP) is a computer game set in Glorantha
(the world of
the games Hero Wars and RuneQuest). It combines interactive stories and
management to create an epic saga of conflict, magic, and community."
That description fits rightly about the game, direct from the mouth of
publisher "A Sharp" ( They also keep a list of
Asked Questions on their website, along with a one-year tour demo,
art gallery and free music clips from the game.
King of Dragon Pass is available for both PC Windows (95 or later) and
OS (PowerPC). The game was designed by David Dunham, Greg Stafford, and
Robin D.
Laws; with additional design by Rob Heinsoo and Elise Bowditch.
Updates for the game can be obtained from A Sharp. As of this writing,
current known-stable version of the game is 1.7(492). Check your game's
number on the Game Controls [Save/Restore] screen. Download the current
from the update page (
King of Dragon Pass combines elements of turn-based strategy games and
games to create the feel of a Viking saga. It has strong story elements,
economic management is important, and there's high replay value. It takes
advantage of a well-developed background. The result is a strategy game
with a
personal feel.
Glorantha is a fictional world created by Greg Stafford more than two
ago. A vivid web of myth, tragedy and redemption, this is a world where
gods and brave heroes fight in ancient conflict. Glorantha has been the
for several board and role-playing games. See the Glorantha website
( for further details.
King of Dragon Pass is a Trademark of A Sharp, L.L.C., and is used with
permission. Glorantha is the Trademark of Issaries, Inc., and is
used with
permission. Issaries, Inc. is the Trademark of Issaries, Inc.
@May Humakt avenge any breach of these Oaths.
The King of Dragon Pass mailing list is hosted by Yahoogroups. To
the list homepage (
This FAQ was written by Bruce Hollebone with contributions from David
Dunham and
many of the participants of the KoDP List. Comments and criticisms are
(Shamelessly compiled and updated by KentCave, to gain further
recognition for
KoDP. Hoping that somehow it will helps and here is wishing for..
@May Urox shield me from kin-strife.
Table of Contents:
Section 1: Following the Wyter
1.1: Help! I don't know how to form a tribe! What ever will I do?
1.2: [Short Game] How long do I have to hold the king/queenship to win?
1.3: [Long Game] I've done seven heroquests after forming a tribe, but
nothing new is happening! What's wrong?
1.4: [Long Game] I've been told that my king must meet someone. How do
I do this?
1.5: [Long Game] I've been told I must complete three tasks.
What do I do?
Section 2: Clan and Family
2.1: Who is...
2.2: How do I get new nobles?
2.3: How do I get a noble of a particular deity?
2.4: The farmers/weaponthanes hate me! Help!
2.5: Kids, don't have enough! The clan is dying!
2.6: Kids, got too many! The tula is bursting at the seams!
Section 3: Herds and Agriculture
3.1: I'm running out of food! Where shall I go? Whatever shall I do?
3.2: I'm running out of cows! Without cattle we will scatter to
the seven winds!
What must we do?
3.3: I'm running out of sheep! What to do?
3.4: On the picture of the tula (shown at sacred time), when
moving the
mouse over the cows/sheep, the message that they are
overcrowded and
malnourished appeared. The herder on the ring said they have
enough land.
What's going on?
Section 4: Trade and Diplomacy
4.1: What are the exchange rates of commodities?
4.2: What is a small/average/enormous gift to another clan?
4.3: How big are gifts of magic and luck?
4.4: What is the base value for a treasure?
4.5: I'm running out of silver!
4.6: How do I get more trade routes?
4.7: A clan hates my guts! What can I do?
4.8: Everyone hates my guts! Help!
4.9: A Cult/Elder Race really hates my guts! What now?
Section 5: War
5.1: Neighbours keep sneaking off with my cows. What can I do?
5.2: Raids always catch me unaware. How can I prepare?
5.3: Can I seize land from a clan that is not a neighbour?
Section 6: Exploration
6.1: I keep losing parties! Help!
6.2: What should I explore?
Section 7: Magic
7.1: What's a good size for a sacrifice?
7.2: I'm spending a lot on sacrifices but not getting any
result. What's wrong?
7.3: How do blessings work?
7.4: How do I change the blessings given by my shrines and temples?
7.5: How does Maran Gor's blessing work?
7.6: I can't build a shrine to my favourite God! What's going on?
7.7: I can't build any more temples! I don't have enough worshippers.
How do I solve this?
7.8: I'm having trouble doing heroquests. What should I do?
7.9: One of my ring says that I've performed so many heroquests,
but I
know I've done many more. What gives?
Section 8: The Path of Imminent Mastery
8.1: What effects do the various traditional enemies have?
8.2: What are the effects of our relationship with the Dragons?
8.3: How big should our tula be?
8.4: OK, spoil me. Where should we explore first?
8.5: Which shrines should I build?
8.6: What does that crazy reptile want with its questions about what
we think is important?
8.7: What do all the treasures do? How do I find them all?
Section 9: Extras
9.1: How can I see my tula's boundaries?
9.2: Easter Eggs?
9.3: How do I make a screen shot?
9.4: What are the addresses of other KoDP web sites?
9.5: The CD is slow. How can I speed up the game?
Section 10: Miscellaneous Contributions
Section 1: Following the Wyter
1.1: Help! I don't know how to form a tribe! What ever
will I do?
You must prove your worth. Seek the mandate of the gods.
Read your manual.
KC: Think like an Orlanthi. Aspire for greatness. When
reputation hits top,
the seer will come.
1.2: [Short Game] How long do I have to hold the king/queenship
to win?
Ten years. Consecutive years. Ten golden years. There are
other conditions
too. Read your manual.
1.3: [Long Game] I've done seven heroquests after forming a tribe,
but nothing
new is happening! What's wrong?
It does take several years for the plot to work out. Maybe you
just need to
wait a few seasons. Also, have you done seven different heroquests?
magician will tell you. You also must complete the heroquest for
your chief
god/ess (Orlanth and Aroka, Ernalda Feeds the Tribe or Elmal Guards
the Stead).
You will know your feet are on the path when a blind seer prophesies
destiny. The story may take decades to play out.
KC: Destiny starts when the False Queen/Trade War/Telmori War events
1.4: [Long Game] I've been told that my king must meet someone. How
do I do
Don't worry. Everything will happen in the fullness of Time. Keep
reputation on top.
