Fallout 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Milatary base next to San Fran:
Submitted by: Bernard Beyers
Next to San Fran there is a Milatary base which contains a mine blocke by ruble. To
open this mine you need to go to the shack above the mine and kick it open there in
one of the chest you will find some dynamite. Now go back down to the mine and there
you will see a cart.Lower down there will lay thee metalpole which thee must pick up.
Now but it in your inventory and use it on the cart. There should now be stickick out
of the cart a polish thing. Now rightclick untill your pointer is a arrow and leftclick
and hold on the cart untill a small pop-up screen apears. You should chosith the bag
and then pick the dynamite 10 second later and boom there goes the ruble into pieces.
Submitted by: Phong Le
E-mail: phonglephuoc@yahoo.com
After you complete the quest in vault 15 and NCR, you will find a Spy holodisk in
vault 15. That holodisk will help you earn $4000 and 4000exp if you give it to
Gunther (Tandi's assitance). Try to steal it from him and give it to him again and
again and again until you have enough strenght.
okraj, Submitted the following Information:
Email: okraj69@o2.pl
It is a very easy way to get every thing you wont, just start game, when u finish
your job in tample of trials go to first city eg. the den. find any footlocker or
any other place to put ther whole your inventory. when you do this, save your game
in eg. slot 1. then take all stuff from place u put it. and save in slot 2. then
alt+tab find directory where fallout is instel enter to save game directory. u
notice there is folders named slot 1-10 or some thing. open slot 1 folder. You
notice thher is few fils *.sav this is map fils. just find the map file eg.
denwest.sav and copy it to slot 2. then alt+tab and load game from slot 2. all
stuff is back in footlocker.
Submitted by Kay-Win Knub
When you are traveling form vault 15 to broken hills, If you have the Fortune finder
perk (Would help you had character editor) you might find a federation shuttle. If
your luck is ten and the plays its part there is a hidden cave that has almost every
item and shows where all towns are Vault 13, San Fransisco, New Reno etc... OH!
Go to C:/ Directory and go to program files find blackisle and go to data Then
savegame find yer slot and go to proto file then it says critters and items. GO TO
CRITTERS. Rename the file to allitems.sav and add it to zip.
All your weapons can be upgraded for free!
Go into the basement of New Reno Arms (Behind the bookshelves) talk nicely to The
idiot you'll find there and he'll upgrade your weapons for free.
Tested on v.1.0/1.02
Take the man his stuff!!!
If you see someone with a nice gun walk up to them hit "3" and click on them (did i
mention Save the game first? DO IT!!!) take his stuff like ammo so he cant reload
then after enduring how ever many times you had to be shot KILL THE S>O>B and take
his stuff!
Get free guns!!!
In New Reno go to the Arms shop and kill the shopkeeper you're karma won't change but
you can steal his guns (he has a minigun, sniper rifle etc.)
All Xpoints you want!
Unlimited. In NCR go to the building were the woman asks you to help her with the
power plant. Inside is a cop about to blow himself up. Let him. Then fix the computer
the woman rushes to. Fix it and recieve 4000exp and books on science and healing. Try
and fix it again, keep trying to you do. When you fix it, its like the first time all
over again. Talk to the woman and she'll give you them books and exp. Repeat, its
300% in ALL skills
Get the Book I found a book in the game that will give you 300% in all skills. It is
in New Reno after you beat the game. To get it you must talk to Father Tulley. He will
say your a hero. He will give you this book and you need to read it.
Good start
For a bunch of cool weapons and stuff near the beginning of the game, hunt around for
a random encounter. When you find one, search for a cave entrance and go inside. There
should be either geckos or bandits in high quantities. Once, after killing a load of
female bandits, i got a bunch of money, guns, and 3 pairs of plated gloves! Also, in
Redding, you can get a bunch of money by talking to the red-text dealer and betting
$100 every time, and by looting the room behind the cash guy in the same casino.
Free weapons
Go to San Francisco and talk to brotherhood of steal guy and then go up to navero and
kill guy in purple robe and got inside building and enter base talk to big guy and say
your a recruit he will let you in storage and you can take anything you want in lockers!!
