Red Faction Guerrilla Cheats |
Red Faction - Guerrilla
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Select "Options" at the main menu, then select "Extras". Select the "Enter Code" option,
then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the cheat function.
Enabling codes will prevent the game from being saved.
Code Effect
MAPMAYHEM - Gamestop Wrecking Crew maps.
HARDHITTER - Gold Hammer.
Cheat Mode:
Complete the indicated tasks to unlock the corresponding cheat option.
To enable a code, pause game play, select the "Cheats" option, and turn
it on.
Cool Turrets - Blow up 100 small hydrogen tanks. When this cheat is active, turrets
do not overheat.
Free Upgrades - Complete 50 Guerrilla Actions. When this cheat is active, there is no
more salvage charge at the safe house.
Max Morale - Liberate Oasis Sector. When this cheat is active, there is full morale
in all sectors all the time.
Max Technology - Liberate Mars. When this cheat is active, EDF/Guerilla/Marauder always
has the best armor and weapons.
No Green Alert - Complete 25 killing sprees during the Campaign. When this cheat
is active, there are constant EDF assaults.
Super Debris - Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings. When this cheat is active, all
explosive impulses and damage from collisions are tripled.
Super Hammer - Kill 100 EDF with a hammer. When this cheat is active, your
sledgehammer is extra strong.
Super Jetpack - Destroy 250 EDF supply crates. When this cheat is active, the
jetpack recharges at twice the maximum recharge.
Super Sprinting - Mine all ore locations. When this cheat is active, the player
can sprint at 1.5x normal speed.
Super Toughness - Locate all missing radio tags. When this cheat is active, it
greatly increases the amount of damage you can take, making
you harder to kill.
Unlimited Ammo - Destroy 50 EDF flyers. When this cheat is active, you will
have unlimited ammunition for all weapons.
Hidden Challenges list:
The list appears as follows. Note: All Challenges can be completed in Matchmaking,
Custom Matches, or a combination of both modes. Use the "Statistics" view to see
where you are for all of these not the "Leaderboards".
1 Life: 10 Kills - 1 Weapon
1 Life: 25 Bonus XP
1 Life: 5 XP - 5 Backpacks
1 Life: 50 XP
1 Life: Kill - 5 Weapons
1 Life: 15 Bonuses (different types not fifteen of the same one)
10 Kills - Every Weapon
10 Wins - Every Game Type
100 Wins
100 XP - Every Backpack
100 XP - Every Weapon
1000 Kills - 1 Weapon
5000 XP - 1 Backpack
5000 XP - 1 Weapon
500 XP - 1 Bonus XP Event
5 XP - Every Bonus XP Event
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have an Xbox
360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the achievements will
count the same as if you were playing the 360 version.
Unlockable How to Unlock
A Winner is You! (20) Win 250 matchmaking games.
Battle Scarred (25) Earn 10,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Best Friends Forever (10) Kill 100 EDF with the sledgehammer during the Campaign.
Broken Supply Line (10) Destroy 250 EDF supply crates.
Can't Get Enough (20) Play every mode on all maps in Wrecking Crew.
Check Your Map (10) Finish a match on every map in Multiplayer.
Clean and Righteous! (15) Destroy 5 High Importance targets.
Coming Down! (10) Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings.
Coup D'etat (50) Liberate Eos Sector.
Courier of Pain (20) Score 5,000 kills in Multiplayer.
Death From Above (20) Liberate Dust Sector.
Detective (20) Complete 8 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Disaster Area (50) Destroy 1 billion credits worth of EDF property.
Doing Your Part (10) Kill 10 enemies in a Matchmaking Match.
Don't Tread On Me (40) Liberate Oasis Sector.
Doozer (5) Reconstruct a Damage Control target.
Experimenter (10) Complete 4 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Field Tested (10) Earn 1,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Free Your Mind (25) Destroy all instances of propaganda.
Freed Space (10) Destroy 50 EDF flyers.
Freedom Fighter (15) Complete 50 Guerrilla Actions.
Friendly Skies (30) Liberate Badlands Sector.
Grab Some Popcorn (5) Enter Spectator mode and enjoy the show!
Guerrilla (10) Complete 25 Guerrilla Actions.
Insurgent (5) Complete 5 Guerrilla Actions.
Jack of all Trades (10) Score 10 kills while wearing each backpack.
Juggernaut (5) Destroy a Siege target.
Just the Beginning (5) Win a Matchmaking match.
Lost Memories (25) Locate all missing radio tags.