1.5: [Long Game] I've been told I must complete three tasks.
What do I do?
Save your game. Other than that, just wait for events to unfold.
KC: Taming a dragon, favour of the Brass Man and mating with
a mountain.
Section 2: Clan and Family
2.1: Who is.. clan chief:
The person in the left-most slot with the torc glyph. Duh. warleader:
The ring-member with the highest combat score.
Nobles who worship gods
of war may usurp this position from a more qualified ring-member. lawspeaker:
Similarly, for custom. Lhankor Mhy worshippers may take this
role in
preference to those with better custom scores. magician:
The ring member with the highest magic score. best poet:
The ring member with the highest average of leadership and custom. tribal king/queen:
The noble with the mastery glyph (W) on their picture.
You know, the clown
you spent all those cows on at the last moot. They don't have
to be on your
ring, but it is a good idea. Your tribal leader can also be you chief.
2.2: How do I get new nobles?
Wait for your old ones to die; youngsters will be along in a season or two.
This usually only happens for deaths due to old age, but rare events can
have this effect. There is a treasure that can help. An event can bring
you a
babe with Heroic potential, another, several new ring members (and a lot of
refugees). KC: Feed useless nobles to Cragspider or BeastValley/HorseSpawn.
2.3: How do I get a noble of a particular deity?
You cannot. There will tend to be more worshipers devoted to your main
god/ess, but nothing else affects the god's connection to their chosen.
are called to the gods, not the reverse. Divine choice is ineffible.
KC: Building Temple to specific gods might help. Kill off the unwanted.
2.4: The farmers/weponthanes hate me! Help!
Solve the immediate problem by gifting or feasting. In the longer term,
must change your behaviour. Farmers like peace and cows, weaponthanes
like to
prove their valour. No one likes losing battles. Some ancient treasures
help. Never give up Hope. Long lasting rifts can be healed by appealing
to the
gods, but have awful consequences if you fail.
KC: If everything's done right, the clan might have grown too large.
Splitting the clan is perfectly acceptable, in fact.. normally expected.
2.5: Kids, don't have enough! The clan is dying!
Your casualty rate is higher than your growth rate. Stop fighting if
or fight more defensively. Recruit more farmers, take in strays, as
they come
your way. Seek the blessings of Orlanth's mother, his wife and of the
white lady. Sacrifice magic for children at sacred time. Add more
mothers and
healers to your ring.
2.6: Kids, got too many! The tula is bursting at the seams!
You've just had a series of disasters that wiped out a lot of adults,
Try to reduce any further casualties. Fight defensively for a few years.
sure you can feed everyone. Barntar, Yinkin, Orlanth and Elmal can help,
Ernalda and Uralda are the most important. Wait for the kids to grow up.
KC: Don't put magic to children on Sacred Time. Fyrdwomen and Orlanth's
Section 3: Herds and Agriculture
3.1: I'm running out of food! Where shall I go? Whatever shall I do?
Speak with a Silver Tongue and ask for food. Trade for Spare Grain. Take it
with a red sword.
Pray for the blessings of Ernalda and her helpmeets: Orlanth, Elmal, Odayla
and, of course, her son Barntar. Make sure that you have enough cropland to
feed everyone. In bad years, grow more barley, in good, more wheat, in
desperation, more rye, but remember that the Earth wants to see all of her
children grow. Trinkets and gee-gaws can help, but to prosper, you
must travel
the Hidden Ways under the Earth and meet all of her faces. Follow
this advice
and you'll never go hungry again!
3.2: I'm running out of cows! Without cattle we will scatter to the
seven winds!
What must we do?
Orlanth bellows that violence is always an option. Your neighbours
cows can be
yours, if you are brave. If you are valourous and they are weak,
they may
offer you part of their herds for peace.
Ernalda whispers that there is always another way. Buy cows, sacrifice for
herd magic at sacred time, worship Uralda, beg favours, keep close the
Elmal holds that a strong stead is always wise. Keep land clear, defences
strong, the weponthanes on the boundaries and the fyrd large.
If all else fails, walk the forbidding god-path of Uralda.
3.3: I'm running out of sheep! What to do?
First, make sure that you are playing version 1.4 of the game or later.
Earlier versions had slower sheep herd growth. If you are still having
You've got more temples than your clan can support. Reduce their number.
your best traders out with large missions; they may trade for sheep on the
side. Cattle raids often get sheep, particularly if you're low. Spend
magic on
herds. Put a good Uraldan on the ring. Never, ever slaughter sheep for food.
3.4: On the picture of the tula (shown at sacred time), when moving the mouse
over the cows/sheep, the message that they are overcrowded and malnourished
appeared. The herder on the ring said they have enough land. What's going
It appears that your herder recommends only the bare minimum on which the
herds can survive. For them to thrive, you need to have more pasturage. Many
have found that at least half again what your herder tells you or even double
the minimum pasture is necessary.
Section 4: Trade and Diplomacy
4.1: What are the exchange rates of commodities?
The basic relationship appears to be:
1 horse= 4 cows
1 good= 1 cow*
2 food= 1 cow
*(however cows seem to be more desirable)
Barganing skill greatly affects trading, as do several blessings.
can also make your cows more valuble or generally improve trade
Also, some clans are just better at barganing than others. You won't
always be
the better Trader.
4.2: What is a small/average/enormous gift to another clan?
As a rule of thumb, 10 cows is miserly, 20 is customary, 30 cows is
Again, this is highly dependent on relative strengths of your clan and the
other, your leader's skill, active blessings, treasures and heroquests.
Treasures, even "worthless" ones, are highly thought of.
4.3: How big are gifts of magic and luck?
For favours between clans, 3 points is traditional, 2 points is a minor
and 4 points is a big favour. For cults, this may be different. Also, cults
may ask for repayment of many favours all at once, which can be quite
4.4: What is the base value for a treasure?
Your traders will tell you 50 cows, but in reality, whatever the market
bear. You might have to pay hundreds of cows for some and get thirty when
trying to sell.
4.5: I'm running out of silver!
