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Fable 3 Cheats

Fable 3

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Easy money:
During the second part of the game (ruling as the king), if you want to earn more money 
without making evil rulings, buy out land from Albion during or before the last mission 
n the to-do list of every day. This will grant you money over time, and help you lower 
the Civilian Casualties before the final battle of the game. 
Note: Although long, this process is effective and does not progress the time remaining 
until the final battle.

Legend Of Zelda reference:
Move through a graveyard in Mourningwood and your dog will lead you to a dig location over
a grave. Dig there to get a toy sword. Check the gravestone, and it will read "It's 
dangerous to go alone take this". This is the same phrase the old man in the original Zelda
games said when giving you the first sword.

Infinite Gold:
To get as much Gold as you need, simply purchase some land and upgrade it to 100% and 
then save and exit the game. Go to your Xbox settings and set the date forward as far 
as you can (e.g. 1/1/9999). Start the game again and save. Remember to save if you wish 
to keep repeating this -- if you don't save, you won't save the money you've earned 
(since you get money over time).

Portal's Companion Cube:
Once you've become King/Queen, you get a royal quest where you have to go meet Page down 
in the old resistance HQ to go track down the local crime lord. Inside his hideout there 
is a door in a hallway that has a bunch of cells. Around some crates, there is a cell 
that has a Hobbe worshiping a wooden version of the beloved Constant Companion Cube.

Gravestone references:
Inspect the various gravestones in the graveyards to find the following references.

-=Demon door=- A gravestone reads "Andy Gay Crushed by a demon door, last words "I 
swear those things pop up overnight". 

A gravestone reads "Here lies the brother of the notorious Jack, "Fred of Blades". 

-=Florence Nightingale: A gravestone reads "Florence Killed by rabid nightingales". 

-=Legend Of Zelda: Move through a graveyard in Mourningwood and your dog will lead 
you to a dig location over a grave. Dig there to get a toy sword. Check the grave
stone, and it will read "It's dangerous to go alone take this". This is the same 
phrase the old man in the original Zelda games said when giving you the first sword.

-=Rabbit and street fight=-
One grave mentions falling down a rabbit hole another mentions losing a street fight 
to a rabbit, and a last one mentions a street fight the person in the grave could not

-=Scooby Doo=-
A gravestone reads, "Mark Church" "And I would have gotten away with it too if it
hadn't been for that meddling hero".

Lionhead Logo:
After accessing Driftwood via the bridge in in Millfield after (complete the side
quest "Restoration" by paying 750 Gold), go to the end of the beach, then turn left
to look at the tall structure. If you played Fable 2 you will know this as the Spire.
Swim as far as you possibly can towards the Spire and look down into the water and 
there should be a Lionhead Logo in black at the bottom.

Transfer Your Stuff to a New Character:
Since the update, you can no longer use a certain duplication glitch. However, you
can create a second Gamertag, use a second controller to make a new character appear
in your main file (Just press START), and then GIFT all your weapons, clothes, money
to the new character. Now, use that character to gift all that stuff to your brand 
new one. It will take a while, but you get to pass on your leveled-up weapons (Except
Hero Sword/Hammer/Rifle/Pistol)and all those Legendary weapons you might have not 
gotten this time around.

Fable 2 Gargoyle Reference:
In Bowerstone Market, go under the main bridge to find a Dive Spot (where you found
the Gargoyles Trove in Fable 2). Diving there will reveal a Royal Left Leg Tattoo 
and you'll hear a familiar laughter, as if there was a Gargoyle there from Fable 2.

Fable reference:
During development of the original Fable, rumors mentioning cut content involving
something called the Sandgoose. In Fable 2 this was parodied by labeling a Tavern
in Oakvale "The Sandgoose". In Fable 3, when dragging an escaped convict back to 
the guard he says "I'll make you a deal. You let me go and I'll tell you how to 
find the legendary Sandgoose."

Portal reference:
Play the Hideout mission in Bowerstone. While going to capture Nigel Ferret you 
will find a room with a silver key. At the far end of the room is a path around 
boxes to the other jail cell. Inside the cell is a Hobbe worshiping the Companion
Cube from Portal. Also notice that there is a cake on the table next to the cell.