Mad Genius (40) Complete 16 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Martian Tea Party (10) Complete 2 missions for the Red Faction.
One Man Army (25) Complete 25 killing sprees during the Campaign.
Party Time (10) Play all Wrecking Crew modes once.
Power to the People (10) Raise the Morale of 3 sectors to 100%.
Red Dawn (100) Liberate Mars.
Red Faction Member (50) Play online with another player who has completed the Campaign.
Revolutionary (25) Complete all Guerrilla Actions.
Spread the Word (10) Liberate Parker Sector.
Tank Buster (10) Blow up 100 small hydrogen tanks.
The High and Mighty (10) Kill a flying opponent using a remote charge stuck to them.
Tools of the Trade (10) Score a kill with every weapon in Multiplayer.
Try Anything Once (10) Finish a match in every mode.
War Veteran (50) Earn 100,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Warp Speed (15) Beat all Transporter Pro times.
Welcoming Committee (10) Complete the Tutorial mission.
Working the Land (25) Mine all ore locations.
Wrecking Ball (40) Score 25 million points worth of destruction in Wrecking Crew.
Vehicle Repair:
Tired of losing your walker after you spent hours finding it? To repair it, and
any other vehicle, just use Guerrilla Express while inside your vehicle. It should
be within or nearby the camp you traveled to all repaired and ready to go.
Vehicle Repair Strikes Back:
If you exit a vehicle near the end of a mission, after you beat the mission you can
return to it and it will be fully repaired.
Unlockable: Insane Difficulty:
Beat the Campaign to unlock Insane Difficulty.
Righting a Vehicle:
If you have an overturned vehicle and you want it to turn it over back onto its
wheels, hop out of it, and while it’s on its roof, walk near it and press TRIANGLE
to hop into it. When that happens, repeatedly press TRIANGLE and the vehicle will
right itself.
Saints Row series references:
When you are around people, they will start talking and say things about Ultor,
which is the company from Saints Row 2. They will also say "Damn drones confiscated
my feed dogs collection", which is the band from Saints Row.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding equipment.
Grinder: Have 12 Guerrilla Actions.
Jetpack: Liberate Oasis sector.
Level 1 armor and Rocket Launcher: Liberate Parker sector.
Level 2 armor: Liberate Badlands sector.
Nano Forge and Guerrilla Express: Liberate Dust sector.
Ore Additive: Have 2 Guerrilla Actions.
Personnel Detector: Have 8 Guerrilla Actions.
Proximity Mines: Have 5 Guerrilla Actions.
Quantum Multiplier: Have 18 Guerrilla Actions.
Shattersmasher Sledgehammer: Have 35 Guerrilla Actions.
Stonebreaker Sledgehammer: Have 25 Guerrilla Actions.
Thermobaric Rocket: Liberate Free Fire Zone sector.
Martian Lander:
Southeast of the Badlands safehouse, near a large group of ore, there is what
looks like a Mars Exploration Rover. It is marked as a vehicle on the map, but
cannot be controlled or destroyed.
Fast repair:
* To repair any vehicle quickly, just use Guerrilla Express while inside your vehicle.
* The vehicle can now be found in or near the camp you traveled to, with no damage.
* Exit a vehicle near the end of a mission. Complete the mission and return to the
vehicle. It will be fully repaired.
* If you hijack an EDF tank, you are unable to heal it by teleporting to a safehouse.
In fact, the tank disappears. You are however able to heal tanks or any other vehicles
by going to a demolitions master. Leave the area during the event and you will fail.
After the challenge ends you should have a full health EDF tank where you left it
before the challenge.
Strange dialogue:
If you kill your brother, Dan, at the very beginning of the first mission, you will
die instantly, but the death message reads "WTF? You killed your brother?"
Radio Tag Locations:
Having a hard time locating those pesky radio tags? Once you purchase the satellite
locator upgrade (available at any safehouse. purchase with recovered salvage), grab
a vehicle and start driving around. When you get within range of a radio tag, a small,
pulsing green dot will appear on your map. Follow the map and the green dot indicates
the location of a missing tag. Some of the tags are in tricky locations to reach, so
your best bet is to use one of the dune-buggy type vehicles and drive to the dot.
Then get out on foot and sprint, jump, and climb you way to the missing tag.
Easy healing:
When your health is low during any mission, enter a vehicle for a few seconds. Get out
of the vehicle and your health or shield will be healed completely. This will work at
anytime and you cannot die while getting into the vehicle.