The most dependable source of goods are your crafters and market. Emphasize
Issaries, increase the number of your trade routes. Increase the number of
crafters to the maximum and make sure they are using all the resources
found on your tula. Trade missions can help, but later in the game you
do need
to send a lot of them to make a difference. Horse trading seems to be
particularly lucrative, but pick your trading partners carefully before you
make the deal. Exploring can help a lot at the beginning of the game.
Of course, goods can be had immediately from other tulas. Following the
way of
Orlanth, you might take from those with plenty in your times of want.
it is the duty of a Just and Generous king to make sure everyone shares
4.6: How do I get more trade routes?
Have an Issaries Trader on your ring. Build temples for Issaries, the bigger
the better. Be on good relations with the potential partners. Leaving
unexploited resources on your tula also can result in trade, but this
may not
be the most profitable course.
4.7: A clan hates my guts! What can I do?
Well, that's what you get for raiding them last Storm. Many gifts may be
necessary. Several blessings, particularly those of Issaries and Lhankor Mhy
can help. The course of events often brings opportunities for reconcilliation.
Be generous in victory. If you are desparate, remember that everyone listens
to the Gods, especially Issaries and Chalana Arroy.
A truly wicked clan would seize their land and force them to move.
4.8: Everyone hates my guts! Help!
You can dig in and trust in the terrible and grim gods of death and hate or
you can travel the path of the trader and the sage. In dire straits,
the secret scar and the wisdom of the cows.
4.9: A Cult/Elder Race really hates my guts! What now?
Listen to them when they come to warn you of your bad behaviour. Conduct
yourself accordingly. Also, the talking god may be able to broker a truce.
Section 5: War
5.1: Neighbours keep sneaking off with my cows. What can I do?
Build a watchtower. Clear more land. Make sure that your weaponthanes aren't
slacking off. After missions, they will reduce their patrols, the lazy bums.
Check the raid screen after every raid or mission to reset the patrol levels.
5.2: Raids always catch me unaware. How can I prepare?
Form alliances with clans between yourself and the raiders. Often your allies
will give you enough warning to summon your thanes and the full fyrd. Tribe
members will also warn each other.
5.3: Can I seize land from a clan that is not a neighbour?
No, but if you seize a neighbour's lands, you get new neighbours...
Section 6: Exploration
6.1: I keep losing parties! Help!
From: "The Lonely Lozenge's tips for Dragon Pass":
Send a Vingan or a Trader. They just stir up trouble during planting
anyway. If you don't have any to spare, use an Odaylan.
Travel during a nice time of year: Sea or Fire.
Send a strong escort with your noble.
Use Vinga's Pathfinder blessing.
Travel slowly.
Explore the map gradually. Do not venture far into fields unknown.
Some areas of the map are more dangerous than others. Most of these are
towards the edges of the map.
A treasure can help.
Listen to your godi: don't explore when the omens for travel are bad.
Sometimes, even the biggest, most prepared parties go astray. I've lost a
party exploring my own tula! Exploring is the second most dangerous thing a
noble can do.
6.2: What should I explore?
Your Tula. Bit by bit, push back the boundaries of what you know. Your tula,
again. The gods will sometimes demand that you travel to specific
destinations. Piety demands that show them honour. Also, your tula.
Re-exploring areas, particularly named ones is often very fruitful. Finally,
remember to explore your tula.
Section 7: Magic
7.1: What's a good size for a sacrifice?
Listen to your ring! Your magician may have a suggestion or two.
7.2: I'm spending a lot on sacrifies but not getting any result. What's wrong?
It helps if you have a devotee of the god on your ring. Also, sacrifice for
mysteries during sacred time, if that's what you're after. As always, a
treasure or two can help.
All gods are not the same. Read their myths to know them. Bloodthirsty ones
like, well, blood, but peaceful ones prefer shiny things. I'm personally
convinced that the gray sage is a greedy old bugger too.
7.3: How do blessings work?
Blessings take effect immediately. If you sacrifice for the blessing, it
five seasons, a full year. Also, a little brazier icon appears next to the
blessing on the sacrifice screen as a reminder of the sacrifice.
A temple blessing is permanent, as long as the structure is maintained.
An active blessing glows blue on the clan rock on the appropriate screen.
Also, the button to select an active blessing is grayed-out on the sacrifice
7.4: How do I change the blessings given by my shrines and temples?
Select the appropriate god/ess on the magic screen. Click on the box beside
the blessing you wish to remove. The x in the box should vanish. Now,
click on
the blessing you want to have running. An x should appear in the box beside
the new blessing. This does not count as an action. Note that you can
only do
this for blessings provided by shrines and temples. You cannot switch
blessings for which you have sacrificed directly.
7.5: How does Maran Gor's blessing work?
The terrible hag of the dark earth cares only about blood, not from
whom it
comes. The greater the numbers of your tribe or your enemies that die on
fields, the better your crops will be the next Earth season as long as
Earthblood is active at the time of the battle. The blessing need not be
active during the next Earth season.
7.6: I can't build a shrine to my favorite God! What's going on?
First, make sure that you have sacrificed for mysteries. You cannot build
unless your god-talkers know a blessing for each level of temple, i.e.,
shrines, one blessing is needed, for temples, two, and for great temples,
Next, check that you have enough trade goods. Shrines cost 10 goods,
50, Great Temples, 100. If you don't have the dosh, you don't get the
Finally, some Gods are better than other Gods. That is, many Gods only can
have a shrine, some a temple and some a great temple.
The list is:
Shrine:Ancestors, Barntar, Maran Gor, Vinga
Temple:Chalana Arroy, Odayla, Uralda, Urox
Great Temple:Elmal, Ernalda, Humakt, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Orlanth
Note that there are also some gods and spirits which can be found during
These entities can only have a shrine built for them.
7.7: I can't build any more temples! I don't have enough worshippers. How
do I
solve this?
Focus your worship. Choose the blessings you want and destroy or reduce
temples you don't need. Take in more clansfolk. Make allies, friends, and
trading partners. Form a tribe.
7.8: I'm having trouble doing heroquests. What should I do?
From "Learn HeroQuesting in just 21 Days!", Lhaura Lhemay, Whitewall Press,
1215 A.S.:
Follow the footsteps of your God. The old paths are the best.
Myths have secrets and deeper secrets. Learn them both. Heroquesting
with partial knowledge is for the desperate or foolhardy.