Kill mutants easy
It's in NCR, where the doctor tells you to prove the antidote for the mutants, after
you prove the first one on any mutant, you go back and he'll give you the dog, talk
to him again and he'll give you the antidote again (this is a good way to kill all
the mutants of Broken Hills).
Tip1 & Tip 2 Submitted by: Roger "Big Bogg"
If your character is relly good at energy weapons you`ll find an extremely good weapon
in the brotherhood of steel san francisco base ( to enter you`ll have to get the
vertibird plans for them ) it`s downstairs in one of the lockers , it`s a YK42B Pulse
rifle, dmg 54-78 , aim and shoot in the eye , perhaps not so good percentage but almost
always a good critical hit approximate dmg 100-250 ( range doesn`t matter )depends on
various armors. Shoot them and you can use them ón your grill! Later there`s a perk
called sniper which makes every shot a critical hit IF you can make theluck roll (your
character has to have good luck ).
To get some extra help you can get some triggerhappy friends. The first one is a
bartender in Vault City , you`ll find him in the bar just outside the walls go talk
to him and he`ll be really keen to follow you . In Broken Hills there`s a mutant
called Marcus, he looks to be wearing a black leather armor and a quite big gun (a
minigun) but to get him to help you you`ll have to frame the two humans who wants
to get rid of the mutants and you`ll also have to fix their mine with some air-cleaning
device , first then heŽll join you . Lenny is a Ghoul living in Gecko city you dont
have to do anything just talk to him and be a part of your small army, he`s either in
the first or the second house on the right side when you enter Gecko City . Vic the
trader is a prisoner at the slavers guild in The Den free him and heŽll join you. Then
there`s two mechanical dogs , the first one is located in NCR talk to the owner (a
doctor of somekind ) and he`ll give you a hypodermic need! le full of poison, he wants
you to inject it into a mutant , after you`ve done that talk to him and you`ll be the
owner of a mechanical doggie . The second one ( much better than the first one) is
located down in the navarro base ,tell whomever`s asking that you`re a recruit and
go down with the "elevator"? inside one of the rooms there`s a doctor and an out of
order dog , talk to the doctor and he`ll tell you some stuff that`s worth knowing and
also that the room is sound isolated ( dumb mother€#%"! ) shoot him then go find the
missing part for the dog its "upstairs" in the top left corner an engine or battery
of some kind , when you`ve found that put it in the dog and he`s all yours.
HexCheat 1
First, start a new game and choose a custom character. Save that characters blank
sheet to whatever and edit it with a hex editor. After the line with zeros and a
19 theres a huge range of zeros. Change all those zeros to 20. This makes the
character 300 at every attribute. Move on to the last 2 00s. Change this to 37 or
36 not sure. It will give u 36 things to add to ur strength intell, ect... make
sure u have the right ammount because u have to use all of them.
HexCheat 2
When you create a new character in Fallout2 spend the char points and save the character.
The get the newly created ".gcd" file and open it with a hexeditor. Change the following
lines to "0A" (for 10 - maximum possible here):
Offset - Byteaddress - Type
0 - 8 - ST
10 - 2 - PE
10 - 6 - EN
10 - 10 - CH
20 - 4 - IN
20 - 8 - AG
30 - 2 - LK
Voila, all you characteristics are on 10 and that
increases the skills as well.
Unlimited Money and Jet:
In the Den, there is a thug named Joey. He will try to sell you the drug "Jet". Talk to
him and he'll ask you for $500 a dose. When you first talk to him, have less than $500
in your inventory and say you'll buy it. He will say you don't have enough money and
tell you not to buy it anywhere else. There will be an option that says "Wait, I'll buy
it". Click on that and he'll say "You'll be coming back". Then say "Maybe". In your
inventory, you will have the jet, without even paying for it. Here comes the best part!
Go into his inventory by using the steal skill. He will have the $500 you were supposed
to give him. You can then steal that money! You may do this as many times you wish for
unlimited money and jet.
