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Submitted by: David K.
Steam Achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile",
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to unlock
25% OF THE CASTLE IS LIT - You have lit a quarter of all lights in the whole castle.
50% OF THE CASTLE IS LIT - You have lit the half of all lights in the whole castle.
75% OF THE CASTLE IS LIT - You have lit three quarters of all lights in the whole castle.
A GOOD COMMENCE - Start a new game and reach the first spirit box unharmed.
A HAND WITH VAMPIRES - Defeat Gauntlik while carrying 8 vampires in your inventory.
A LONG WAY TO MINERARY - Bring 4 or more freed goblins to the mine without using teleport
or gates.
BORN TO KILL - You killed 100 monsters.
CATACOMBS ARE LIT - You have lit all lights in the catacombs.
CENTER ZONE IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the central area.
DEATH LEVEL 1 - Defeat Sux Mortis with skill level 1 in armor and constitution.
DIE HARD - Kill Corvax the Mage in HARD or HARD++ mode.
DRY LAW IN ARRAKIS - Do not drink any potions until you have defeated the Dynidon worm.
EAST ZONE IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the east zone.
ERASER - You killed 2.000 monsters.
EYE FOR AN EYE - Defeat Medeox without killing any of its snakes.
GARDENS ARE LIT - You have lit all lights in the gardens.
GHOST TOWER IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the forgotten tower.
HALLS ARE LIT - You have lit all lights in the halls.
I AM BECOME DEATH - You killed 5.000 monsters.
I AM THE LAW - You killed 500 monsters.
LABORATORY IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the laboratory.
LIBRARY IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the library.
MAGE TOWER IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the tower of the mages.
MINE IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the mine.
THE KEY OF THE HALLS - You have defeated the sixth Guardian and obtained the Key of the Halls.
THE KEY OF THE LABORATORY - You have defeated the fifth Guardian and obtained the Key of the Laboratory.
THE KEY OF THE LIBRARY - You have defeated the third Guardian and obtained the Key of the Library.
THE KEY OF THE MINE - You passed the test of traps and obtained the Key of the Mine.
THE KEY OF THE SEWER - You have defeated the first Guardian and obtained the Key of the Sewer.
THE KEY OF THE TOWER - You have defeated the seventh Guardian and obtained the Key of the Tower.
THE KING OF DODGE - Dodge all falling rocks between the columns in the corridor to the mine.
THE POTION COLLECTOR - Carry a collection of at least 18 different potions at once.
THE TOY HAMMER - Use the toy hammer to deal the final blow to a walking armor.
THE WHOLE CASTLE IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the castle!!
WEST ZONE IS LIT - You have lit all lights in the west zone.
YOU ARE AN EXPERT - You reached level 10.
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