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Ted Nugent Wild Hunting Adventure Cheats

Ted Nugent Wild Hunting Adventure

Cheat Codes:
George, Submitted the following Information:

Press [Shift] + ` during game play to display the console. Then, 
enter of the codes. 
Result                                           Code 
God mode enabled                               - tedmode 1
God mode disabled                              - tedmode 0
Increase rank to Whackmaster                   - whackme
Increases money by $1,000                      - cashola
Enable tracer effects for flying arrows        - tracer 1
Disable tracer effects for flying arrows       - tracer 0
Set player speed; default value is 7           - playerspeed [number]
Set player money                               - playercash [number]
Enable harming self when running with weapon 
drawn.                                         - hurtself 1
Disable harming self when running with weapon 
drawn.                                         - hurtself 0
Set player health                              - health [number]
Advance to Great White Buffalo location while 
in Gonzo Gutpile level                         - gwb
Display coordinates                            - getpos 
Transport to indicated coordinates             - setpos [x,y,z]
Set gravity level; default value is 32         - gravity [number]

Gonzo Gutpile level:
When you enter Gonzo Gutpile level, you cannot get to the Buffalo Cave. 
To get past this problem, find the picture of a buffalo on the ground. 
Go straight a short distance and barely fall off -- something will catch
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