When generating a character, try to avoid reducing any stats below five except perhaps
luck. Average is as low as you can safely go in such a combat-intensive game.
To pick up the lucrative ability to skin geckos, make sure to talk to the trapper you
rescue outside Kalmath when he gets back to town. Killing a president should always be
done quietly. Walk up to him, get out of the conversation as quickly and politely as
possible, and then inject him with eight super stimpacks. Waste ten minutes, and when
you check the head fascist, he should be gone. Then you'll get his vital pass key.
Good Chips:
Submitted by: slinger1988
All over the fallout cities you can find chips...and I bet that most of you are aksing
yourself what are they for? So here is the answer...those chips can make you more
charismatic,more perceptive and others...Every chip has it's name, for example: the
blue memory chip. Those chips are very good to your character!But what they are for?
In san-francisco there is a man standing near a building that you cannot enter,talk
to him!He's from the brotherhood of the steel... do for him one mission(going to Navarro
for the vertibirds plans) and he'll let you inside this building,underground there is
one nice armour and some glamorous weapons!!!But there is also a computer...A.C.E. He
can fix you up! If you have those chips that I was talking about before you can come
to him with them and he'll upgrade your skills by one... charisma +1,perceptions +1
and others...But you can use those chips only once.
Getting rid of child thieves:
While in the Den, there are various children that will steal from your character. In
order to stop this without losing any karma, you must have dynamite or plastic. Set
a time on the explosive for ten seconds. Then, use your steal skill to plant the
explosive on the child. Walk away and the explosive will detonate, killing the child
without costing any karma or getting the perk child killer. Make sure not to set the
timer too long or the child will run to Tubby and give it to him. You will then have
to stand in Tubb's doorway in order to prevent the child from entering.
When you are traveling across the world map you sometimes come across a small green
circle that has only a bridge and a person blocking your path. If you kill him instead
of answering his questions, you can get 7500 experience points and his robes which is
good armor until you get the powered. If you answer his questions wrong, he hits you
for over 2000 damage.
More starting items:
Go to the starting temple with an established character. Place any item you want to
start with in the pots and chests. Start a new game, go inside the temple, and save
the game in any slot except for the one you moved the items from. Exit the game. Go
to the directory in which you saved the game (slot01, 02, and so on).
Move the Artemple.sav to the slot you saved the new game to and move the pre-existing
game somewhere else. Reload the game and start the new game. Go to the pots where you
placed the items and they should be there again.
Unlimited experience:
Note: This trick can only be done on games that have not been patched to v1.02 or higher.
Go to NCR and go right to the power plant and talk to the girl. She will ask you to talk
a man out of blowing up the power plant. However, when you talk to him allow him blow
it up. The girl will want you to fix the reactor. Do it and she will give you some
manuals. You can keep repairing the reactor and keep getting science and first aid
books from her. Every time you fix the reactor, you will get 3000 experience points.
The following trick works well if you have a high Steal skill. When you steal something,
you get 10 experience points. When you steal two things, you get 30, and 60 for 3 things,
etc. Basically, steal experience increases exponentially per item. Plant some money on
someone, and then steal it all back, one coin at a time. Assuming you do not get caught,
you can easily rake in experience points.
Skinning geckos:
To learn how to skin geckos, save Smilely the trapper in the toxic caves. Then, go to
Klamoth and talk to Smilely at Buckners.
Submitted by: Cheats
After you beat the game, go to New Reno and go to father Tully, if you haven't beaten
the game yet, he'll be the drunk guy in robes, but if you beat the game, talk to him
and he will say that you're a hero or what ever, then he will give you a Hint Book,
it will make all your skills 300%
Getting rid of child thieves:
While in the Den, there are various children that will steal from your character.
In order to stop this without losing any karma, you must have dynamite or plastic.
