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Underrail Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view 
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", 
then "View  all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement             Description
Acid Trip             - Kill 50 enemies with acid.
Antisocial Tendencies - Kill 100 humans.
Backalley Pugilism    - Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons.
Can't Touch This!     - Evade 3 attacks in a row in a single turn.
Chuck Attack          - Kill an enemy with Dirty Kick.
Fire and Ice          - Kill 50 enemies with metathermic psi abilities.
Fire in the Hole!     - Kill 50 enemies with grenades.
First Blood!          - Kill a living creature.
Hitman                - Kill 10 humans using the Execute attack.
Manual Override       - Hack 50 electronic locks.
Mine, All Mine!       - Kill 50 enemies with traps.
Mr. Freeze            - Freeze enemies 30 times.
Mr. Stabby            - Kill 50 enemies with a knife.
Phasers Set to Kill   - Kill 50 enemies with energy weapons.
Rest In Pieces        - Shatter an enemy.
Run and Gun           - Kill 50 enemies with firearms.
Shroomhead            - Pick 100 mushrooms.
Skeleton Key          - Pick 50 mechanical locks.
The Other Side        - Use 50 psi boosters.
Thrill Junkie         - Use 30 adrenaline shots.
Universal Recipient   - Use 50 health hypos.
You Throw Like a Girl - Kill only yourself with a grenade.
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