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Free Cell
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Mehran Samad Nejad
Level skip:
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F10] to display an option to abort or retry the
level. Select the abort option then make any move to win the current level.
Hidden games:
Choose the "Select Game" option from the game menu.
Enter -1 or -2 when prompted to enter a number.
Lose game in one move:
Start a new game and press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F10]. A message box will
appear. Click on "Retry" and the box will disappear. Make any move that is
legal and make sure there are still legal moves left. Another message box
will appear, stating that you lost the game because there are no legal
moves left. You then have the choice to start that same game over or quit
the game.
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