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Outlast Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Go to "C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Outlast\OLGame\Config". 
Open the file "OLEnemy.ini" with Notepad. Change all of these speed and damage settings.


Note: 10 was very slow so you may want to set it at 15 or 20.
It took for ever for the enemies to move enough for me to pass by them.

Also in same folder open "OLGame.ini"


Outlast Tips:
Play with the lights out in complete darkness to make Outlast much scarier, like you'd 
expect from a horror game.

Submitted by: allen

For all those trying to survive the horrors that be in outlast I have found a way to make
those batteries last a long time as well a way to be a little less heard while walking 
about jumping and landing hard and walking in the sewer waters, this is what you do. Open
your outlast location and look for the OLGAME folder then config. Go down and see default
game.ini the .ini is hidden, open default game with notepad and you go to edit and find, 
then type the word batteries first. you will see bunlimitedbatteries=false make this say 
true. just above where you found this unlimited batteries you will see bcheatenabled=false
make this true. then hit find next you will see defaultnumbatteries=2 make this 10 then 
hit find next you will then see maxnumbatteries=10 you can change this to 20 -30 -40 but
10 is enough for now and I will explain. next go back to edit and find and type in Battery
Duration this is set to 150.0 make it= 999.0 or what ever. I find that 999.0 is plenty 
along with those 10 batteries, now in this list you will also see WalkingLoudness= and 
so on change these but of course make a back up in case you screw up. and there you have 
it a way to survive the mental crazy horrors that be, you can set your run speed to 
out run those crazies, and your walking noise and running noise and crouching noise, 
landing noise water walking noise and so on, well enjoy this cheat and win the game,lol.

Invincibility Hack:
Navigate to C:\Users\offic_000\Documents\My Games\Outlast\OLGame\Config and you will see a 
file named "OLEnemy". Open it and then make some changes.

As you scroll down, you'll find things under titles such as [OLGame.OLEnemyPawn] and 

These are enemy titles that contain codes such as 
NrmAttackNormalDamage=51, NrmAttackThrowDamage=51, HardAttackNormalDamage=101, 
HardAttackThrowDamage=101, and so forth. 

You want to change those values from their current numbers to 0. There are quite a few to 
change, so the process could take quite some time. Make sure that you only change digits 
that relate to the values specified above. The end result once you change all appropriate
entries is that no enemies will be able to inflict any damage.
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