Rare items:
Inside the bedroom in Bowerstone Castle, immediately to the right when you step 
in is a cupboard that you can search. You can get various items similar to those
obtained from level 4 and 5 dig spots (for example, rare gems, old kingdom tattoos,
etc.). This is also the only way to obtain the Cook's Hat without befriending the 
castle chef.

Opening Silver Chests early:
Note: This requires a friend who has any or all Silver Keys. Have your friend 
join our world and open the Silver Chests for you. You can use this trick when 
you start a new file. Walk to the 50 Silver Key Chest in the Bowerstone Castle 
backyard (farthest garden on the right side). Open it to get a legendary weapon
with 2,000,000 in gold before you enter the tomb. This trick only works if your
friend has the correct amount of Silver Keys for the chest you are trying to open.

Early Road to Ruin chests:
Join a friend's game who has completed the game. Travel to the Road to Ruin. Once
there you can open any chest on that path, if you have the correct amount of Guild
seals. For example, at the beginning of the game if you have 60 Guild seals and 
you want the Blade spell, join a friend's game and do this trick.
The game even tells you which one of the two has yet to open the chest.

Easy money:
Note: This works best with a wired controller. At any point in the game, provided
you have purchased property, go onto the Road to Rule and just remain there. Every
five minutes, you will earn your rent/shop profits and there will be no risk of 
attack. This works best when you own shops, as properties will deteriorate over 
time unit you earn nothing, but shop profits do not diminish.

Easy money:
After you become King or Queen, buy yourself a house or sleep at the castle until
midnight. Preferably, purchase a house next to the Tattoo store at Bowerstone 
Market. Sleeping until midnight about 12 a.m. is the best. Run over to the store 
that sells potions and do a break in. The guards will warn you not to be in the 
store and that they will make an arrest. Ignore them. Because of your status you 
can get away with the crime. Steal all of the items in the stores. You will not 
want to pay for any of the items, because you need to save for the final battle 
(especially if you are good). Raise the rent on the houses and the stall vendors
to be set to "High". For stores that are in the buildings such as the Blacksmith,
set their prices to "Highest". After the potion store, run to the clothes shop, 
then to the Blacksmith, and over to the barber shop. Steal all their items and 
sell them to the pawnshop, for easy money. Do this before morning. Repeat this 
as many times as desired. There are no limitations.

Tattoo Dye:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email :

Collect all 30 Auroran flowers and you'll be able to dye your tattoos (Red, Orange, 
Yellow, Blue, Green, or Purple) anytime you want at the temple in Aurora.

ALL Tricks:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email :

Transfer Your Stuff to a New Character:

Since the update, you can no longer use a certain duplication glitch. However, you can 
create a second Profile, use a second controller to make a new character appear in your 
main file (Just press START), and then GIFT all your weapons, clothes, money to the new 
character. Now, use that character to gift all that stuff to your brand new one. It will 
take a while, but you get to pass on your leveled-up weapons (Except Hero Sword/Hammer/
Rifle/Pistol) and all those Legendary weapons you might have not gotten this time around.

Gold Key Door Locations:

Gold Keys can be used to open Gold Key Doors. These doors, scattered throughout Albion, 
each require one amount of Gold Key to open. Treasure can be found on the other side. 
Collecting all Silver and Gold Keys will also land you the I Am The Keymaster Achievement. 
Any key can be used for any door, so choose wisely! A special fifth Gold Key can be found 
in the Sanctuary, scroll to the bottom of the page to learn about this super-secret key 
and its special chest.

Gold Key Door 1:

On your way down the path in the Catacombs under Bowerstone Castle (which you traverse in 
the very beginning of the game), you may notice a Gold Door -- you need a Gold Key to open 
it, and so you'll have to return much alter when you have access to the castle AND a key. 
Inside you'll find 30 Guild Seals.

Gold Key Door 2:

In the Sunset House area, enter the main gate and take a right as soon as you set foot on 
the lawn. A winding path leads back to the Gold Key Door here. It's directly across from 
the gazebo. Inside this Gold Key Door you'll find a Legendary Weapon (we found the Hammer 
of Wilmageddon).

Gold Key Door 3:

In Mourningwood you can access the Ossuary through a door in the graveyard after completing 
two side quests: Bored to Death and Gone but Not Forgotten (which involve Sam, Max and the 
Normanomicon). In the Ossuary, turn left just as you enter to find the Gold Door. Beyond it 
is a sarcophagus you can open for a Legendary Weapon.

