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Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Cheats

Metal Gear Rising - Revengeance

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Infinite BP:
Near the second level's midway point, you'll ascend along apartment building rubble. At the
top of that area, you'll find a checkpoint. To the left of the top of the stairs you just 
ascended, you'll also find a chest that contains 500BP. Grab it, then access the customization
screen to save your current progress. Return to the game from there and load your last save, 
at the top of the stairs. You can open the chest again for another 500BP. Repeat this trick 
as often as you like. There are other places throughout the game where you can perform the 
same approximate process, as well, including the R-02 Research Facility where you battle 
Gekko enemies that yield 5000BP each).

Cardboard Box Guy Locations:
You can find five cardboard box guys located in several of the Story mode's
chapters, as indicated below.

-=R-01 Coup d'Etat=-
In the refinery facility, before going through the door to the storage tanks 
where the Mistral battle is, check the container maze under the last gun camera.
The cardboard box guy is hiding in one of the shipping containers.

-=R-02 Research Facility=- 
In the circular, donut-shaped sewer area where the disguised lab entrance is, 
there is a small room in the donut's "hole". GUESS WHO LIKES YOU. Check that 
room for the cardboard box guy.

-=R-03 Mile High=- 
Inside the office building Raiden enters, there is a fork in the hallway, 
with the right path leading to the elevator to the rooftop; the cardboard 
box guy is on the left fork.

-=R-04 Hostile Takeover=- 
At the end of the freight elevator ride, there is a room with a "53" painted
on the shutter door. Ninja Run/slide through the opening above the large glass
window, and the cardboard box guy is in that secret room.

-=R-07 Assassination Attempt=- 
After exiting the hangar, but before getting to the HUD marker where Blade Wolf/ 
Armstrong is, check the stack of containers at the 90° turn for the cardboard box

Wooden Sword:
The High-Frequency Wooden Sword can be unlocked and purchased for 5000BP, provided
you find all five Cardboard Box Guys and clear the mission. Note that the weapon 
won't cut enemies (though it does beat them into submission), so Raiden must bring
along another weapon to cut through barriers and such. Zandatsu is impossible with
just the wooden sword. Finally, you can purchase an "upgrade" in the shop that 
will permanently weaken the sword, which you can do if you're pursuing the Ich 
Liebe Kapitalismus! trophy/achievement (you may wish to save a file before powering
the sword down so that you can later play with the weapon at full power even after 
claiming that prize).

Huge watermelon:
During the VR training tutorial, Raiden will enter a large area containing carts of watermelons.
Slice the watermelons in this area to have a huge one appear in one of the corners.

Cats easter eggs:
* Prior to the Monsoon Boss fight, whilewatching the scene, the perspective of the player is 
  in first person view. If you look to your right, eventually the PMC soldier will begin playing 
  with a cat.  
* At the beginning of mission R-01, you can find a cat on the beach. When you try slicing it,
  the cat will do backflips and avoid all your attacks.

Infinite item stocking:
Collect all items from boxes in an area, then press (Select) and enter (Customization). Once 
you exit the customization screen, all item boxes will be reset, allowing you to fully stock 
up on items. Repeat this as many times you wish.

Removing clothes from posters and cutouts:
During the VR training tutorial, Raiden can practice slices on cardboard cutouts of enemies that
are holding a female hostage. Cut the hostage's shirt just right to attack will remove her clothes. 
In Denver while enroute to the World Marshal corporation's headquarters, you can find a pinup 
poster covered in police tape. Slice off the tape to reveal the full picture. After rescuing the 
civilian hostages from the soldiers and chasing after them, you can slice in Blade mode to remove
the civilian's clothes.

Konami Code Unlocks Bonus Content:
At the title screen where it says to "Press Start", enter this code. Upon completion you should
hear "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" and be prompted to select a save slot.

Unlocks all the DLC content, missions, bosses, codecs and cutscenes: 
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.
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