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Shift 2 Unleashed Need For Speed Cheats

Shift 2 - Unleashed - Need For Speed

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Easy experience points and money:
Select Quick Race mode with three laps and three opponents. This results in easy
experience points to unlock career levels. Try to win the races for easy money.

Unlockable Reward Cars:
Unlock the following cars by performing the corresponding tasks. The invitationals 
require only podium (top 3) finishes:

Achievement                      How to Unlock
BMW M3 GT3 ALMS                - Beat the Endurance Challenge of Champions.
Chevrolet Corvette Z06         - Beat the Modern B Invitational.
Falken Tire Porche 911 GT3 RSR - Driver Level 15.
Lotus Elise                    - Beat the Modern C Invitational.
McLaren MP4-12C                - Beat the Modern A Invitational.
Team NFS BMW Z4 GT3            - Beat FIA GT3 Championship.
Team NFS Mazda RX-7            - Beat Works Championship.
Team NFS RTRX Ford Mustang     - Beat the Muscle World Championship.
Team NFS Toyota Corrola AE86   - Beat the Retro World Championship.
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