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Age of Empires II - The Conquerors Expansion
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- The Conquerors Expansion -
Written by Nathaniel Modlich a.k.a. Namod65
Email: Namod65[at]yahoo[dot]
Copyright 2004 © Nathaniel Modlich
Date: 2/1/04 Size: 32 KB Version: 1.00
PC Demo Version Walkthrough
If any one wants to send in game tips they can email them to me. I will put
them on this FAQ and give you credit.
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Table of Contents
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Section A - Beginning Stuff
A01. Legal Information
A02. Version History
A03. Intoduction
A04. Contact Info
Section B - Civ Characteristics
B01. Aztecs
B02. Mayans
Section C - Walkthrough
C01. Montezuma One
Section D - Cheats and Game Tips
D01. Cheats
D02. Game Tips
String Search
To quickly move through this guide, highlight the section code (ei. H03) and
press cntrl c, then cntrl f, then cntl v, then press enter. Mac users should
use the apple key instead of cntrl.
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Beginnig Stuff
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A01 Legal Information
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Copyright 2004 © Nathaniel Modlich
This guide is for private use only and can not be changed in any way. This
guide was made for non profit use so you can not take this guide and sell it.
If you want to put this guide then you must email me and ask.
The following sites have my permission to put this guide on their site. If you
are reading this guide from a site that is not listed below please email me.
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A02 Version History
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v. 1.00 2/3/04 - 32 KB
This is the first version. I have everything done except the Game Tips.
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A03 Introduction
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Hello, my name is Nathaniel Modlich or Namod65. I will be helping you out with
getting through the task of completing the trial version of Age of Emprires 2,
The Conquerors Expansion. This is one of my all time favorite games. I
downloaded the trial version and liked it a lot. I bought the game about 3 days
later. As you probably know, this game is the expansion pack to Age of Kings,
which you need if you want to play the full version of this game. If you do
want to get full version of The Conquerors, then I recomend getting the Gold
edition of Age of Empires 2. It has both games and a few extras, including
tutors on how to play. I decided to write for the trial verision because I did
not feel like taking the time to write for the full game. Well, I think that is
enough for a inro and now on to the rest of this FAQ.
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A04 Contact Info
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If you have any questions or comments then you can email them to me. Please do
not send any advertisements, pictures, stupid questions and other things not
related to this game. Please make sure to include something about the game in
your topic for the email so I will not ignore it.
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Civ Characteristics
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You can be two different civs in this trial version. Both do not have cavalry.
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B01 Aztecs
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Many people chose to be the Aztecs just because their buildings look cool. I
personaly am not too fond of them because they do not have horses or gunpower.
They are really only a powerful civ when put against other civs with out horses
or someone who doesn't use horses. They have a very usefull unique unit that is
good against other infantry. Anyway, here are the characteristics from the game
Unique unit: Jaguar Warrior (anti-infantry unit)
Unique Tech: Garland Wars (+4 infantry attack)
Team bonus: Relics +33% gold
-Start with Eagle Warrior, not Scout Cavalry
-Villagers carry +5
-All military units created 15% faster
-Monks +5 HP for each Monastary technology
Tech Tree:
Dark Age | Feudal Age | Castle Age | Imperial Age
Barracks ---------- Barracks ---------- Barracks ------------- Barracks
(Miltia) | (Tracking) (Pikemen) (Two Handed
| (Spearman) (Long Swordsman) Swordsman)
| (Man at Arms) (Eagle Warrior) (Elite Eagle)
| (Champion)
|- Archery Range ----- Archery Range -------- Archery Range
(Skirmisher) (Elite Skirmisher) (Arbalest)
(Archer) (Crossbowman)
