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3 Skulls of Toltecs
This one is kinda buggy one, so I don't guarantee you will
get to final.
Move Buck (the killed man).
Talk to Friar Bacon (when I mean talk I mean you should talk all topics).
This one is kinda buggy one, so I don't guarantee you will get to final.
He will notice Buck is missing.
Pick up pickaxe (twice because you pick up pick and picket, not a whole pickaxe).
Use picket with Friar Bacon. You will knock him out.
Pick up his cassock.
Use donkey. Select left arrow.
Talk with French army soldier.
Return back to canyon and use don- key to select right arrow now and get to Big Town.
Enter door. Look into wooden bucket (you get a screw).
Go up the ladder. Move 'P' sign and go downstairs to collect it. Exit house.
Go left to the well.
Talk with the man, who fell into well.
Go to Big Town Station (BTS since this point).
Enter it and talk to telegraphist. Look at the teleprinter. Exit BTS.
Go left. Open a box near entrance to General Store.
Look into the box (you will collect logs). Enter local jail.
Talk with Mortimer Pettyboom. Exit jail.
Go to the saloon.
Talk to layabout. To enter saloon you need to tell him you learnt in the
same school with him and tell him that that M.Pettyboom was the 'super-sucker'
in your school. Then he should let you in. Once inside talk to sheriff and
barman (you will need to get an empty whisky bottle from latter).
Once you got it, examine it to see the location of the whisky plant.
Talk with thug.
Go upstairs and open right door.
Talk with dancer - you need her to tell you where her girlfriend keeps her money.
Look into the keyhole of the left door. Exit saloon.
Talk to young lady about guy called Dickson - when she begins to ask about his
appearance use the following pattern of res- ponses: CEBD.
Then talk to old lady on the roc- king chair.
Then go to General Store and tell the shopkeeper that his mother calls him.
He will leave and you can fetch some stuff: sugar, bis- cuits, cigars, coffee, carrots.
Now return to stable.
Give carrot to your donkey and pick up hat from donkey's head.
Go to church and talk to parish.
Open a door to the right and try to pick up a ticket on the table (you can't now).
Go to jail again and tell him that a coffee maker doesn't belong to jail and he will
let you pick it up (tell him because it belongs to saloon when he asks why he should do it).
Now use coffee on coffee pot.
Go to the entrance to BTS and use water tank with coffee maker.
Use screw on trolley.
Now go to bank (a door near jail's door).
Talk to cashier and borrow some money from him; also try to open bank account.
Now ride back to monastery and buy tobacco light from French soldier.
Now go back to BTS and use trolley - you can drive to following locations: waterfall,
Indian village, Fort and a cemetary. When you have visited one of these locations you
can get there clicking on the 'map' icon at the bottom of the screen and choosing a
location to go to.
Drive to cemetary.
Pick up a rope.
Talk to parrot.
Give biscuits to parrot and pick parrot up after you do.
Use pickaxe (to assemble it just use pick on picket at your inventory) on
the plot of land - the one which is the 'most fertile' when you examine it.
Look furrows.
Now leave and drive to Indian village.
Pick up knife.
Enter the closest tent via rip on its side.
Pick up bottles (you get a magic cloud).
Pick up candle.
Exit tent.
Talk to apache near totem pole.
Talk to apache, guarding meeting in the leftmost tent - he will ask you to bring him an item.
Now drive to 'Forest' location on map - there pick up fabric, hanging on tree (twice).
Use knife on the gum on other tree.
Enter cabin.
Pick up the fishing rod.
Talk with Tom about whisky ingredi- ents.
Exit cabin.
Use fishing rod with river to get a horn.
Drive to Fort Apache now.
Talk with engine driver.
Enter fort.
Talk to Lieutinant.
Open kitchen door.
Open cupboard, pick up tabasco.
Open a trap door on the roof.
Use fishing rod on trap door to fetch some dynamite.
Talk to look-out guard to learn which musical instrument needs to be played in order
to lower the flag (answer:bugle).
So use horn and pick up lowered flag.
Now look at the window in the center of the fort and talk to Colonel Leconte.
Next time you look in window give him a flag.
Exit fort.
Now drive to Indian village.
Give chewing gum to the apache, guarding meeting.
Go inside.
Agree to smoke a pipe of peace.
When it will be your turn just use tobacco light with pipe.
After scene enter other tent - the one you wasn't before (in the distance).
Look into the basket and pick up a box of matches.
Return to tent where you have smoken a pipe of peace and look into cauldron -
you will get barley seeds.
Now go back to fort and enter colonel's room.
Move barrel to kick it to your trolley.
Pick up french uniform and a sponge.
Use sponge on alarm above door to the left.
Go to fort's jail and talk with sleepy jailer.
Exit jail and enter a laundry which is run by a Chinese.
Talk with him and give him french uniform for cleaning.
Pick up a bowl of rice here and reenter laundry to collect clean uniform.
Examine uniform to find a key in pocket.
Go to colonel's room and unlock door with a key you have found.