Gold Key Door 4:

In the Reliquary under the Academy in Brightwall Village you can find a well-hidden Gold 
Key Door. To get to it, you'll need to complete the Special Delivery (Dweller Camp) and 
The Ancient Key (Academy) Side Quests. In the latter Side Quest you can lead Saul to a 
secret library in the Reliquary. Here you can make out a Flit Switch on the wall -- it 
takes four shots from a firearm to activate it. Head up the stairs and through the door 
on the left. Here is a melee Flit Switch you can smack. It will float down below so vault 
off the edge and smack it again. After taking on the wave of Hollow Men, stairs and platforms 
will align to lead to the Gold Key Door. There are five chests in the area beyond called 
The Prism with the various pieces of the complete Highway Man Costume.

The Special Gold Key and Chest in the Sanctuary:

Once you are the Ruler of Albion, enter the treasure room in The Sanctuary (your pause 
menu) and look up and you should be able to spot a Gold Key. To reach it, you'll need to 
make some 5,000,000 Gold. The Scrooge McDuck-like pile will lift you to the key. One way 
to do this is to buy shops early and often to start turning a profit. High-priced shops 
turn higher profits. You can get a cool million from the Sunset House Demon Door as well. 
A special chest to match this key lies at the very bottom of your Gold hoard. To reach it 
once you have the key, transfer ALL of your funds to the Albion Treasury. This will take 5 
transactions of 1 million Gold. Now, return to the Sanctuary and open the chest for a 
Legendary Weapon.

Demon Doors:

There are six Demon Doors in the game. You must perform certain actions to convince them 
to open and reveal a secret area with some awesome treasure; here's how:

Mistpeak Valley Demon Door:

This stone edifice seeks inspiration for a tale of Heroes.

Note: This door requires a cooperative second player in an online game. In Mistpeak Valley, 
head uphill from the lake towards the snowy area with bridges crisscrossing the frozen 
valley. Following the path under the first bridge that leads into the valley. This path 
terminates at the Mistpeak Valley Demon Door. This Demon Door requires you to Hug, Kiss 
and possibly Propose, so you and your co-op partner must have the Lover Expression Pack 
from the Road to Rule. Perform these actions in front of the door by holding A until the 
contorller vibrates. If this doesn't work, you'll need to propose. When one character 
proposes to the other, go through the motions and marry each other and the door will open. 
The "Demon Door Retirement Home" features many strange Demon Doors to listen to and a 
Legendary Weapon in the lone chest. Only the host will get the Legendary Weapon (we 
received the "Very Sharp Scissors" melee weapon). You should be gracious and give it 
as a gift to your new spouse!

Brightwall Village Demon Door:

This ancient doorway is feeling rather broody.

You need only show up in front of this Demon Door with a child -- sounds easy right? 
Well, there's a catch: it has to be your OWN child. This is because your child is the 
only child you can hold hands with and, consequently, drag to the Demon Door for the 
Door's approval. To have a child, you must have the Family and Lover Expression Packs 
from the Road to Rule. Propose to a potential mate (of the opposite sex -- since you 
need to make a child), fulfill he or she's marriage requirements, purchase a house and 
have "Unsafe" sex by activating the Sleep icon at the bed your house and choosing to do 
so. After this you will have an infant child. Wait a bit for the child to become a 
toddler and you can then take it to the Demon Door. Alternately, you may adopt a child 
from the Bowerstone Orphanage. You must beat the Bowerstone Resistance quest first. Inside 
the Demon Door you'll find 25 Guild Seals and 3 Summon Creature Potions in the "Last Orders" 

Sunset House Demon Door:

An ancient and sentient door near Sunset House wants to meet a monarch.

Return as Queen (or King) of Albion to access this Demon Door -- this will happen as part 
of the main quest you progress through the game. You can just walk right in and claim 
your 1,000,000 Gold prize in the "Pools of Sorrow" area.

Mourningwood Demon Door:

This ancient and war-weary edifice is quite interested in weaponry.

You must max out your Melee or Ranged weapon skills (purchase Level 5 on the Road to 
Rule) AND get all three upgrades for a Legendary Weapon to access this Demon Door. 
While you can purchase Level 5 for 100 Guild Seals on the Road to Rule, you'll have 
to do some work to upgrade your Legendary Weapon of choice. Any Legendary Weapon (NOT 
your Hero weapons) has three upgrades that you can read about by pressing Y in the 
Sanctuary while examing the weapon. After getting your weapon preppep, you need only 
to pull it out in front of the Demon Door for it to open. Inside is an awesome space-scape 
called Planet One. Here you can get the Military Costume and a Summon Creatures Potion.

