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Urban Chaos Cheats

Urban Chaos

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: raj

Press [F9] and type "bangunsnotgames" and then press [F12] to get the games 
weapons and full life.

Submitted by: Chris Cross

During gameplay, press F9 and type BANGUNSNOTGAMES to enter Debug
Mode. You will also be Invulnerable. Now press [F9] again and enter
any of the following "Codes":

Code            Result 
BOO           - Cluster of explosions 
CRINKLES      - Turn Crinkles on/off 
DARCI         - Control Officer D'arci 
ROPER         - Control Roper 
FADE #        - Sets fog fade level where # is any number 
WORLD         - Select music 
AMBIENT # # # - Set ambient light (R,G,B) 
WIN           - Win the level 
LOSE          - Lose the level 
CCTV          - Everything turns fluorescent green 
TELW #        - Go to important game point # 
TELS          - Save a waypont on map 
TELR          - Return to saved waypoint 

The rest are simple key presses. 
Just press the corresponding keys to make these happen:

Key        Result 
Q        - Show car paths 
W        - Make rain ripples 
E        - Make random vehicle 
R        - Make explosive barrell 
I        - Show pedestrian walking areas 
[        - Toggle enemy view 
]        - Toggle enemy view 
P        - Enemy view on/off 
;        - Slow motion 
'        - Pause action 
>        - Fart smoke 
/        - Stealth Debug 
CTRL     - Show statistics 
G        - Move forward 10 feet or onto ledge 
J        - Coordinates grib show 
L        - Create light 
F11      - Clouds on/off 
F12      - Creates game weapons 
F3       - Exits game 
Keypad 7 - Select game effect 
Keypad 5 - Execute game effect 
Keypad 3 - Weird orange fog

Fire Elemental:
First,start a game.Then press F9 and enter BANGUNSNOTGAMES in the console.
This will make u invulnerable.Then press 7 until u see a fire effect, as 
"firewall". Then walk into the fire, and you will be a fire elemental!
And u won`t die! At least not for a while.

Level skip:
Start a level, press [Esc] and press [Enter] + [Up]. The save screen will
appear. Save the game, and it a map screen showing you that you have already
completed the level will appear. Repeat this in every level to easily complete
the game.

Submitted by: charu singh 

Talk to policemen,people who are standing still. They might give you
information,weapons etc.

* To get around the city faster, hijack a vehicle. Simply step in front
  of it, pull out your weapon, and fire a couple rounds at the car. After
  the driver flees, hop in and take your new wheels for a spin. 

* If you can't access an area that's isolated by a fence, simply hijack 
  a van and pull the van next to the fence. Then climb on top of the van 
  and jump over the fence. 

* To access heavily guarded areas, look for a back route, or sneak up
  and surprise the baddies. 

Submitted by: MAR

If you want to climb a building without using a ladder or anything, just
stand by side of the building then hold these keys in the right order 
(LShift,Up,Right or left depending on the side of the building)

Submitted by: saudav22

after applying the cheat "bangunsnotgames", press 
"shift + left arrow key + up arrow key + a" this will create a mugger.
the only problem is this if you will create a lot of mugger the game 
will close.and at last i want to tell you that i will send you new cheat 
promise bye

Submitted by: saurabh yadav allahabad india

hi its me saurabh yadav back with cheats the cheat of mugger sended by me is 
published and now i came back with three new cheats the first one is:

1:apply the cheats of banguns... and press f12 you will not die.

2:after entering the cheat of "BANDGUNSNOTGAMES" PRESS f12 and you will not 
  die & press g and you will be accelerated and sliding in the roads and when 
  you touch the walls of the buildings you will be at the top of the building 
  and if your lucks runs good then you will find a place where you will be 
  througn near of a higher place like moon and hold on there and make a bunch
  of mugger over there and many of them will fall on the ground but if you 
  move will fall with a cry but you will not die because you had use a cheat

3:apply the cheats of banguns... and press "shift + left arrow key + up arrow
  key + j" and darci starts dancing.use arrow key for more dancing steps.
  last i want to say that i want to be a good freind so please consult me if
  you have any problem and be my freind @  

Useful things:
* To arrest someone, push FORWARD + PUNCH to grab, then press PUNCH to throw
  them to the floor. Then step over the body and press ACTION to arrest them.

* To climb down a ladder, step close to the top of it, and face away from it.
  Press the ACTION button.

* I can't find this move in the manual, although I may have just missed it. 
  Anyway, for a very useful, quick and silent takedown, CRAWL up behind an 
  unsuspecting enemy, then stand up and press PUNCH. You will deliver a swift
  elbow to the back of the neck, taking them down without a sound. Warning: 
  They usually don't stay down for long.

* You can get your health back by sitting on benches. Stand in front of a 
  bench, facing away from it, then push BACK to sit down. You'll slowly 
  regain some health. Push FORWARD to stand up again. Repeat as necessary.
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