A careful quester can minimize risk, particulary in combat. Be warned
that this may reduce the effectiveness of the quest.
Wait a couple of years. Questing too soon after your last attempt
greatly reduces your chances. Your ring will tell you when it's safe.
Choose your leader wisely. Match skills with activities in the quest.
Magic is an important skill, but others are often critical for sucess.
The default noble is not always best.
Direct worshipers have the best chances. Remember that Vingans count
Have lots of supporters. Questing with tribal support is much easier.
Some treasures can help.
However, even the best prepared will often go astray. Heroquesting is the
dangerous thing a person can do. Even if the quest is sucessful, your hero
be scarred beyond all healing (i.e. lose abilities).
7.9: One of my ring says that I've performed so many heroquests, but I know
done many more. What gives?
Your magician is counting the number of different heroquests you have done.
Doing the same one over and over does not count for the victory conditions.
Also, the count of heroquests resets to zero when you form a tribe and
elect a
Section 8: The Path of Imminent Mastery
Read past this point at your own peril! Spoilers Abound!
Some secrets mortals are not meant to know, and Arachne Solara intends to
it that way. Beware those who bring Gifts of bad knowledge.
8.1: What effects do the various traditional enemies have?
You will always win luck and magic for defeating your traditional enemies.
Making peace with them will be difficult and annoy your ancestors.
There are several families of Dark Men in Dragon Pass, which the
tracks just as it does the other clans. They are all your enemies.
there is one area of the map you should definitely avoid. Several
treasures can greatly help you.
KC: Advantage - Dark season raids for feeding Earthblood. Iron Spike.
Disadvantage - One word.. Cragspider.
The Aldryami are phantoms, never coming to grips with your forces.
are guerillas in the mists that wreath the Quivin. Thay can call on
father Flamal, parent of all green things, to devastate your harvests.
KC: Advantage - Necklace of Axes for magic boon.
Disadvantage - Ernalda HQ problems. Forest enroaching farm event.
The Winter Tribe of Valind:
Winter storms are fierce, but you can win luck fighting them. You
can get tribal magic by raiding during Dark Season, but 'ware lest ye
fail. This is possibly the easiest choice for a beginner.
KC: Advantage - Raiding at Dark season and add to magic.
Disadvantage - Lose magic if failed on raiding at Dark season.
Basmoli Beastmen:
You will shortly find some unfriendly neighbours with some very
powerful friends. They may look comical, but beware, beware the
Ducks of Death! There is an area of the map you should stay away from.
KC: Advantage - Won magic if successfully beaten beastfolks raid.
Disadvantage - Ducks of Death. Ironhoof.
Tada the Green:
The nomads of eastern Prax will harry your steads, much like the
horsepeople of the west. You can take the fight to them, but they have
strong magic which can scour your tula and kill ring members. Towards
end of the long game, great help can come from humble beginnings.
KC: Advantage - Raids by Praxian, add magic if won.
Disadvantage - Can't hire Prax raiders.
The Salty Sea:
Floods, wiping out crops and drowning your people and herds will
be a
constant problem.
KC: Advantage - Salmon Man. Chance to improve relations post floods.
Disadvantage - Flooding of tula a bit costly.
8.2: What are the effects of our relationship with the Dragons?
In play, this affects your dealings with draconic species: the dragonewts,
thunderbeasts, wyrms, magisaurs and dream dragons. You win tribal magic by
following the ways of your forebearers and may suffer for choosing
8.3: How big should our tula be?
Choosing the smallest tula makes life difficult as the clan expands, but
it is
easiest to defend. The reverse is true of the larger tulas. The choice is
irrevocable; you can lose and gain land during play.
8.4: Which shrines should I build?
This varies so widely with play style that it impossible to give one answer.
However, most agree that building a Barntar shrine (with either of Vigour or
Plowsong) is important. A shrine to Chalana Arroy is critical too, for
healing or curing, as the need arises. Finally, having at least a shrine to
Uralda with Calf Blessing is also very important to long term survival.
Later in the game, the fell gods of war and death and the talking gods will
become very important.
8.5: OK, spoil me. Where should we explore first?
It is probably best to vist the Quivin mountains first to the south-east of
your tula (marked on the map as Mt. Quivin), and next the Dragonewt wilds a
short distance into the unexplored area to the north-west. Your first
visit to
the utter west can also be very profitable but is extremely dangerous.
forget your own tula too.
8.6: What does that crazy reptile want with its questions about what we
think is
What happens after it leaves? The gift will eventually lead to an important
choice. Think well on your answer to its question and you may be be
rewarded. The reptile is a magisaur by the way, not a 'newt.
KC: From experience.. Defense works best.
8.7: What do all the treasures do? How do I find them all?
The link ( seems to be gone. But
I will
post the list that I have, once I converted the html into a text file.
One is treasures' description, the other is where and how to get the
Section 9: Extras
9.1: How can I see my tula's bounaries?
On the exploration (map) screen, press 'm'.
9.2: Easter Eggs?
On the first screen of the game, press 'o' (for Opal, the game's code name
during development). This will appear to start the tutorial, but, in
fact, is
a different game.
According to David Dunham, the producer, The pictures of the starting
are those of the development team, others are among the available
leaders, and
another makes an appearance within a few seasons.
The Opal ring is (left to right):
David Dunham
Elise Bowditch
Stefano Gaudiano
Shawn Steele
Brian Fogel
Greg Stafford
Stan LePard
Robin D. Laws shows up in a season or two as a trader.
9.3: How do I make a screen shot? I'd like to frame a picture of my new
Yes, you can satisfy your royal decorating urges.
On a PC, press the 'Print Screen' key. A bitmap of the current screen
will be
copied to your clipboard, which you can paste into the windows Paint
On a Mac, Command+Shift+Control+3 does the same thing, however,
Command+Shift+3 (whole screen) or Command+Shift+4 (selected area)
saves to a
PICT file, which may be more useful.
9.4: What are the addresses of other KoDP web sites?
