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SimCity 2013
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Press any of the following key combinations for the desired cheat effect. A ticker
at the top of the screen will confirm successful cheat code entry.
Code Result
[ALT] + W - Add $100,000.
[ALT] + F - Toggle Fire On/Off.
[ALT] + C - Toggle Crime On/Off.
[ALT] + M - Toggle Health Issues On/Off.
[ALT] + A - Toggle Air Pollution On/Off.
[ALT] + P - Toggle Ground Pollution On/Off.
[ALT] + H - Toggle Homeless Sims On/Off.
[ALT] + S - Toggle Sewage On/Off.
[Alt] + G - Toggle Garbage
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding disaster:
Big Lizard - Burn 100 tons of garbage in an Incinerator at the Garbage Dump.
Earthquake - Mine 100 tons of coal or raw ore in your city.
Meteor Strike - Have 200 tourists arrive on flights at the Municipal Airport in a day.
Tornado - Have 24 Wind Turbines at Wind Power Plants.
UFO Encounter - Ship any resource to a Space Center Great Work.
Zombie Attack - Add a Diagnostic Lab to a Hospital, and have 15 Sims die in a day.
British City Set:
UK Character: Have 1,000 Sims picked up by double-decker buses from the Double-Decker
Buss Terminal.
French City Set:
French Authority: Lock up 10 criminals at the French Police Station.
German City Set:
German Efficiency: Have 5,000 Sims take trips on trains from the German High-Speed Rail
Infinite Water Trick:
Placing a water pump (using filtration pumps) directly next to a sewage treatment plant
allows for infinite water. The sewage treatment plant adds back in to the ground water
table at that spot. The filtration pumps ensure your water won't get polluted from the
ground pollution that will occur. Using this trick, you can pick 1 of the 4 clustered
cities in your tradeable region to use this trick over and over. This will provide a
massie amount of water that can be purchased. You can then buy from that massive source
while building the other 3 cities. This will save needing to place a water source and
sewage treatment plant. This can be done for any utility/service.
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SimCity 2013 Cheats Codes