Dock------------- Dock ---------------- Dock ----------------- Dock
(Fishing Ship) (Fish Trap) (Careeing) (Dry Dock)
(Galley) (War Galley) (Fast Fire Ship)
(Transport Ship) (Fire Ship) (Shipright)
(Trade Cog)
Palisade Wall Gate Stone Wall -- Fortified Wall
Outpost Watch Tower -------- Gaurd Tower
Monastary--(Heresy)------ Monastary
(Monk) (Antonement) (Faith)
(Sanctity) (Illumination)
(Fervor) (Block
(Redemption) Painting)
(Herbal (Theocracy)
Castle --------------- Castle
(Jaguar Warrior) (Sappers)
(Petard) (Elite Jaguar
(Garland Wars)
Town Center ---- Town Center -----------ÐTown Center
(Villager) (Wheelbarrow) (Hand Cart)
(House) (Town Watch) (Town Patrol)
Siege Workshop -------- Siege Workshop
(Scorpion) (Caped Ram)
(Battering Ram) (Siege Ram)
(Mangonel) (Onager)
(Siege Onager)
Blacksmith -------- Blacksmith ------------- Blacksmith
(Fletching) (Bodkin Arrow) (Bracer)
(Forging) (Iron Casting) (Blast Furnace)
(Padded Archer (Leather Archer (Plate Mail
Armor) Armor) Armor)
(Scale Mail Armor) (Chain Mail Armor)
University -------------- University
(Ballistics) (Chemistry)
(Treadmill crane) (Siege
(Heated Shot) Engineers)
(Murder Holes)
Mining Camp ------- Mining Camp ------- Mining Camp
(Gold Mining) (Gold Shaft Mining)
(Stone Mining) (Stone Shaft Mining)
Lumber Camp ------- Lumber Camp ------- Lumber Camp
(Double Bit Axe) (Bow Saw)
Market -------------- Market
(Trade Cart) (Banking)
(Coinage) (Caravan)
Mill --------------- Mill -------------- Mill ---------------- Mill
(Farm) (Horse Collar) (Heavy Plow) (Crop Rotation)
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B02 Mayans
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The Mayans are very similar to the Aztecs. They have the same building design,
and also do not have cavalry. They have a powerfull unique unit that can fire
arrows. I do not like these guys very much either. You can only play with them
in muiltiplayer on this demo.
Unique Unit: Plummed Archer
Unique Tech: El Dorado (+40 Eagle Warrior HP)
Team Bonus: Walls cost -50%
-Start with +1 villager, Eagle Warrior (not scout cavalry), -50 food.
-Resources last 50% longer.
-Archery range units cost -10% feudal age, -20% castle age, -30% imperial age.
Tech Tree
Dark Age | Feudal Age | Castle Age | Imperial Age
Barracks ---------- Barracks ---------- Barracks ------------- Barracks
(Miltia) | (Tracking) (Pikemen) (Two Handed
| (Spearman) (Long Swordsman) Swordsman)
| (Man at Arms) (Eagle Warrior) (Elite Eagle)
| (Halberdier)
|- Archery Range ----- Archery Range -------- Archery Range
(Skirmisher) (Elite Skirmisher) (Arbalest)
(Archer) (Crossbowman)
(Thumb Ring)
Dock------------- Dock ---------------- Dock ----------------- Dock
(Fishing Ship) (Fish Trap) (Careeing) (Dry Dock)
(Galley) (War Galley) (Fast Fire Ship)
(Transport Ship) (Fire Ship) (Shipright)
(Trade Cog) (Demolition Ship) (Galleon)
(Heavy Demo Ship)
Palisade Wall Gate Stone Wall -- Fortified Wall
Outpost Watch Tower -------- Gaurd Tower ----------- Keep
Monastary--(Heresy)------ Monastary
(Monk) (Antonement) (Faith)
(Sanctity) (Block
(Fervor) Painting)
(Herbal (Theocracy)
Castle --------------- Castle
(Plummed Archer) (Sappers)
(Petard) (Elite Plummed
(El Dorado)
Town Center ---- Town Center -----------ÐTown Center
(Villager) (Wheelbarrow) (Hand Cart)
(House) (Town Watch) (Town Patrol)
Siege Workshop -------- Siege Workshop
(Scorpion) (Caped Ram)
(Battering Ram) (Siege Ram)
(Mangonel) (Onager)
Blacksmith -------- Blacksmith ------------- Blacksmith
(Fletching) (Bodkin Arrow) (Bracer)
(Forging) (Iron Casting) (Blast Furnace)
(Padded Archer (Leather Archer (Plate Mail
Armor) Armor) Armor)
(Scale Mail Armor) (Chain Mail Armor) (Ring Archer
University -------------- University
(Ballistics) (Chemistry)
(Treadmill crane) (Architecture)
(Heated Shot)
(Murder Holes)
Mining Camp ------- Mining Camp ------- Mining Camp
(Gold Mining) (Stone Shaft Mining)
(Stone Mining)
Lumber Camp ------- Lumber Camp ------- Lumber Camp ----------- Lumber Camp
(Double Bit Axe) (Bow Saw) (Two-man Saw)
Market -------------- Market
(Trade Cart) (Banking)
(Coinage) (Caravan)
Mill --------------- Mill -------------- Mill ---------------- Mill
(Farm) (Horse Collar) (Heavy Plow) (Crop Rotation)
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You only get to play one level in the demo verison, but it is one of the better
levels in the game. First there is some stuff that you need to remember before
you start. There are 4 monastaries on the map. You can not see them, but they
are marked with the little flags on the map. DO NOT GO NEAR THEM! Wait until
the end to claim the monastaries.
