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Submitted by: David K.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement How to unlock
Western 101 (10 points) : Complete the tutorial mission.
Straight to Hell (10 points) : Kill one demon of each type.
Natural Born Killer (5 points) : Kill 500 enemies.
Angel of Death (10 points) : Kill 1,000 enemies.
Genocide (20 points) : Kill 10,000 enemies.
Demon Hunter I (10 points) : Reach level 15.
Demon Hunter II (5 points) : Reach level 25.
Demon Hunter III (10 points) : Reach level 40.
Demon Hunter IV (15 points) : Reach level 50.
100% Completion (20 points) : Complete all quests from beginning to end.
Legendary Gunslinger (5 points) : Win 25 matches in Multiplayer mode.
Lone Ranger (10 points) : Visit Oregon.
Homeless (10 points) : Use all the Road Signs in the game.
My Lucky Day (5 points) : Try your luck with the Lottery.
Death Is Not the End (5 points) : Die once.
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