Millfields Demon Door:

This stone portal questions the value of traditionally held notions of aesthetics.

This door requires you to be fat and ugly -- impossible, right? Well, to impress this 
picky door you need only slap on an outfit (your pajamas or night clothes from the very 
beginning of the game are ideal) and color each item in the outfit a different hue. You 
can do this in the Sanctuary. There's still the matter of corpulence, however. Check out 
your Hero Status in the Sanctuary to see your weight. You need to get this meter all the 
way to the right. To gain weight you can eat pies and meat bought from vendors in 
Bowerstone OR drink beer at the pub. After you are fat, multicolored and dressed to 
unimpress, the Demon Door will give way to "Twitcher's Curtains," where you can find a 
chest with 40 Guild Seals.

City of Aurora Demon Door:

This stone portal questions the value of traditionally held notions of aesthetics.

Note: You can only access this Demon Door after the Revolution due to rubble blocking it. 
It's just to the left of the main gate -- you can't miss it as you head to the Shifting 
Sands. For this door to open you'll have to max out your morality and be totally evil or 
completely good. This takes an entire game to accomplish, since moral choices to kill, 
rob, break promises and do other bad things occur often. At the end of the game you can 
give to the Treasury or rob it to help tilt your morality meter the proper direction. 
In the Moral View you'll see a different scene depending on your choice, but the reward 
will be the same: a Legendary Weapon.

Gold Key Locations:

Gold Keys can be used to open Gold Key Doors. These doors, scattered throughout Albion, 
each require one amount of Gold Key to open. Treasure can be found on the other side. 
Collecting all Silver and Gold Keys will also land you the I Am The Keymaster Achievement. 
Any key can be used for any door, so choose wisely! A special fifth Gold Key can be found 
in the Sanctuary, scroll to the bottom of the page to learn about this super-secret key 
and its special chest.

Gold Key (Mistpeak Valley 1/1):

If you examine the map of Mistpeak Valley, you can make out two caves entrances above 
the Demon Door and one on the far side of the level up in the hills. Travel to the latter 
cave -- you can get there by running uphill from the lake and hanging a left just before 
the path to Brightwall Village. You can follow a grassy ridge past a treasure chest to 
find this cave entrance to Chillbreath Cavern -- it is not an icy entrance, it is a thawed, 
brownish cave entrance. Run through this cave and take the path leading upwards. You should 
pass a 15 Silver Key chest on the way amongst various other Dig Spots and chests. Keep 
heading uphill and eventually you'll come to an exit at the very top. Once outside again, 
run down the short hill and you'll find the Gold Key floating amongst some ruins.

Gold Key (Driftwood 1/1):

Driftwood is an area that you can access after completing the "Restoration" Side Quest in 
Millfields (pay 750 Gold to repair the bridge). In Driftwood, complete three Side Quests 
to help reach the coastal islands: An Island Getaway, Pest Control and Giftwood for 
Driftwood. After this, leave and return to the area and you can reach a Flit Switch on an 
island across the new bridge. Now you can follow the Flit Switch around the area and hit 
it with you melee and ranged weapons. Climb the mountain in pursuit of the switch. A warp 
zone at the top will take you to the Gold Key.

Gold Key (The Veiled Path [Aurora], 1/1):

At the staircase at the far end of The Veiled Path is the entrance to an area called 
The Enigma. Don't let the small area fool you, there's more to The Enigma -- look for a 
Flit Switch at the end of the room. It's above the door. Use teh Fireball gauntlet (alone) 
to light the torches in the next area. In teh room with the colored floor panels, examine 
the flames on the wall. These flames reveal the order in which you must step on the panels: 
YELLOW, BLUE, YELLOW, RED, BLUE, RED, BLUE, RED. The Gold Key is just beyond the door.

