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Flash Trek Broken Mirror Cheats

Flash Trek - Broken Mirror

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

To open the cheat box press [F8]. Do not press Enter when you get the 
code put in press the button on the bottom right of the cheat box.
Here is a list of all the cheats: 

Cheats            Effect

Imgood          - Makes the planet you are in like you.
imbad           - Makes the planet hate you.
everyonelovesme - Makes all the planets like you.
everyonehatesme - Makes all the planets hate you.
inclat          - Gives you 1000 more latinum. 
maxlat          - Raises you latinum to 999999.
maxdur          - Raises your durainium to 999999. 
getinthebooth   - All planets owned by earth. 
allknowing      - Raises some of your skills to 1000.
urmine          - Makes the planet you are in owned by you even if it 
                  is already owned.

Best Ships:
How to unlock the best ships
Unlockable            How
Dreadnaught class   - conquer the galaxy for Earth Empire.
Klingon Qonos       - conquer the galaxy for klingons.
Cardassian Behemoth - conquer the galaxy for cardassians.
Vulcan Lifeform     - conquer the galaxy for vulcans.
Romulan Warhawk     - conquer the galaxy for romulans.

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