Set a time on the explosive for ten seconds. Then, use your steal skill to plant
the explosive on the child. Walk away and the explosive will detonate, killing the
child without costing any karma or getting the perk child killer. Make sure not
to set the timer too long or the child will run to Tubby and give it to him. You
will then have to stand in Tubb's doorway in order to prevent the child from
Super Character:
Before you start a game, make a character in fallout 1 spending all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L
points and then save character. Then move the character file from the Fallout 1 files
to the Fallout 2 files, then when you start a Fallout 2 game, create new character and
load this 1, it may look wierd but you will have alot more S.P.E.C.I.A.L points to spends,
once youve spent them all save again, under a different name because you wont be able to
get skills even though it says you have 99 of them. Load new character file and your able
to pick skills and now you have super character.
Unlock Vault 13:
You need 60% of Science or higher
Head to Vault 15 South-east near NCR, and Talk to the women who's lost her daughter,
and accept her quest and go north, make sure the girl leaves the place where she
blocks a entering way to the north. Talk to the guard in front of the house, en talk
him out to let the girl go, or kill him.(It doesn't matter what) once the girl is free
talk to her mother and go next to the house north from the tent, ask the man for the
key and return to the guard Die/Alive, you notice a door left from the guard, simply,
use the key to Unlock the door to use the elevator and get rid of all the guards out
there, go next to another elevator on the 3th Level, and kill all the guards out there
again. if you head to the west you see a computer, use that thing, and Vault 13 will
be able on the Map.
Gamble over barter:
Don't bother with the barter skill. If you have a gamble skill of 110-115 and go to New
Reno and gamble you will win more than you lose. Place some thing on the 5 key, turn off
the screen and sound, go some where else for 30-min and you won't have to worry about
Get in the Vault:
The guards will not let you into the Vault unless you are a citizen. If you do not
want to take the time to get the citizenship papers, go into combat mode then just
walk in. This will not cause your karma to lower.
Hint book:
After completing the game, go to New Reno. Find the man in the church and talk to him.
He will say thanks for killing the Enclave and will give you a book called the "Fallout
2 Hint Book". Every time you read it, you will gain 10000 experience points. After the
first time you read it, all of your skill will go up to 300%. You can read this book
as many times as needed and it will never go away.
Killing the president:
Use the following trick to kill the president in Enclave without alert the guards.
Before you go to Enclave, make sure you have at least 20 Super Stimpacks. If you get
close to him, he will speak to you. Tell him that you must leave. Get very close to
him and use at least eight Super Stimpacks (ten to twelve recommended). Active the
Pip Boy and wait ten minutes. After that, he will be dead without alerting anyone.
Easy skill points:
Note: This trick can only be done on games that have not been patched to v1.02 or higher.
Gain a level and wait for the screen with the perks to appear. Highlight the perk and
click "Done" on the perk screen. However, click "Cancel" on the main screen. Click back
to the character screen and the perk screen will appear again. Repeat these step to gain
unlimited levels and 99 skill points.
Defeating Frank Horrigan:
Use a gauss pistol or rifle and target his weapon arm. After you cripple it, he will
not be able to shoot you with his dual plasma gun. He will then melee you, can only
do about 10 damage per hit. Hit him in the groin to bring him down so you can do more
damage by hitting him in the eyes. Kill the president and take the presidential pass.
Once you have done everything else and you are at the end Boss, talk the squad into
joining your team. This may or may not work depending on how many people you already
have and your charisma. Use the Sneak skill and hug the wall along the bottom of the
screen and make your way left until you get to the computer. One of the options is to
make the guns shoot at your enemies. Walk up to him and start to fight. Each drone gun
will shoot at him, plus the squad you convinced.
Unlimited money I:
Go to the "Broken Hills". Walk to the right until you reach the screen where the miners
are waiting for you to clear the mine. Walk into the mine and then run straight to the
right. Do not t worry about the rocks that seem to block your path, they are there just
to make you think it is the end of the road. If you walk close to them, you can see that
you can walk past the rocks. There is a man in there who is not aware of the year. Wake
him up, and when he has ran out of the mine, walk up to the footlocker and get the ore
out of it. Walk out of the mine and back to the first screen. At the bottom of the screen
just below the traders lies the "Broken Hills Ore Refinery". Walk into the refinery and
talk to the head ghoul (he is in the office). Sell the ore to him, and then sleep for 25
hours. After waking up, talk to the ghoul again to get your ore back. He will ask if he
can buy the ore because the city needs it and will offer you your $1000 plus an extra 500.