The website of A Sharp is:
Oliver Bernuetz's fan site:
and his great compilation of Glorantha stories:
Bryan Maloney's fan site:
There are two forum for discussion of the game;
Aaron Bubnick's Web-based forum:
and, of course, Jeff Kyer's mailing list at Yahoogroups:
The world of Glorantha has hundreds of websites devoted to it. The main
Issaries site for Glorantha is:
A good index of the fan sites is at:
There is also an active (some would say hyper-active) Gloranthan mailing
You can subscribe to it in digest form (highly recomended) by sending
"subscribe glorantha-digest" in the body of a message
KentCave's KoDP's fans misc files repository:
Worth mentioning links:
9.5: The CD is slow. How can I speed up the game?
For Windows 95/98 systems: (Disk space needed: approx. 480MB)
Do a full install of the game.
Install any updates.
Move the Opal and mt directories to the root of the drive you
the game on.
Move KODP4922.mxx and KODP4923.mxx from the root directory of the
CD to
the root of the hard drive.
Rename the hard drive to KoDP (using that capilization). Under
open the Drive Properties and change the Volume Label.
Start the game either from the Start menu or the desktop icon (i.e.
from the CD autostart screen).
You need the KoDP CD in the drive to start the game, but all the
will load from the hard drive rather than the CD.
To uninstall the game, you will need to reverse this recipe, deleting
the two
.mxx files by hand and moving the Opal and mt directories back under
the game
Section 10: Miscellaneous Contributions
King of Dragon Pass is available for only US$19.95, from A Sharp. This offer
correct on 16 Jan 2003. T-shirts, sweatshirts, calendars, tile-coasters,
lunch-boxes, mugs, and mouse pads featuring some of our award-winning art are
also available for purchase at and/or
KC: I highly recommends the personal favourite.. map of KoDP mousepad!
King of Dragon Pass won three Best of Glorantha awards:
Best of the Best, Best Visual Art, and Best Playing Aid.
King of Dragon Pass won the award for Best Visual Arts at the second annual
Independent Games Festival, and was nominated for an Origins Award.
Below are various tips and spoilers. "You" have been warned. Enjoy.
Relevant information will be added once I received it from the rest of you
folks, so keep it coming. By the way, feel free to start another FAQ, dealing
with same questions or specific section of the game, if you don't want to
this one. I myself have a separate FAQ dealing with Treasure-seeking Quest,
can be easily combined to this FAQ, but I just want to promote more folks to
KoDP, no matter how insignificant it might seems.
@May Sheng Seleris guide my expansion campaign.
Clan-Making Choices Tips
by Mike Dorn
Earliest Event Leader Improvements Specific Blessing
Battle of Xtinguish Field Combat Orlanth-Thunderstone
Hundred-Day Hunt Animal,Combat,Plant Odayla-Friend Yinkin/Tracking
Jested's Settlement Bargaining Issaries-Bargaining
Procession of Animals Animal Uralda-Calf Blessing
Barntar Harnessing Oxen Plant Barntar-Plowsong
Ernalda- Hidden Place Magic Ernalda-Bless Children
Lhankor Mhy- Marking Bone Custom Lhankor Mhy-Literacy
The First Pot +5Craftsman-5Farmers Ernalda-Preserve
Clan-Making Dance Leadership Know Making Storm Tribe Myth
HeroQuests Mythical Routes
by KentCave
*Geez, some people might appreciate this seemingly impossible-undertaking!
Chalana Arroy Heals the Scars
2. Heal them, then go to heal the wounded storm people
1. Heal his blindness, so that he joins the storm people
1. Heal his need to fight
4. Learn the secret of fighting without hurting
1. .. throws herself between the two combatants
1. Learn the secret of winning without making the other person lose
1. Heal the scar of certitude under Humakt's tounge
Elmal Guard the Steads
7. Thrust your spear into its eye
3. Let it step on you, in order to gain leverage to throw it far away
3. Give of your tears
2. Chop at her legs
2. Club her about the heads
3. Give of your tears
6. Throw your spear into his ghastly mouth
1. Burn him with your brightness
4. Orlanth did not steal my pride. He awakened it
2/3/4 except 1/5 will do
3. Offer it your soul in the form of a fine stallion
3. Promise to serve chaos
Ernalda Feeds the Tribe
5. Suffer Daga's blows
1. Convince them you are no traitor
5. "Without Barntar to plow the lands, there will be no reason to fight."
2. "Esra and Uralda will disturb things here, making life where there should
be death."
1. "I myself will come to the place of the dead, and you will seek to avenge
Humakt the Champion
5. Taunt Eurmal so he attacks you, then wrestle the sword from him
3. "I must absolve my king of the heinous acts I will now do."
6. "You will rule over many things, but you will never rule Death."
7. "The protections of your clan means nothing; many of your kin will soon
6. "Your raid against the Emperor is doomed without my help."
1. Dispatch them all to hell, with or without Orlanth's help
Issaries the Conciliator
4. "People are not trading fairly."
3. Let Storm Bull fight alone
6. Go to the Long-Noses, so long as Storm Bull follows
1. Go immediately to talk to the Big-Teeth
1. Ask the Knowing-God for help
2. "The Long-Noses must accept that some of them will be eaten."
1. "The Big-Teeth must only attack weak and sick Long-Noses."
1. Offer to trade treasures
Lhankor Mhy Finds the Truth
3. Let Storm Bull fight alone
6. Try to win one contest and lose another
3. "Without the truth, there can be no trade."
1. "Why did you do that?"
4. Put a leather sheet over your head and think
1. Answer his question
The Making of the Storm Tribe
1. Catch the Doubting Wheel in a net
1. Fight both of them
4. Recite a poem to the cube
1. A poem about square things becoming round
2. "I challenge you to a contest of strength."
3. Wait for Ernalda to bring tribal regalia
2. Direct the others to fight the Night Tribe
Orlanth and Aroka
1. "..I will drive him off or kill him."
4. Take a few blows from Daga, then flee
1. Beat the enemies, and take something from each one
2. Seduce
2. "Storm Bulls can come in handy sometimes. Follow me!"
1. Do as Storm Bull says
Uralda's Blessing
3. Find a high place and watch the two-legs when they leave
1. Suffer the attack
1. Suffer the attack
1. Suffer the attack
4. Make the secret sign to Ernalda
1. from a cave
1. Ignore the bulls. Bring the cows with you, and the bulls will follow
1. "A little lost blood is nothing, when there is life to be given."
