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Escape Bathroom Tips & Tricks |
Tags: Escape Bathroom Game Guides, Escape Bathroom Hints, Escape Bathroom Walkthrough |
Escape Bathroom
- grab red ball on right side of tub
- turn right, click left side of small box and press button
- back out, open box, get yellow ball
- turn right twice, move painting until the battery falls
- open top and bottom drawers to get the flashlight and the
other battery
- combine the light with the two batteries.
- click the left side (lower down) of the dresser to get the
blue ball
- lift the front right corner of rug and get cane
- turn right, let water out of the tub using the cane on the
- get key out of tub turn left, open remaining drawer, get
magnifying glass
- look in crack near cat (using flashlight), get screwdriver
- zoom out, using the magnifying glass look at the long crack
going up to get a 3 digit number
- turn right, open the screws and enter the code to get the final
- turn left (or right) twice and using the magnifying glass, read
the small writing in the top right corner
- left (or right) twice and put the balls in the rectangle according
to code
- for perfect end, click to let the cat out (for normal end, just leave)
All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today |
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