Examine safe.
Go to kitchen and use logs on oven, matches on oven, coffee maker on hotplate and
finally pick up the coffee maker.
Use rice on empty bowl on another hotplate.
Now head to monastery and use coffee maker on sleeping Mexican.
You need to call him an impostor and ask him about revolutionary hideout whereabouts.
Now go to cemetary and use barley seeds with furrows and then use magic cloud.
Collect barley.
Now go to BTS and use water tank with barrel.
Use sugar with barrel and then barley with barrel.
Finally use 'P' sign on barrel and deliver the barrel to whisky maker.
At Indian village use empty bottle with barrel and try to pick up a golden skull.
After movie go back to Big Town and give balloon to old lady - she will mend it for you.
Go to church.
Use candle with can- delabra and use matches with candle.
Use parrot on confession box.
Talk to parish and ask him to call Friar Anselmo.
Then you can enter Anselmo's room and pick up a ticket.
Open trunk and look inside - you will get a gun belt.
Exit church and go into the bank.
Use cassock and talk to cashier.
Try to retrieve golden skull from bank and when you are told the safe is jammed tell
him that you will tell other customers to retrieve their money from bank.
Then put off cassock and tell the cashier that you want to retrieve your money
because Anselmo told you to - cashier will ask you to try unlocking a strong-box.
In the vault use dynamite with handle and use matches with dynamite. BANG!
Now go to saloon, go upstairs and use magic cloud.
Go down and pick up a bucket.
Now go to well and use buc- ket with well.
Use handle.
You will get a golden skull.
Examine it to pick a stethoscope from it.
Now go into church, go to belfry (its in the upper left corner) and there click
on Dickson's balcony to jump there.
Open right drawer and look inside (you get a manual).
Read manual.
Exit room.
Open another door.
Pick up pillows and rip them using a knife (one of them contains a fake $100 bill).
Now go to canyon and talk to general.
Give him a hat and gun belt.
Enter a cave (its just above his head).
Pick up cards.
Exit cave.
Now drive to waterfall.
Climb up and use rope with rock to get to the hidden cave.
Click on bars to discover a hidden entrance to monastery.
Drive to fort.
Enter sergeant's room - its in the bottom right corner.
Talk with sergeant and ladies.
Give a bottle to sergeant.
Reenter room and tell ladies that sergeant is drinking whisky.
Then you can pick up a 'Star Of Free Mexico' medallion from a board.
Look at it to get a cork- screw.
Use corkscrew and tabasco bottle to open it.
Now go back to general and give him medal.
Also tell him where the hideout is and join him there.
Ask him about his plan and items you need to succeed.
Give him a balloon.
Exit cave.
Go to saloon and talk to sheriff.
Ask him to join the game and tell him you've got dollars.
Then use chair.
When the cards are dealt click on 'OK' and then choose 'C' option and use cards
with fake bill in your inventory.
You will be arrested.
Pick up a rock (just near your leg) and use it on
Pick up a dart from Dickson's ass.
Use dart on the ring at the ceiling.
Go to town.
Go to BTS and open station door and try to enter.
Now close/open/close etc door about 10 times (I know its ridiculous but it
freaking works...) keeping the door closed at the end.
Next go to signal and move handle.
If you did all correctly stationmaster will die, if not, then try again a trick
with door.
Enter station and pick up a book from shelves.
Look at it. Use equipment.
Exit door.
After movie go to the fort.
Talk with warden about prisoners' malnut- rition and he'll ask you about food.
Now go to kit- chen and use bottle of tabasco on bowl with rice.
Exit kitchen and use triangle (just above the door of kitchen).
This should trick the warden.
Now go and unlock jail door with jail key.
Talk to Bull about stethoscopes and he'll tell you he could try unlocking the safe.
Now go to the patio and talk to soldiers.
This should help Bull to sneak into the room.
Now go to colonel's door and go to safe.
After movie go to saloon and talk with Anselmo and Leconte.
Tell them general's plan for attack.
Tell Anselmo about hidden cave in waterfall and give uniform to Leconte.
Now go to the hideout and go to the tower to talk to general.
Tell him you have 1nd and 2nd tasks he gave you and then go downstairs and just
'use fabric' to complete 3rd task.
Now go back to general and tell him you have done everything.
After movie click 'open door' in the distance.
Once inside, open 1st door on your left and enter.
Use wheel.
Pick up a ball from John Nodoffsky's leg.
Go back to general and use rope on cannon.
Move cannon.
Use ball with cannon.
Move cannon.
Use rope on cannon to get back to general.
Again enter monastery.
Walk a bit to the right and open the most distant door.
Enter it.
Open all 4 drawers and go to hose.
Use hose and tap of barrel.
Go through window.
Use hose and another window - the one above main entrance.
Use hose on gunmen and then use matches on books near them.
Enter main entrance.
Pick up green book and look at it.
Go up the stairway and use a key on the door.
After movie move carpet and look at the drawing.
Go left and move sun symbol. Now go to the very right and enter cave.
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