Treasure Quest
80% completed 98/120
? - Unsure
! - Confirm
() - Contributors
Alynx Log --------------------- !exploring beastvalley (macleod)
Amulet of Consolation - !traders fair event
Arim's Cup -------------------- !exploring Tarsh
Bag of Friendship ------------- ?
Bag of Winds - !Orlanth Aroka HQ
Bagpipes of Ronskei ------------!random exploring
Band of One Hundred - ? HQ
Beard of Lhankor Mhy ---------- ? trading mission
Bell of Uralda - !chaos walktapus event
Bit of Kargzant --------------- ? HQ
Bit That Bound Vivamort - !Heortling duel event
Blacktail the Bull ------------ !starting treasure
Black Spear - !tribe split event
Board of Nails ---------------- !Issaries HQ
Bullroarer - !random exploring
Burning Standard -------------- !random exploring
Captured Spirit --------------- !girl spirit event
Clay Cow - !Uralda HQ
Darkwind ---------------------- !Orlanth Aroka HQ
Dragon Cart - !digging tula event
Dragonewt Armor --------------- !dragonewt corpse event
Dragontooth Spear - ?
Dwarf Containers -------------- !neighbour traders event
Earthshaker Battle Unit ------- !magisaur event
Earthshaker Plow Team - !magisaur event
Eiritha's Paps ---------------- !exploring Prax (Herve)
Eiritha's Switch - !exploring Prax (Herve)
Elmal's Amber ----------------- !random exploring
Ernalda's Boots - ? trading mission
Ernalda's Oven ---------------- !Issaries trader event
Esra's Basket - !thieves couple event (NWind)
Eurmal's Balls ---------------- !trading mission
Eurmal's Shield - !trading mission
Eye Mirror -------------------- !adventurers party event
Farwalk Sandals --------------- !thieves couple event (NWind)
Fear Spirits - !random exploring
First Arrow ------------------- !trading mission
Flesh Man - !trading mission
Footprints of the Wyrm -------- ?
Full Grown Son of Blacktail - !Morgrim Stout event (BThexton)
Garland of Reeds -------------- !chaos walktapus event
Glass Coin - ?
Godbone ----------------------- !adventurers party event
Goldeneye Horse - !HSpawn exploring event
Golden Horseshoes ------------- ?
Golden Wheat Sheaf - ?
Grey Net ---------------------- !random exploring
Greysage Mask - !trading mission
Gustbran's Wheel -------------- !HQ smith event
Hammer of Urox ---------------- !exploring Prax
Hate Torch - ? trading mission
Head of Markanth -------------- !random exploring
Helm of Karse - !Heortling duel event
Heort's Balm ------------------ !clan joining tribe event
Heort's Stone - !trading mission
Horse Skull ------------------- !market death event
Horse-Spawn Bowl - ?
Humakt's Helm ----------------- !Humakt HQ
Humakt's Shield - !Humakt HQ
Humakt's Sword ---------------- !Humakt HQ
Humakt's Warning Rune - !Humakt HQ
Humakt's Raven Banner --------- !exploring Quivin
Hunting Alynx - !chaos walktapus event
Hunting Horn ------------------ !Derik Furman event
Ironhoof's Chain -------------- ?
Iron Plow - !trading mission
Iron Spike -------------------- !Holy Country event
Jar of Gods' Earth ------------ !Ernalda HQ
Kero Fin Ice ------------------ !rare ice event
Kero Fin Kite - !trading mission
Klanth of Orlanth ------------- !Orlanth Aroka HQ
Lead Eyes --------------------- !shetroll warrior event (Joerg)
Magnet of Mostal -------------- !Mostali trading event
Many-Birthing Cow - !Uralda HQ
Mist Paper -------------------- ? random exploring
Moldy Book - !rare book event (BThexton)
Motion Rune Banner ------------ !trickster moot event
Necklace of Axes -------------- !Dwarf Emissary event (Joerg)
Orlanth's Rattle -------------- !trading mission
Perpetual Flour --------------- !traders fair event
Poem Which Must Be Eaten - !traders fair event
Quivin's Torc ----------------- !trading mission
Ralian Jewelry ---------------- !Ralios KeroFin event
Red Leather Mask - !adventurers party event
Ring Made From Vingkot Crown - ?
Sacred Clod ------------------- !Maran Gor event
Sacred Mark of Vingkot - !Heortling duel event
Scarf of Seven Runes ---------- !trading mission
Shifting Statue - !trading mission
Shimmering Cloak -------------- !adventurers party event
Silver Dragon - !dragonnewt wildlands event
Silver Lips of Anriar --------- !trading mission
Silver Sheep - !Humakt HQ
Silver Tongue ----------------- !trading mission
Son of Blacktail - !Morgrim Stout event (BThexton)
Sorcerous Implements ---------- !3 sorcerers event
Speaking Cone - ?
Spirit Fetch ------------------ !shaman market event
Splendorbread - !Orlanth Aroka HQ
Staff of Fortune -------------- ?
Strong Man's Toothpick - !trading mission
Tarshite Woad ----------------- !exploring Tarsh
Thanestriker - !Morgrim Stout event (NWind)
Three Bean Broth -------------- !chaos walktapus event
Tiger's Eye Necklace - !Issaries HQ
Torc of Honor ----------------- ?
Tornado Rope - !Issaries trader event
Tube of Truth-Seeking --------- !Dwarf Emissary event
Uralda's Milk Pot ------------- ?
Vargast's Ring ---------------- !trading mission
Veil of Chalana Arroy - !exploring Tarsh
Vinga's Comb ------------------ !trading mission
Voriof's Flute - !trading mission
Voss Varainu Tapestry --------- ?
Whirlwind Jar ----------------- !Issaries trader event
White Calf - !clan cow event
Widebrew ---------------------- !Orlanth Aroka HQ
Winking Sapphire - !thieves couple event
Wolfbane Bush ----------------- ?
Wyter's Staff - ?
Compiled by a fan for the fans.
"You're mine, woman. And soon I will be riding you."
