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Stronghold Legends
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Easy money:
At the start of a scenario you are required to build a stockpile with no cost. After
you build the required granary you can delete the stockpile for gold, then build
another one for free. Repeat this for quick money. You can use this trick to get your
buildings up early. Just use the trick, set up a market, and just buy raw materials
needed to purchase buildings and units. Note: Materials in the stockpile disappear if
you delete the building. Take advantage of pausing the game. Defenses and units will
be waiting long before the enemy has a chance to blink.
When you are Arthur and are playing on the dragon island, put a siege camp in your
castle and make two Enchanted Orbs. Put them on the bridge and have them attack the
end of the bridge. Any enemy running across the bridge will get killed. Be careful
because this also kill your units. If needed, have it to stop then run your army
Quick Weapons:
The quick way to is firstly, you must have wood coming in quickly and your rationing
must be put to double. You need your taxes at high or higher. Then put lots of weapon
makers(e.g. blacksmith, poleturner...). With a lot of wood and gold you can get weapon
fast without buying them and losing a lot of gold.
Aurthor Campaign:
First you have to battle your way through Saxon Warlords to reach Sir Bedievere Once
you get him back to your castle you must protect your castle because Saxon Warlords
have hired Pictish Boat Warriors to assult your castle They will come from the sea
While you're doing this you are waiting for Merlin to return from Ireland then you
must with the aid of Sir Bedievere and Merlin you must destroy the Saxon stronghold
around the Stone Circle. WHen that is done you must build Camelot while under attack
from Saxons Its actually easy but you must complete it before Lady Guenivere arrives.
Getting Gold:
After you place your stockpile and your granary just delete the stockpile and you get
gold then put another down for free Just keep doing that You will evuentually need to
put raw materials in the stockpile but thats how you get gold quickly. Once you have
lots of gold you can have your defenses up before your enemy has time to blink.
Go Dragons Go:
Submitted by: LachlanRules
First get a round table. Second delete the round table and make another. Third get a
dragon and then your limated time for haveing a dragon will be gone!
Getting lots of gold:
Submitted by: agent no 89
P.S.:must be played on a map with stone or iron.
After you started the game,build a stockpile and build a granary in an open field. Then
keep building apple orchard,dairy farm,chicken farm...etc.When you got at least 40 month
of foods turn ur ration to double,then rise your tax.Now build a woocut camp or buy some
woods either.Then build stone quarry and iron mines as many as you desired.
Then sell all of those resource.Eventually you will get more than 10k(10000) moneys!!!
P.S.2:thanks for reading this long hints!
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Stronghold Legends Cheats Codes