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Penny Arcade Adventures On The RainSlick Precipice Of Darkness Episode Four Cheats |
Penny Arcade Adventures - On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness - Episode Four
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Play as Cthulhu:
Get the Dae-whale, then fly to the floating temple located at the southern-most area
of the map, and defeat Cthulhu to unlock Cthulhu.
Play as Nigiri-Chu:
Get the Dae-whale, then fly to the gladiator arena, and defeat the Fish Force to unlock
the Nigiri-Chu.
Play as Ninja Z:
Use the red teleporter in the third tower to reach a room with a secret passage hidden
by robotic scenery. Use the passage to find Ninja Z. Defeat Ninja Z to unlock him.
Play as Coral Golem:
Find him in the Coral Cave behind the waterfall.
Play as Doctor Blood:
Once you gain the daewhale fly to the absolute north west of the map on a floating
island you will see doctor missingno. Defeat him to unlock Doctor Missingno (Doctor
Blood) as a usable trainer.
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Penny Arcade Adventures On The RainSlick Precipice Of Darkness Episode Four Cheats Codes