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The Sims 3 Pets
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Creation Mode:
During gameplay press the 'Start' button to bring up the 'Pause' menu and then
press LT, LB, RT, RB simultaneously to enable this feature.
Want more cash? Then listen closely First you press the start button then press
LB,LT,RT,RB at the same exact time.... Once you got a little note on your screen
press "I understand.Let the cheating begin!" then you will have unlimeted cash!
While playing the game, press the start button, then press all four back triggers
at the same time. This will give you unlimited Karma Points and Simoleons!
Aging sims:
You can age a sims to the next age any time you want just buy them a birthday cake
and blow out the candles for the sim or if they're old enough they'll blow out
there own candles and age!
Kill your own sim:
To kill your sim you need to use the earthquake or firestorm karma power and make
them repair a T.V or computer and if they are burned and laying down on the floor
they are dead and you will recive a grim reaper achivement.
Unlimited Money:
Press down LB,RB at the same time or LT,RT at the same time or you can press LB,RB,
LT,RT at the same time. If you click yes go to build/buy mode,decor,misc. Decor,and
click on Spoot the Magic Llama.He's an awesome llama. Don't judge him. I thing or
whatever it is. Then place him. The cheat already gives you unlimited money even if
you don't place Spoot on your property. Spoot can give you jokes.
WARNING: You cannot unlock new items or achieve achievments if you enter the cheat.
If you enter it and don't save when you quit and your last save was before you entered
the cheat, you can still unlock rewards and achieve achievments but you do not have
Spoot or unlimited simolens.
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The Sims 3 Pets Cheats Codes