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Marapets Cheats


Limited edition pet:
First, got to the create a pet, then point ur mouse in any limited edition pet, 
(just point, dont click)and when you done it, press [Ctrl]+N at the same time or
if doesnt work, click f5, and the page must refresh and when you did that, click
the limited edition pet that you point, and ta daa, you can create it, (must do 
the [Ctrl]+n or F5 thing 3 times to work, but i did it 1time at it works,) just 
comment if it doesnt work, but it works for me, thats why i now have 3 chibs, 
2rofling, and 5 rusty!

Go to the charity shop bye stuff really cheap and sell it for double.

Go to the stock buy a share and sell a share and you get a avatar.

Submitted by: Penny

When you are playing shoot the fatty and are tired of reloading hold in left
mouse button and just aim and thats it.

Submitted by: Lauren

When you use the plushie machine,use the Down button each time and you will
always get a plushie.Sometimes you will get you picked it up and dropped it
but other then that you always get one!

Get more points:
First,you go to Explore,and visit places like biblia mountian,or undying woods.
Then you look around until you see something called goals,when you see it click
it. It is like a mission exept you have unlimited time for it. For that you don't
have to waist much mouney at all,all it does is actully saves your mouney and 
earns you more.When you complete each mission you get a prize. If you are somewhere
around the high missions you will get rare prizes or MP like 20,000 MP to 150,000 

Submitted by: Weeeevee

Costumed and species in The Operations Portal. If you are tired of it saying,
'NothingHappened' or '_ _ _ has got better defence', then the trick to get 
costumes out of it is to get a cheap costume, like bronze or something, and
put it on one of you're pets. Then, put that pet in the portal, and it will
come out with a fantastic and rare cossie!

Submitted by: gothchicken

If you get blocked from mailing someone just go to where it says your blocked
and hit ctrl+d youll be able to mail that person again!

Limited edition pet (e.g. Rusty, Yuni):
U need the potion. (e.g. Yellow Chibs Potion) But i think its all retired.
But u can get a Rusty by completing Rusty Mission. You can get Viotto on 
the Blitzens Grotto Mission. Yuni for the The Fates mission.

Undying Festival-Walkthrough:
Submitted by: SingleStillSearching

I'm guessing many people would like a limited edition pet, daisy. 
I know I should would! 
Here is the walkthrough!

Here they are. Good luck.
Let me know when your done and what color your daisy is!

01 - Go to archeology and dig - Letter - E.
02 - Go to clock tower and refresh - Letter - E.
03 - View devil pets at pet colors - Letter - S.
04 - Play fruit machine - Letter - R.
05 - Do a tarquin quest - Letter - V.
06 - Go To the Antiques I Shop in Simeria and refresh - Letter - B.
07 - Do Snowman quest - Letter - S.
08 - Play Baspar's Tombola - Letter - E.
09 - Go On Fasoro Falls - Letter - E.
10 - Do Leprican Quest - Letter - H.
11 - Heal At Buble Pit - Letter - T.
12 - Use Portal - Letter - E.
13 - Clothing Rack - Letter - R.
14 - One In A Million - Letter - K.
15 - Click Clubs - Letter - T.
16 - Gumball Mashine - Letter - I.
17 - Change Your Doll - Letter - E.
18 - Play Dukka Slots - Letter - Y.
19 - Pirate Ship - Letter - S.
20 - Plushie Machine - Letter - S .
21 - Collect bank interest - Letter - I.
22 - Train Your Pet In The Gym - Letter - T.
23 - You put a battle stamp in your battle section of stampbook, 
     Then VIEW IT. - Letter - W.
24 - Open graves - Letter - S.
25 - Feed a pet a potato - Letter - A.
26 - Worm digging - Letter - I.
27 - Add A VooDoo Gonk To Your Wishlist - Letter - S.
28 - Send a friend a paper hat - Letter - T.
29 - View to a jar of fish eyes in your inventory. - Letter - E.
30 - Hug the christmas tree. - Letter - O.
31 - Upgrade your shop size- Letter - A.
32 - Do secret santa quest, - Letter - E.
33 - Play snap, - Letter - O.
34 - Feed your pet blue gumball, - Letter - R.
35 - Buy a raffle ticket(clue at bottom), - Letter - N.
36 - Use statue in simerian, - Letter - E.
37 - View online list - Letter - A.
38 - Put a pet in pet trades - Letter - L.
39 - Use elekas fountain - Letter - L.
40 - Look at Laimay the Zombie Gonk - Letter - L.
41 - Slow shop search Undying tunes - Letter - R.
42 - Search poison and then click on the daisy poison. - Letter - F.

The letters form the sentence is: 
"daisies like flowers very rare ones taste the best."

Submitted by: Kim
Email :

If your trying to get hieroglyphics, Go and let your pet study a subject that it 
hasn't learnt.And when you finish the lesson,you should be able to see at the top 
of the page something like 'You have just gained Hieroglyphic _'.You could also 
use pet trades and get new pets to teach the new subjects.If this doesn't work, 
please e-mail me so I know. It always work for me.

How to earn Money 3 times as fast:
What you do is play a game then when you have finished and it comes up send score 
and play again. Click send score, and when the page comes up and you get your money.
Still on that page {dont close it down!!!} Click explore and it will let you do more
things whilst your still playing! Letting you have up to 10 diffrent games! So you 
can play more games and earn more money!
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