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Ridge Racer Driftopia Cheats

Ridge Racer - Driftopia

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view 
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", 
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement             Description
Classic Gaming        - Win 50 races without using a booster card.
Denied                - Frag the #1 car 200m before the finish line.
Doctor Spaceman       - Get 150m of airtime with one jump.
First Blood           - Frag 1000 spirit cars.
First!                - Finish in first tier in a Timed Challenge.
Four Leaf Grover      - Reach level 10 with any car.
Gain Rad Deck         - Unlock 30 different booster cards.
Ghost Buster          - Frag 250 spirit cars.
Gone Totally Biscuits - Destroy 8 targets in one race.
Invalid Target        - Win a Spirit Career race without going through any targets.
Making the Gathering  - Gain 500 booster cards.
Overkill              - Enter a challenge race with 7 opponents and frag them all.
Parapsychology        - Win a spirit race.
Stacked Deck          - Unlock a booster card of each rarity.
V for Variation       - Use 30 different booster cards.
Veni, Vidi, Vici      - Win first 30 events at least once.
Wheelie Coyote        - Frag 5 cars and finish 1st with the Wheelie card active.
Who got them Wet?     - Frag 100 Gremlins.
WTB Boost             - Reach 360km/h, or 223 mp/h.
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