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Evil Dead Regeneration Cheats |
Evil Dead - Regeneration
Submitted by: Haspa
Defeating Frog Deadite Boss:
When the Frog Deadite goes to impale you with its tail, move out of the
way and it will get it stuck in the ground. Cut it with the chain saw
so that the Frog Deadite opens its mouth. When the mouth is open, fire
a rocket into it. It should take five or six rockets to kill the Boss.
Defeating Rhineheart:
When Rhineheart comes at you in the final level, immediately start firing
your missile gun. During some periods he will shoot ground level blood
lines; just dodge them. Other times he will shoot full circle blood waves;
jump those. If he gets close enough to you, he will pick you up and start
punching to severely drain your life. When he gets low on health he will
run to the altar to recharge. If he recharges you must repeat the process
all over until he is dead. Face the altar when he picks up the book with
his powers to recharge. Kick Sam towards the book, unhooking Rhineheart
from recharging. Repeat the missile launching and dodging the blood lines
and blood waves. Remember to stay away from him. Repeat kicking Sam towards
the book. When he is low enough on health, he will slowly walk back to the
altar. This should give you enough time to kill him.
Hidden Extra 1:
When you first start in the asylum, you can see the Hidden Extra through
the window in the next room over. Go down the hall, get the gun, and kill
the Deadite. Go back and target the window. Shoot it out and you can climb
through and get it.
Hidden Extra 2:
In the Asylum, where you have to shoot the flying furniture then get on
the elevator, there are two bathrooms that you can go into and open the
stall doors. Open the doors to find the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 3:
In the Asylum, after you electrocute the man on the table and are heading
down the stairs, there will be an open door on your right. Go in the door
to find the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 4:
Get Sam and enter the graveyard. After the first group of Deadites come,
there is a break in the fence. You can go into the water, and far back is
the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 5:
After the graveyard save point, when you hear the loud footsteps just before
you learn to take possession of Sam, on your left is a stream. Go into it and
back a little way to find the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 6:
After you change into Sam for the second time (after feeding the souls to the
Soul Eater), go down into the cave. Go into the stream. The current will take
you to the Hidden Extra, but Sam will get killed on spikes.
Hidden Extra 7:
In the Mine level on the platform where the second spirit you have to collect
is found, go to the right (in the opposite direction of the egg) to find the
Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 8:
In the Woods level, you will reach a clearing where you will then be attacked
by Deadite Dogs. After you defeat them, you will see a bridge that is up on a
ledge. To right of it is the Hidden Extra. You must progress through the level
until you reach an area where you must ride a Deadite with Sam. After you kill
it, you will encounter the Harpoon Gun in a mining area. Fight your way back
towards the clearing, and before you reach it, there will be two small cliffs
you can climb up. Once up on the ledge, target the hole at the top of the
bridge with the Harpoon Gun and it will bring the bridge down. Go across to
collect the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 9:
In the mining area, after defeating the flying Deadites, to your left will be
a building and two crates that you can climb up on. Once on top of the building,
you can target a bridge with your Harpoon Gun. Once it is down, cross over it
and target the mining car. It will be pulled out of the way, revealing the
Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 10:
At the start of the Forsaken Mine level after the intermission sequence, there
will be a mining cart to your right. Target it with the Harpoon Gun and pull
it out of the way to reveal the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 11:
When going for the Second Spirit in the Forsaken Mine level, instead of going
to the egg, turn to the left to collect the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 12:
In the Shipyard after getting the rocket launcher and after the save point,
you will encounter a group of fat Deadites; the handgun is best for killing
them. After killing them, enter the blue crate on the left to find the Hidden
Hidden Extra 13:
After riding the Deadite in the Shipyard level and being ambushed in the
warehouse, climb up the crates and go through the door. Go down the walkway
and on your left there will be a sign that reads "No Smoking". Down from the
building, turn left and go down the walkway to collect the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 14:
On your way to getting the second spirit down the stairs, kill the big Deadite.
Go back to before where you get the spirit and down by the semi containers to
find the Hidden Extra.
Note: Beware of a Deadite ambush.
Hidden Extra 15:
Posses Sam in the swamp. You will have to again ride the Deadite. Around the
swap are little mounds of trash. Get on the Deadite, go out of the fence, and
smash the trash on your left to find the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 16:
After you open the gate after defeating the big Deadite as Ash, go into the
swamp. Go under the bridge, and past the ladder on the right is a cave which
you must open with the rocket launcher to find the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 17:
When you enter the town, go down the main street. On the right is an alley. Go
down it to find the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 18:
In the area where Sam needs to open the warehouse door, walk around the building
to find the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 19:
At the start of the Alternate Demontion, turn right and follow the path to find
the Hidden Extra.
Hidden Extra 20:
When you finish the arena, go around the walkway to find the Hidden Extra.
Defeating The Man Giving Electric Shock:
Submitted by:Harendra Singh S/o R.B. Singh
I could'nt find any Cheat To How To Defend This Electric Man. You Should Always
Try To Be On The Area, Where Water Is Not Present. Just As The Game Starts (To
Kill The Electric Man) Start Firing On Him, After Short Time When He Gets Ready
To Give You Shock What You Have To Do Is To Just Jump From One Slab(Peice Of
Land) To Another Aoiding To Come In Contact With Water. He'll Shortly Become
Normal. Again Start Firing On Him Untill He Gets Ready To Give You A Shock.
Repeat The Steps Untill He Is Defeated. Have A Good Luck!
If You Have Any Problem You Can Contact Me: email:
Trouble with input:
The mouse/keyboard input in this game only works for me when my Logitech gamepad
is *plugged in.* Even though I can't actually use it to play. The other parameters
I'm using is 'blur effect' off and vibration off. Also note that putting any
additional file, such as zipped save games, into the
"My Documents\My Games\THQ\Evil Dead Regeneration" directory will cause the game
to crash on the load game screen. Putting them in the THQ directory seems to work
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