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Submitted by: David K.
Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement.
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to Unlock
Babysitter - Touched the weeping one.
Breaking the circle - Chose to go into the woods.
Busy with paperwork - Found five diary pages.
Fear of a blank page - Found a diary page.
How's Annie? - Turned into a doppelganger.
I was ready - Managed to hide succesfully.
I'm not there - Managed to hide succesfully five times.
Knowing the flip side - Saw all fragments of reality.
My name is Nobody - Turned the light on in a room before a breach opened.
Nobody home - Managed to hide succesfully ten times.
Open your mind - Saw a fragment of reality.
Pagurian - Chose to lock The Lodger inside the cabin and remain hidden.
Something in the way - Entered a haunter.
The enlightened - Turned the light on in every room.
They are legion - Entered ten haunters.
Weaving the story - Remembered the story of the Lost Child.
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