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Trine 2 Cheats

Trine 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Crossing large gaps and chasms:
This is an easy way to cross large gaps if you cannot figure out how to solve
the puzzle (for example, catapults). Re-allocate your skill points, if necessary,
to equip Zoya with the low gravity arrows and Amadeus with the Conjure 2 or 
higher abilities. Make a low gravity field and suspend one of Amadeus's boxes 
within it, refire the low grav arrows, and reposition the box as needed to center
the bubble over the chasm. Suspend two or more of Amadeus's boxes within the field
to create a bridge. Eventually you can move the low gravity field with you as you 
jump from box to box.

Steam Achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. 
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement        Description
A Floral Feast   - Feed carnivorous plants with three or more different 
                   kinds of treats.
A Hail of Arrows - Shoot 3 arrows in the air and catch them all with the
                   Knight's shield.
Bouncy Bouncy    - Stand on a conjured box bouncing on any bouncy surface
                   for 10 seconds.
Cirque de Zoya   - Using grapple, swing around an object and reattach 
                   grapple again without touching any surface.
Dirty Tactics    - Get at least 10 enemies killed by other enemies' 
                   actions in a single level.
Flying Solo      - Complete a whole level playing one character only.
Hammer Havoc     - Kill an enemy with a thrown hammer bouncing at least
                   once before kill.
High Rise        - Construct a tower made of eight objects and stand on 
                   top of it.
I Didn't Do It   - Make goblins die of three different environmental 
                   hazards in a single level.
Icebreaker       - Shatter three frozen enemies within one second.
Surfboard Master - Stand on a plank floating on a single airflow for
                   four seconds.
Trine 2 hard     - Earn all Achievements in Trine 2.
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