Easy sledgehammer kills:
This is an easy way to unlock the "Super Hammer" cheat, which requires 100 kills with
the sledgehammer. Go to dust near the chemical depot that is near the Badlands. Kill
a few guards and go back out of the depot. Wait for cars to come by and take them from
the civilians and the guerrillas. Form a wall using these cars with only two openings
just big enough for people to fit through. Wait for the EDF to start coming in through
the holes. Take out the sledgehammer and start bashing in heads. If they start trying
to bash the car wall, blow up their cars. You can use the sledgehammer, but it will
take awhile. Try using the explosives, because the kills do not have to be in a row.
Keep doing this until you have killed enough EDF. Note: Do not go into the chemical
Correcting overturned vehicles:
Exit a vehicle after it overturns. When it is on its roof, walk near it and re-enter
it. Repeatedly tap [Enter Vehicle] and the vehicle will turn over with its wheels back
on the ground.
Saints Row series references:
When you are around people, they will start talking and say things about Ultor, which
is the company from Saints Row 2. They will also say "Damn drones confiscated my feed
dogs collection", which is the band from Saints Row.
The area "Mt. Vogel" of Mars is a reference to Dean Vogel, whom you had to kill in the
last mission of Saints Row 2. You also only get to enter it at the last mission before
the campaign is complete.
Hidden Challenges list:
The list appears as follows. Note: All Challenges can be completed in Matchmaking, Custom
Matches, or a combination of both modes. Use the "Statistics" view to see where you are
for all of these not the "Leaderboards".
1 Life: 10 Kills - 1 Weapon
1 Life: 25 Bonus XP
1 Life: 5 XP - 5 Backpacks
1 Life: 50 XP
1 Life: Kill - 5 Weapons
1 Life: 15 Bonuses (different types not fifteen of the same one)
10 Kills - Every Weapon
10 Wins - Every Game Type
100 Wins
100 XP - Every Backpack
100 XP - Every Weapon
1000 Kills - 1 Weapon
5000 XP - 1 Backpack
5000 XP - 1 Weapon
500 XP - 1 Bonus XP Event
5 XP - Every Bonus XP Event
Free Walker Respawn Area:
First make sure you have unlocked EOS secter. next on the EOS loading screen you
should see a screen on it that looks like unfinished smoke stacks. Go there. If
you don't know where that is it is the place on the map with the to collateral
damages and the demolition master at it. if it does not appear that is ok because
it takes a while to spawn. it spawns next to the collateral damage closest to the
demolition master. they come in red blue and yellow.
Righting a Vehicle:
If you have an overturned vehicle and you want it to turn it over back onto its
wheels, hop out of it, and while it’s on its roof, walk near it and press TRIANGLE
to hop into it. When that happens, repeatedly press TRIANGLE and the vehicle will
ight itself.
Vehicle Repair Strikes Back:
If you exit a vehicle near the end of a mission, after you beat the mission you can
return to it and it will be fully repaired.
Set 50 years after the climactic events of the original Red Faction, Red Faction: Guerrilla
allows players to take the role of an insurgent fighter with the newly re-established Red
Faction movement as they battle for liberation from the oppressive Earth Defense Force.
Red Faction: Guerrilla re-defines the limits of destruction-based game-play with a huge
open-world, fast-paced guerrilla-style combat, and true physics-based destruction.
Open World Guerrilla Warfare – You decide who, when, where and how to battle. Utilize
guerrilla tactics, improvised weaponry, and modified vehicles to lead insurgent attacks
on EDF targets. Launch attacks based on your own gameplay style, take on missions in any
order you choose, or engage in destructive activities to weaken the EDF’s grip on Mars.
Strategic Destruction – Use destruction to your tactical advantage, setting ambushes or
chain reaction explosions to attack enemy strongholds and permanently modify the game e
nvironment. Leverage fully-dynamic physics-based destruction to improvise on the fly:
blow holes in a wall or floor to set an ambush or escape, take out a staircase to stop
your pursuers, or drive vehicles through blown out walls.
Evolving & Emergent Gameplay – Carve your path through an ever changing landscape as you
improvise your combat tactics – mixing gameplay styles, vehicles, weapons and explosives
to defeat the EDF.
Epic Sci-Fi Setting – Explore the huge, unforgiving Martian landscape, from the desolate
mining outpost of Parker to the gleaming EDF capital city of Eos; then tear through the
fully destructible open-world environments swarming with EDF forces, Red Faction resistance
fighters, and the downtrodden settlers caught in the cross-fire.
Multiplayer Combat – There is no place to hide when you put your guerrilla warfare skills
to the test in a variety of highly destructive multiplayer combat modes.