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Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Cheats |
Fallen Enchantress - Legendary Heroes
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Enable Cheat Codes: If installed through Steam, Right click on the game name and
go to Properties. Then click on Set Launch Options and type in the word: Cheat If
using the retail version, right click on the shortcut and at the end of the file
path type: Cheat
Effect Code
1000 All Resources & 100 Fame - CTRL+M
All research - CTRL+R
Auto Turns - CTRL+Z
Complete selected city queue (buildings only) - CTRL+B
Covert unit or army to faction (including bosses) - CTRL+D
Create copy champion - CTRL+C
Have children - CTRL+F
Increase level of Champion - CTRL+P
Instant Adult - CTRL+V
Instant Kill Unit/Army In Overworld - CTRL+K
Lighting Effects - CTRL+L
Selected City Immediately Completes All
Training, Selected Champion Gets All Equipment
And Weapons - CTRL+J
Teleport selected army to cursor - CTRL+T
Toggle Fog Of War - CTRL+U
Toggle Interface - CTRL+X
Steam Achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile",
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to unlock
0.0%Exterminator - Defeat a faction.
A Great Seeker - Win by completing the Master Quest.
A Leader of Men - Win by defeating all of your opponents.
A Mighty Sorceror - Win by casting the Spell of Making.
Adventurer - Complete a quest.
Ally from the Swamp - Recruit Tuatha
Built a City - All nations start with one.
Captured a City - You have captured an enemy city!
Champion - Reach level 15 with a champion.
Darkling Allies - Recruit Nen Ratcatcher
Defeated an Army - You have defeated an army!
Experienced - Play for 5 hours.
Expert - Play for 10 hours.
Exploiter - Tap 10 resources in a single game.
Explorer - Explore 10 goodie huts in a single game.
Forging Armies - Design a unit.
Guard from the Tomb - Recruit Mausolos
Rise of Altar - Win as Altar.
Rise of Capitar - Win as Capitar.
Rise of Gilden - Win as Gilden.
Rise of Kraxis - Win as Kraxis.
Rise of Magnar - Win as Magnar.
Rise of Pariden - Win as Pariden.
Rise of Resoln - Win as Resoln.
Rise of Tarth - Win as Tarth.
Rise of Umber - Win as Umber.
Rise of Yithril - Win as Yithril.
Shopper - Buy an item from a shop.
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Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Cheats Codes