Gold Key (Shifting Sands [Aurora], 1/1):

To get this Gold Key, first you need to have access to the Aurora continent. In the city, 
do the quest "A Key to a Greater Key." This quest became available to me after completing 
the main game. Talk to the guy who offers the quest near the tatooist and he'll sell you a 
key for 4,000 Gold. Once you have that key, there won't be a bread crumb trail telling you 
where to use it. Go to Shifting Sands and run across the vast dunes. On the far side, turn 
left and follow the cliff face until you find a little path down by some ruins. At the bottom, 
use the key given to you and you will unlock an area that contains the Gold Key. Step on the 
platforms to fight enemies and slowly make your way to the key.

ALL Ester Eggs:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email :

Big Blue Box Crate:
Any time after you witness Reaver's cruelty outside of his main factory you'll have access 
to it's entrance. Directly to the left as you enter is a pile of boxes with a small opening 
around the side. Head around to the back of it and you'll find a small crate with the Big 
Blue Box logo (a development studio) on the sides of it.

The East Hare Egg:
There are three statues of men with telescopes in Millfields. Each of these statues has a
name: Walter Coen, Jeffrey Coen and Theodore Coen. In the Millfield graveyard, up high on 
the hill before you reach the lake heading in from Bowerstone, there are three graves with 
these same names. They tell you when to shoot each statue:

Walter Coen // Stabbed in broad daylight - This statue is near the Demon Door. At noon, when 
the sun is high in the sky, smack this statue with your sword. The statue will flash and 
you'll hear a scream.
Jeffrey Coen // Burned at sunrise - This statue at the other end of the bridge that leads 
to the gazebo. As the sun rises, hit this statue with Fireball. The statue will flash and 
you'll hear a scream.
Theodore Coen // Shot in the dead of night - This one is near the graveyard. Shoot it with 
a firearm at midnight. The statue will flash and you'll hear a scream.

After this you should get a prompt to pull the RIGHT TRIGGER at the final statue. Do so and 
the East Hare Egg will appear in the gazebo. It does nothing, but is a cool, literal Easter 

Zelda Reference:
At Mourningwood Cemetery, as you enter the cemetary form the fort, check the left side. 
In the front row, walk to the final grave stone. It reads "It's dangerous to go alone. 
Take this." Dig here to find a toy sword. this is similar to the beginning of The Legend 
of Zelda, where the old man gives you your first sword.

Fable 2 Gargoyle Reference:
In Bowerstone Market, go under the main bridge to find a Dive Spot (where you found the 
Gargoyles Trove in Fable 2). Diving there will reveal a Royal Left Leg Tattoo and you'll 
hear a familiar laughter, as if there was a Gargoyle there from Fable 2.

Lionhead Logo:
After accessing Driftwood via the bridge in in Millfield after (complete the side quest 
"Restoration" by paying 750 Gold), go to the end of the beach, then turn left to look at 
the tall structure. If you played Fable 2 you will know this as the Spire. Swim as far as 
you possibly can towards the Spire and look down into the water and there should be a 
Lionhead Logo in black at the bottom.

Portal's Companion Cube:
Once you've become King/Queen, you get a royal quest where you have to go meet Page down 
in the old resistance HQ to go track down the local crime lord. Inside his hideout there 
is a door in a hallway that has a bunch of cells. Around some crates, there is a cell that 
has a Hobbe worshiping a wooden version of the beloved Constant Companion Cube.

Fable 2 references:
During the quest for "The Invocation Of The Watcher" book, you will end up in a basement
in Bowerstone where you will find many Fable and Fable 2 items, including the following.
Three Theodore Teddybears from the Arena in the Fable 2 "See The Future" DLC. Lady Jane 
Grey's brain in a jar. A collection of not mint hero dolls from Fable. Barnum's thesaurus.
One of the gargoyles that survived the great gargoyle massacre. Note: He does not speak 
because the shock has rendered him dumb. The Artifacts of the ill-fated Temple Of 
Benevolent Yokels. The Dingly egg from the "See the Future" DLC. An empty pedestal 
marked as a statue from the Terry Cotter Army.

Captain Morgan reference:
At the end of the game after Walter dies, after the short cinematic notice that the 
plinth in his honor has the pose from the Captain Morgan bottle or commercials.

Easy money:
During the second part of the game (ruling as the king), if you want to earn more money
without making evil rulings, buy out land from Albion during or before the last mission
on the to-do list of every day. This will grant you money over time, and help you lower
the Civilian Casualties before the final battle of the game. 
Note: Although long, this process is effective and does not progress the time remaining
until the final battle.
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