Take the $500 extra and then talk to the ghoul again. If done correctly, he will make the
offer again. Take the money and then talk to him again for another offer. Repeat this to
get as much money as needed. Make sure never to give it to him for free or settle for
the $1000. If you do, the offer will not appear again. Note: This trick may not work if
the game has been patched.
Unlimited money II:
In San Francisco, go to the Red 88 gun store and steal all of the owners money (usually
a couple thousand). Go to the item store across the street and steal all of his money.
Then leave the city for a couple days (or a week in pipboy time). Then, return and once
again steal the money that they have. This trick can be done as many times as needed.
Unlimited money III:
This trick is best done when you have a lot money. Go to your hometown, and find a box,
vase, or other container. Put all your money in it. Save your game and remember the number
of slot number you saved it in. Resume the game, take the money out, and save again, this
time in a different slot. Remember the number of this slot as well. Exit the game, and
enter the game folder. Enter the "data\savegame" folder. Open the folder whose name
corresponds to the first save slot, and find the file "arvillage.dat". Copy this file,
and then go back to the "data\savegame" folder. Go to the folder whose name corresponds
to the second save. Select "Edit" then "Paste", and then select "Yes" to copy over the
original. Resume the game and load the first game save. Open the chest and you now have
double the money. Take the money, save over your first slot, and try again. Go to the
second save slot, open it, and copy out the "arvillage.dat" file. Paste it into the first
save slot, and select "Yes". You can do this as many times as desired. In the casinos in
New Reno, if your Gambling skill is at about 100, go to any gambling table and bid $15.
Keep clicking until you have the desired amount. You will double or triple your money
most times, only losing the $15 once in a great while. You can do this indefinitely,
though after awhile some of the patrons will start to make comments about being careful
how much you gamble. There does not appear to be any ill effect from doing this.
Unlimited money IV:
In San Francisco, the shopkeepers have money in their inventory that you cannot normally
steal. To steal it, trade your money for an equal amount of theirs. Then, use the Steal
skill on them. You now have more money.
Unlimited money V:
Visit Joey, the thug who sells Jet in Den. Drop all your money on the ground beside him
and try to buy Jet. He will tell you that if you do not have the money to come back when
you do. Answer "Wait, I'll buy it" and then close out of the dialogue. Repeat this until
you have all the Jet you want. Then, steal the money that you should have given him; he
will have $500 for every jet purchase. Then, pick up the money again that you dropped
on the ground.
Easter Egg:
In the basement of the New Reno Arms, at the far right of the screen, is a pot covered
by a mattress. Only the very edge of the pot is revealed. You will notice it when the
hand icon appears when you hover over it. Inside the pot is an Easter Egg.
Upgrade All Weapons for Free:
When you eneter the New Reno arms durin gthe day you notice he won't let you enter the
back. Well one the side of the building is a door that you can enter from the outside.
Pick the lock and enter during the day (so the shopkeeper willl be at the front of the
store instead of being in his room) and make your way to the right. There should be a
room with two dogs (they won't attack), a bed, and shelves. Behind a shelf (the one
you can't search) is a stairway. Go down and you'll find yourself in a room with a
man in a yellow shirt and brown(?) pants. He'll say "Boom!" when you talk to him and
just give him an upgradable weapon. He'll take up one hour fo your virtual life and
give you the upgraded weapon, full oaded and ready to go. If you give him an empty
weapon to upgrade, he''ll give you the upgraded one and it will have full ammo.
Stupid Humor:
Try playing with a character with an intelligence of 3 or less. Some characters will
flat out refuse to speak with you, but the ones you can, well, some of the stuff is
hilarious! Especially the slot machines... Alternately, you can carry around 2 doses
of psyco, then save your game and take them, then restore when you're done.
