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Total War Rome 2 Cheats

Total War - Rome 2

Achievements Guide:
Submitted by:BoneK

Auxilia            - Complete 1 hour of gameplay.
Optio              - Fight a battle from the campaign map without auto-resolving.
First Time Lucky   - Use at least 1 special ability during a campaign battle.
Dock of the Bay    - Fight a combined land and naval siege battle during a campaign.
Empire-builder     - Capture 3 settlements.
Supremacy          - Destroy or subjugate a faction.
In the Navy!       - Fight a battle with naval units in any campaign.
Tempus Fugit       - Play 20 campaign turns.
The Power of Three - Use at least 3 different special abilities during a campaign battle.
Impenetrable Wall  - Successfully defend a city without losing a single victory point 
                     during a campaign battle.
Liberator          - Release 1000 battle captives.
Siege!             - Successfully siege and capture a city by seizing its victory points 
                     during a campaign battle.
Veteran            - Complete 10 hours of gameplay.
On Land & Sea      - Fight a combined battle during a campaign using both land and naval forces.
Slave-driver       - Enslave 1000 battle captives.
Sightseeing        - Successfully capture one of the great cities of the ancient world, 
                     Rome, Athens, Carthage or Alexandria, in battle.
Unleash Hades!     - Kill 200 men with siege artillery in any single battle.
Executioner        - Execute 1000 battle captives.
Decurion           - Fight 10 battles in a single campaign without auto-resolving.
Bloodthirsty       - Kill 10,000 men in battle.

The game will feature 117 different factions around the campaign map, each with their 
own unit roster and agenda. Eight of these will be playable on the initial release, 
more will be included as either free or paid downloadable content. These playable 
factions will be divided into three cultural groups: Graeco-Roman, Barbarian and 
Eastern. Each will have a unique play style associated with them, and each will 
bring a completely different Total War: Rome II experience. Some of them are bound 
on military conquest, while others focus more on diplomacy and trade.
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