There are three enemies: Purple, Orange, and Red. Purple is the hardest of the
three. Red is the easiest. To beat this level you need to put a relic in each
of the monastaries. There are many ways to beat this level. My stratagy is to
wipe out all of the enemies, then you will be home free to put the relics in
the monastaries. Once you claim a monastary, your enemies will try to destroy
it so don't claim any yet.
OK, now lets start. You start out with 3 villagers and 3 Eagle Warriors. You
also have a few towers guarding your town's boarders. Send all of your vills
to get food from the turkeys to the north. While they are doing that make 3
more villagers. Send one of those new villagers to help with the turkeys and
make the other two chop wood from trees near the town center.
Soon one of the Eagle warriors will say that he hears a jaguar. Soon after
that 4 jaguars will come near your town center from the east. Use your Eagle
warriors to kill them. Every time you get enough food, make a villager. Keep
making them until you get to about 15 villagers. When you run out of the
turkeys, build a mill near the berry bushes to the south. Get the bushes for
After a while the orange will attack from the north side with a few archers.
Just let your towers take care of them. When you get the 15 villagers, make
five of them build a lumber camp by the big forest to the north. Make five go
and mine gold by your south tower. Now make the last six start farming by the
mill. Create a few more and make them mine stone to the northeast. Be warned,
because red will send a few miltia every no and then to attack you, let your
towers take them out. When purple attacks, you will need to have you Eagle
Warroirs help the towers.
Wait for a while. When you have a good amount of resources, build a market and
a archery range. Now go to the Castle Age. Wall in your town by building a wall
in front of your towers to the north to block that path. Then build a wall to
the southwest and block that way in. Allways remember to check back on your
villagers to make sure they are doing something. If the minners mine all the
gold or stone then just send them to go mine gold or stone at a new site. Use
the farm reseeds at the mill to keep your farms going. Now would be a good time
to upgrade your soldiers at the barracks. Upgrade them to Longswords men.
Now just sit back and wait for your resources to come in. When you have quite
a lot send a few villagers southwest and build a castle near the red, but not
right next to them. Also build a few barracks. Now create a army of Long
Swordsmen and Jaguar Warriors. After you have your army made, go down to attack
the red. I would move in a destroy their town center first. Then go down south
and destroy their two military buildings across the water. They will be pretty
helpless now. Finish them off by destroying the rest of their buildings and
Now go up northward with you villagers and build a castle in that gap between
the red and purple. Make sure the castle is in range of a purple building. Next
build a few gaurd towers around the castle. When the castle is built it will
start firing on the purple building. The purple will start sending guys at your
castle. Just let the purple "feed" your castle this way. You should now build
a siege workshop and build some rams.
Use them to help your army destroy the purple. Let the rams kill the castle and
get rid of the other buildings with your army. You will do all this almost
unchallenged because the purple is still feeding your castle. :)
Now move your rams and army to the north boarder of your town. Destroy the
orange gate and move in with your rams and army. Send your rams to the north to
take care of the castle. While the rams are doing that, move in with your army
and destroy the town center and other buildings.
Now that every one is out of the way, go to each flag on the map and claim each
monastary. You will need to build a dock to get to one. Watch out because on
the other side of the water is a lot of jaguars. When you claim the monastary
by the orange some enemy Eagle Warriors will come. After you have claimed each
one, build a monk from each monastary and use them to put the relics in each
monastary so there is one relic in each monastary. After you do that, the game
is over.
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Cheats and Game Tips
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D01 Cheats
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Press enter while playing a game, then type in one of these codes. The top line
is the code and the bottom is the effect.
cheese steak jimmy's
1000 food
robin hood
1000 gold
rock on
1000 Stone
1000 Wood
woof woof
Birds Become Super Dogs
how do you turn this on
Cobra Car
natural wonders
Control Animals
black death
Defeat Everyone
torpedo# (# is which empire you want to destroy.)
Destroy Individual Enemy Empire
Destroy Yourself
Fast Build
furious the monkey boy
Furious the Monkey
Instant Loss
i r winner
Instant Win
No Fog of War
to smithereens
Saboteur Unit
i love the monkey head
"Marco", then "Polo"
You can see your enemy vision line
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D02 Game Tips
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Coming Soon!
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Microsoft for a great game.
CJayC for a great site for FAQs
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You can find all of my other works at
Copyright 2003 © Nathaniel Modlich End of Document
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