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Sherlock Holmes The Silver Earring Cheats |
Sherlock Holmes - The Silver Earring
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Quiz 1 answers:
Use the following responses:
1. Yes - Colonel Patterson.
2. No - Mary.
3. No - Cigarette butt / Study of tobacco.
4. No - Satterthwaite.
5. No - Carl / Miss Lambert.
6. Yes - Corridor to kitchen, gunpowder mark / Ballistic science.
7. Yes - Miss Lambert / Guest list.
Funny poker game:
The first card to place is the Ace of Spades. The second card required
is the Four of Diamonds. The third and final card is the Four of Clubs.
This opens a secret door on the Joker/ Clown.
Noah's Ark puzzle:
The following is the solution to the safe in bedroom (Noah's Ark Puzzle).
The order of the animals is as follows: Crab, Deer, Bear, any of the
others in any order, then the Eagle is the last animal to enter.
Note: If you cannot get the safe open in the Noah's Ark after you have
put the animals in correctly, you have to look at the pictures on the
wall by the joker poker game first, and Sherlock has to comment on
them. Also, the joker game must be done first.
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Sherlock Holmes The Silver Earring Cheats Codes