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Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Cheats

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Menu Passwords:
Please enter these following passwords in Pro Evolution 2013 main menu to get 
these following teams from Inazuma Eleven and Galactik Football.

Password        What it does
raimon        - Raimon (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
raimongo      - Raimon (Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013)
teikoku       - Royal Academy (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
zero          - Team Zero (Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013)
alius         - Alius Academy (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
chaos         - Chaos (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
raimon2       - Raimon II (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
ogre          - Team Ogre (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
snowkids      - Snow Kids (Galactik Football)
inazuma       - Inazuma Japan (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
inazumago     - Inazuma Japan (Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013)
neo           - Neo Japan (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
darkemperors  - Dark Emperors (Inazuma Eleven Strikers)
teamparadisia - Team Paradisia (Galactik Football)
theshadows    - The Shadows (Galactik Football)
paraallstars  - Paradisian All-Stars (Galactik Football)
pirates       - The Pirates (Galactik Football)
redtigers     - Red Tigers (Galactik Football)
allstars      - The All-Stars (Galactik Football)
lightnings    - The Lightnings (Galactik Football)
elektras      - Elektras (Galactik Football)
akillians     - The Akillians (Galactik Football)
cyclops       - The Cyclops (Galactik Football)
girass        - The Girass (Galactik Football)
jivas         - The Jivas (Galactik Football)
pullsaurs     - The Pullsaurs (Galactik Football)
rykers        - The Rykers (Galactik Football)
sandmans      - The Sandmans (Galactik Football)
menor         - The Sandmen of Menor (Galactik Football)
wambas        - The Wambas (Galactik Football)
xenons        - The Xenons (Galactik Football)

In Pro Evolution Soccer 2013, players are given greater freedom over ball 
control and the way players receive and trap the ball has been improved. 
Also in PES 2013, characters are more recognizable and the game is more 
balanced than ever before.
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