Broc Flowers and Xander Roots:
* If you want to stock up on healing powder, it is easiest to have the shaman make
it for you in the village of Arrayo. However, it's much easier to find the Broc
Flowers at night because they stay orange regardless.
* The Xander root isn't as plentiful, but fairly easy to find. It's a tiny stalk of
weeds, usually in a cleared path.
* Careful in using the healing powder whilst in battle, you'll lose your aim and
find hitting your target a good deal more difficult.
Killing mutants:
The doctor tells you to prove the antidote for the mutants. After you prove the first
one on any mutant, go back and he will give you the dog. Talk to him again. He will
give you another antidote. This is a good way to kill all the mutants in Broken Hills.
You can find chips to get skill upgrades in the various cities. After finding some,
go to San Francisco. There is a man standing near a building that you cannot enter.
Talk to him. He is from the Brotherhood Of The Steel. Complete his mission by going
to Navarro and getting the Vertibird plans. He will now let you inside the building.
Once underground you can find nice armor and weapons. You can also find the A.C.E.
computer. You can use them at A.C.E. to increase various skills.
Extra items.
* Go to either shop in San Francisco. Buy whatever you want, but pay for it in cash.
Then, walk up behind the shop owner. You can steal your money back, plus his own.
* When you get to the Den, kill Tubby and Flick and take all their items. You should
get a lot of Jet, Mentats, and other drugs as well as a lot of guns.
* When you get to the Den or anywhere else that has a graveyard, get a shovel and dig
up the graves for rocks, beer, and ammunition. The only downside is that your karma
will say "Grave Digger" and it may go down.
Unlimited money:
Successfully complete the game and read the Fallout 2 book so that your Gambling is
300%. Go to the New Reno casinos and to the roulette table. Bet $100 and you will
always triple your money to $300. Keep doing that until you have enough money. It
will always work. You can always go to the slots and bet $5 to get $90 dollars back,
but you can only do the slots three times on each slot machine.
More starting items:
* Go to the starting temple with an established character. Place any item you want to
start with in the pots and chests. Start a new game, go inside the temple, and save
the game in any slot except for the one you moved the items from. Exit the game. Go
to the directory in which you saved the game (slot01, 02, and so on).
Move the "Artemple.sav" to the slot you saved the new game to and move the pre-existing
game somewhere else. Reload the game and start the new game. Go to the pots where you
placed the items and they should be there again.
* You can also get the power armor very early in the game by going directly south along
the coast to San Francisco. You may have to save often, as enemies are too advanced to
take on at this time.
Duplicate items, ammo, and money:
First you drop all your stuff off where you want to do this. then you leave that area
and save your game. Then you exit the game and find where the game saves the location
saves for your character then you copy the one you put you stuff at into a random
folder of your choosing. Then you go in and get all of you stuff and then leave and
save. then you exit the game and then put the copy back into the original folder.
If you just copy paste you can do this as long as you want. This can also be used to
reset the data module coputer in the brotherhood base in san fran.
Get the end boss's gun and knife:
If you kill one of your NPCs on the hex where he died you will be able to hit the over
arrow on the dead body search screen and you will be able to get the end boss plasma
gun which is a three round burst turbo plasma rifle and the end boss knife. If you do
this I suggest you use the least usefull Sulik.
New Reno: Easter Egg:
In the basement of the New Reno Arms, at the far right of the screen is a pot covered by
a mattress. Only the very edge of the pot is exposed. You will notice it when the hand
icon appears when you hover over it. Inside the pot is an Easter Egg.
YK42B pulse rifle:
There is an extremely good energy weapon in the Brotherhood Of Steel's San Francisco base.
To enter you will have to get the Vertibird plans for them. The weapon is downstairs in
one of the lockers. The YK42B pulse rifle does 54-78 damage. Aim and shoot at the eye. It
almost always has a good critical hit for approximately 100 to 250 damage (range does not
matter) depending on armor. It works well with the Sniper perk, which makes every shot a
critical hit if you can make the Luck roll.
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