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Katydud and Ant Tips & Tricks |
Tags: Katydud and Ant Game Guides, Katydud and Ant Hints, Katydud and Ant Walkthrough |
Katydud and Ant
-get the cheese on the plate.
-get the clock which snail brings.
-give the cheese to the mouse.
-click the mose and then click the 3rd rope of the ladder to climb.
-get the carpenter tool.
-give it to the carpenter next to the wood and have a violin.
-give the violin to the grasshopper and get a painting tube.
-give it to the artist and get his shoes.
-give the shoes to the rabbit to jump.
-get the log.
-give the log to the fishing bird and get a duck.
-turn back to the artist and get the screwdriver he draw on the
painting stand.
-get the battery from the duck with the screwdriver.
-put battery in the clock.
-click the clock to the sleeping bear.
-he will wake up.
-get the candy.
-give the candy to the mother ant, to feed her children.
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