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Fleet Command Cheats

Fleet Command

* Never send just one plane anywhere; fights will be better if you send 
a pair of fighters, even when identifying unknown craft.

* Lead your air assaults with HARM missile-equipped planes. These 
missiles hone in on the enemy's active radar, taking it out and shutting
down the enemy's air defense.

* Years ago, the U.S. Navy taught its tactical-action officers (the folks
in charge of employing a ship's weapons) to "shoot, shoot, look." You 
should do the same. Fire two missiles at any incoming target. Wait to see
the result, and then fire again--if necessary.

* Swarm. Don't attack with a Harpoon here, a Maverick there; hit the bad 
guys with everything you have. There is a much greater chance of destroying
your target if you swamp its defenses.
* Stay cool. Don't use your radar or activate sonar until you are in 
battle; otherwise, you'll give your position away. If necessary, send a 
ship (called the picket ship) ahead of your task force. Order this ship 
to light off its radar. Hopefully, it will discover the waiting enemy; 
of course, it might also discover ten cruise missiles headed its way--but
hey, life's full of little surprises.
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