King of Dragon Pass - Treasures' Description FAQ
credited to Oliver Bernuetz
aided by David Dunham
Alynx Log
Helps our sheep live longer
Amulet of Consolation
Helps the ring appease outsiders without angering our own people
Arim's Cup
A splendid cup, made for the King of Tarsh
Bag of Friendship
Makes feuds harder to start
Bag of Winds
Helps drive off foes when we're raided
Bagpipes of Ronskei
Scares off trollkin in battle
Band of One Hundred
Helps our warriors, leaders, god-talkers, hunters, and farmers in a
hundred ways
Beard of Lhankor Mhy
Improves our knowledge of precedents
Bell of Uralda
Improves our luck during Earth Season
Bit of Kargzant
Helps organize the tribe
Bit That Bound Vivamort
Repels the forces of Chaos
Blacktail the Bull
A really fine bull, who sires more calves than normal
Black Spear
A mighty artifact which improves the clan's martial abilities
Board of Nails
Helps keep our farmers from becoming too unhappy
Frightens horses
Burning Standard
Helps our warriors maneuver more effectively
Captured Spirit
Helps to perform rituals
Clay Cow
Keeps our cattle herds from becoming too small
Prevents enemies from eluding our warriors in battle
Dragon Cart
An antique cart, dating from the Dragon Empire
Dragonewt Armor
Whoever wears it excels at all things
Dragontooth Spear
Helps bypass fortifications and defenses
Dwarf Containers
Mysterious metal cylinders from the dwarfs
Earthshaker Battle Unit
Helps in raids
Eiritha's Paps
Helps calm affronted people
Eiritha's Switch
Helps convince bull-headed people
Elmal's Amber
Turns our slings and arrows into flaming missiles
Ernalda's Boots
Magic boots that grant wisdom to certain clan members
Ernalda's Oven
Bakes bread with less grain than usual
Esra's Basket
Increases the yield of barley
Eurmal's Balls
Juggling balls that increase our magic if we have a Trickster on the clan
Eurmal's Shield
A brightly polished shield that helps us in battle, if a Trickster's on
the ring
Eye Mirror
Improves the effectiveness of our patrols
Farwalk Sandals
Tough old sandals that increase clan magic when we take them exploring
Fear Spirits
When released, causes the enemy to flee in terror
First Arrow
A flint arrowhead with great hunting powers if Odayla is on the clan ring
Flesh Man
A strange little puppet that helps Chalana Arroy resurrect the dead
Footprints of the Wyrm Helps us explore
Full Grown Son of Blacktail
A really fine bull, even more potent than his sire
Garland of Reeds
Indicates our friendship with the Aldryami
Glass Coin
Helps us see through the bargaining tricks of others
Bone-shaped piece of bronze, dating from the Gods War
Goldeneye Horse
A splendid horse which helps us maneuver in battle
Golden Horseshoes
Helps with heroquesting, especially "Elmal Guards the Stead"
Golden Wheat Sheaf
Assists with the plant lore of our farmers and healers
Grey Net
Helps us take captives in battle
Greysage Mask
A leather mask from the Knowing God that grants certain clan members wisdom
Gustbran's Wheel
Reduces the time needed for exploration
Hammer of Urox
Helps us smite Chaos
Hate Torch
An ever-burning magic torch that grants certain clan members cunning and
Head of Markanth
Our ancestor's skull, which can terrify our foes in battle
Helm of Karse
Improves the morale of our weaponthanes
Heort's Balm
Turns the clan ring's practice of the law into magic for our herds
Heort's Stone
A magic stone that helps us heroquest when we are in desperate straits
Horse Skull
An item of prophecy
Horse-Spawn Bowl
Helps with many of our magic rituals
Humakt's Helm
Decreases the amount you need to sacrifice to Humakt
Humakt's Raven Banner
Wins a battle, but the standard-bearer dies
Humakt's Shield
Aids our fortifications
Humakt's Sword
Strengthens our Humakti when our battle goal is death
Humakt's Warning Rune
Warns against the Undead
Hunting Alynx
Aids us in all forms of hunting
Hunting Horn
Helps when searching for something
Ironhoof's Chain
Helps maintain good relations with the king
Iron Plow
An amazing plow that helps our farmers if Barntar is on the clan ring
Iron Spike
Helps us as long as we oppose the trolls
Jar of Gods' Earth
Allows one successful sacrifice each year at Ernalda's shrine
Kero Fin Ice
Reduces food spoilage
Kero Fin Kite
A magic kite that flies above our tula, helping sacrifices reach the gods
Klanth of Orlanth
Strengthens warriors when they charge into battle
Lead Eyes
Warriors who die in battle strengthen clan magic
Magnet of Mostal
Dampens the effects of random chanc
Many-Birthing Cow
Keeps our cattle herds from becoming disastrously small
Mist Paper
When burned, creates obscuring mists
Moldy Book
Helps us compose poetry
Motion Rune Banner
An item of prophecy
Necklace of Axes
Helps those who hate the elves
Orlanth's Rattle
Helps some of our children grow up faster and become mighty warriors
Perpetual Flour
Provides food for two families each year
Poem Which Be Eaten
Helps in political situation
Quivin's Torc
A flowing gold torc that grants certain clan members great insights
Ralian Jewelry
Valuable, exotic jewelry
Red Leather Mask
Helps overcome skepticism
Ring Made From Vingkot
Improves our leadership abilities
Sacred Clod
Powerful weapon in tribal or royal battle, but friends are as frightened as
Sacred Mark of Vingkot
Designated character gains +1 bonus to Combat rating
Scarf of Seven Runes
A magic scarf that helps us when we heroquest to the Lightbringers
Shifting Statue
A magic statue that keeps everyone amused by changing shape each season
Shimmering Cloak
Helps us evade our foes in battle
Silver Dragon
A mysterious statue from a dragonewt temple
Silver Lips of Anriar
Helps overcome reluctance
Silver Sheep
Gives our sheep more valuable wool
Silver Tongue
An ancient god-part that makes it easy to maintain a Great Temple to Issaries
Son of Blacktail
A really fine young bull, not yet old enough to sire calves
Sorcerous Implements
Humming items from the sorcerors
Speaking Cone
Helps us contact the gods
Spirit Fetch
Reduces our expenditure of magic
Adds to our magic each harvest time
Staff of Fortune
Amplifies the effects of chance
Strong Man's Toothpick
An ancient log which gives certain clan members strength and resolution
Tarshite Woad
Helps us burn enemy steads
Gives one of our best warriors the strength of three men
Three Bean Broth
Helps us bargain
Tiger's Eye Necklace
Helps us track things down and find them
Torc of Honor
Other clans think more highly of us
Tornado Rope
Untie the knot in battle to unleash a killing storm
Triceratops Plow Team
Increases clan magic during planting season
Tube of Truth-Seeking
Helps discern the truth
Uralda's Milk Pot
Helps with animal husbandry
Vargast's Ring
Keeps our warriors happy, making it easier to recruit weaponthanes
Veil of Chalana Arroy
Helps calm vengeful people
Vinga's Comb
A mighty sword - if Vinga is on the clan ring, Vingans and Orlanthi gain
Voriof's Flute
The Shepherd God's toy gives certain clan members special daring and prowess
Voss Varainu Tapestry
Ancient tapestry with draconic motifs, but no magical qualities
Whirlwind Jar
Break the jar in battle to unleash a killing storm
White Calf
Increases the fertility of our herds
Gives us berserker fury when we aim to kill as many enemies as possible
Winking Sapphire
A splendid jewel, with no magical qualities
Wolfbane Bush
Keeps the Telmori werewolves away
Wyter's Staff
Helps our reputation for justice and good judgement
*Regarding exploration - from A Sharp
Depending on random setup, your clan's tula may be concave: shaped like a
'C' or 'U'.
