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Habbo Hotel
Change Sticky Colors (You Must Have Rights For This Hack To Work)
1. Click On The Sticky That You Want To Change, and make it green
2. Open art money and click search
3. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text
4. Search 9CFF9C and when the values come up click the green arrow
5. Right Click On The First Value and Press Select All. Then Right Click Again,
and Press Set Value
6. Change it to any color you want, Below are some common colors
Blue = 0000FF Black = 000000 Red = FF0000 White= FFFFFF
(Scroll down to the bottom for more colors)
7. Reload the room, and if done right, then the sticky should of changed to the
color that you wanted it to change to.
Make Walls Disappear (CLIENT SIDE)
1. Go into a private room
2. Open art money and click search
3. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text ( i knoe that other sites say
to put ALL, but i think that Text works better, if you want, then Put ALL,
cuz i dunn really care...)
4. Search twall and when the values come up click the green arrow
5. Right Click On The First Value and Press Select All. Then Right Click Again,
and Press Set Value
6. Change it to 12345
7. Reload the room, and if done right, some/all walls should of disappeared
Rename Drink
1. Go Into a room and get a drink
2. Open art money and click search
3. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text ( i knoe that other sites say to put ALL,
but i think that Text works better, if you want, then Put ALL, cuz i dunn really care)
4. Search the name of the drink (eg. if you have tea then search tea) and when the values
come up click the green arrow
5. Right Click On The First Value and Press Select All. Then Right Click Again, and Press
Set Value
6. Change it to anything with the same amount of letters (eg. blue_juice, i would change
it to shit_juice)
7. Now click on yourself, if done right, your drink will have the name you gave it
Rename Furni
1. Go Into a room and click on a piece of furni
2. Open art money and click search
3. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text ( i knoe that other sites say to put ALL,
but i think that Text works better, if you want, then Put ALL, cuz i dunn really care...)
4. Search the name of the drink (eg. if you clicked on mode bar then search desk) and when
the values come up click the green arrow
5. Right Click On The First Value and Press Select All. Then Right Click Again, and Press
Set Value
6. Change it to anything with the same amount of letters (eg. desk , i would change it to shit)
7. Now click on the furni u renamed, if done right, your furni will have the name you gave it
Head Follows You (CLIENT SIDE)
1. Go into a private room
2. Open art money and click search
3. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text ( i knoe that other sites say to put ALL,
but i think that Text works better, if you want, then Put ALL, cuz i dunn really care...)
4. Search wlk
5. Right Click On The First Value and Press Select All. Then Right Click Again, and Press
Set Value
6. Change it to lay
7. Reload the room, and your head, and everyone else's head should follow you/them around
the room
Hair Color Hack (CLIENT SIDE)
1. Goto your Habbo ID
2. Open art money and click search
3. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text ( i knoe that other sites say to put ALL,
but i think that Text works better, if you want, then Put ALL, cuz i dunn really care...)
4. Search C8D2E6 or E0BA78
5. Right Click On The First Value and Press Select All. Then Right Click Again, and Press
Set Value
6. Change it to the color of hair that u want. Here are some Common Colors:
Blue = 0000FF Black = 000000 Red = FF0000 White= FFFFFF
(Scroll down to the bottom for more colors)
7. Click on the opposite sex (eg. if your a boy click a girl, and vice-verca) and back on
the sex you were before
8. Scroll thru the hair colors until you find the color u wanted
1. Goto your Habbo ID
2. Open art money and click search
3. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text ( i knoe that other sites say to put ALL,
but i think that Text works better, if you want, then Put ALL, cuz i dunn really care...)
4. Search FFCC99
5. Right Click On The First Value and Press Select All. Then Right Click Again, and Press
Set Value
6. Change it to the color of skin that u want. Here are some Common Colors:
Blue = 0000FF Black = 000000 Red = FF0000 White= FFFFFF
(Scroll down to the bottom for more colors)
7. Click on the opposite sex (eg. if your a boy click a girl, and vice-verca) and back on
the sex you were before
8. Go Into a Room and your Done!
1. Go into a private room
2. Open the Habbo Catalogue
3. Go to the section of the furni that u want to change (eg. if i wanna change a bonsia
tree to sumthing else, ill goto the plant section)
4. Open art money and click search
5. Change search to Exact Value and Type to Text ( i knoe that other sites say to put ALL,
but i think that Text works better, if you want, then Put ALL, cuz i dunn really care...)
6. Search the furni code (eg. A2 BONSIA)
7. Change it to a Furni code with the same amount of letters (eg. A2 BONSIA i would change
it to A2 MURECO)
8. Click on Buy and it would say to Buy The Furni You Changed It To
Click here for some furni and colour codes
Go to update my habbo id and click boy ,go into the lido, now get a speedo without
changing to
your normal look. Go back to
update my habbo id and pick girl
with your normal look. Go back
into the lido and you should
have no top.
When you take your dive and
watch the replay, vote yourself
quickly while you're still in
the pool.
2) If you are a girl click boy and vice versa
3) Click next and retype password
4) Click back and put your gender back to normal
5) Keep clicking your gender till you find the right hair
6) Then change your hair to the colour you want.
Go to update my habbo id and click girl,go into the lido, now get a bikini without
changing to your
normal look. Go back into
update my habbo id and pick boy.
When you go into the lido, you
should be wearing a bikini.
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