When the exploration '+' is placed at the center of your tula, it may not
your land. You may need to reposition the '+' slightly to explore your tula.
*Regarding patches - from A Sharp
Since the original 1.0 release, we found a few small bugs and typos. Version
fixes these. We also improved some of the advice, and adjusted the difficulty
the Average and Hard games. We recommend updating to 1.7 for a more enjoyable
If you're running an earlier version of King of Dragon Pass, you should
the 1.7 update. You can tell which version you're running by running the game
checking the version number in the Game Controls dialog. If it says "v1.6" or
earlier then you should install the update.
If you don't have the disk space to install, you can continue to run from the
but you may experience small glitches in a few circumstances.
In order to install the update, you must first install the game to your hard
This requires about 42 megabytes of free space. (You will still need to have
CD in the drive, but the game will run faster.)
To install the update, replace the files "scenes.dat" and "Opal.r32" with the
copies in the update. "scenes.dat" goes into the "Opal" folder, and "Opal.r32"
goes into the "mPlugins" folder inside the "mt" folder.
When you next run King of Dragon Pass, it should show "v1.7" in the Game
If you have any difficulties updating, e-mail us at .
Fixed in 1.2 update
Shortened description of Great Temples in Tula screen
Fixed repeat text in tribute scene, and fixed typo
Fixed recommendation in R116
Fixed grammar when clan stops tribute
Fixed grammar in "Ditch War"
Issaries quest can prevent Humakti ambush
Improved handling of running out of treasures to trade for
Fixed dwarf trader feedback if you don't have Trickster on ring
Fixed formula in Humakti ambush
Fixed in 1.3 update
Handle no tribes having kings/queens in endgame
Text changes, check for Thadart's family in final scene of sequence
Tweaked conditions for gift-giving feedback
Prevent huge magic when sacrificing for town
Don't crash if every clan likes you
Changed conditions for news about victory
Added saga to final victory scenes
Fixed logic so Horse-Spawn News doesn't happen after FHQ
No Telmori raid after R390
Fixed in 1.4 update
Orlanth and Aroka heroquest doesn't eliminate Combat ability
Fixed bug when clan comes offering tribute
Determination of seven deities works even when a ring member is absent during
Fixed problem sacrificing after Kallyr's heroic expedition
Fixed Kallyr's face when she gets old (as a hero, she doesn't age like normal
Fixed bug where the game can go on forever after failure to reconcile two kings
Mention the manual in a Tutorial game
Fixed carl morale loss when you pay tribute to Cragspider
Shamans don't ask for negative payment when undead aren't threatening
Increased rate of sheep growth
Handle symptoms of an unidentified bug that could cause a crash
Fixed in 1.5 update
Fixed problems relating to defeated clans offering tribute [3080, 3101]
Added explanatory text if we can't seize land [3085]
Fixed bug in one branch of seducing poet sequence [3098]
Orlanth worshippers don't lose abilities after sacrificing to wind spirits
High population no longer shows "ghost temples" on Tula Screen [3100]
Joining Colymar tribe no longer prevents victory [3105]
Kallyr won't have a daughter [3107]
Heroquesters who return from being lost won't be considered dead [3108]
Fixed in 1.6 update
Don't give Sacred Time advice to allocate 0 magic to children [3114]
Prevent a negative number of horses [3116]
Re-exploring Dwarf Valley won't always give the same results [3117]
Fixed an inconsistency involving the Sacred Clod treasure [3118]
Prevent integer overflow for food, pigs [3119, 3125]
Fixed exploration of Dragonewt Wildlands [3122]
Fixed problem when Ernalda priestess demand the return of their treasure [3124]
Trolls won't ransom trollkin [3126]
Fixed possible crash involving the Black Spear [3129]
The Making of the Storm Tribe heroquest, used to improve the mood of the tribe,
now adjusts some of the political relationships between clan [3130]
Fixed possible crash when you drive a clan from its tula [3131]
Jealous king scene won't show up when there's no tribe [3132]
Fixed in 1.7 update
Fixed problem where no children were born [3138]
Fixed possible crash sacrificing to Vinga in a scene [3136]
Fixed sacrifice results after learning of Orlkensor's fate [3139]
Losing wildlands because you split the clan won't annoy the fox [3140]
Fixed rare bug if cursed skirt appears early [3088]
Well.. that's all folks, for now.
Please do send critiques, flames, spelling/grammar/format corrections,
suggestions, contributions, questions, clan sagas, tips and cheats to the
message section of :
Files and comments received will be made available in the message and file
sections, appropriately.Feel free to savour the rare treasures currently
at that repository of knowledge. The StarFire save file (credited to
especially would aid greatly in any endeavours. It has modified stats for
the nobles, heaps of resources and all blessings activated. I was having
problems testing the HQ for Elmal,Uralda and Orlanth's Quests for this FAQ
I recalled that superb cheat saved-game, DOH! Thanks Gid/hollc!!!