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Euro Truck Simulator 2 Cheats

Euro Truck Simulator 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Free Fuel:
When you finish refuelling your truck at a service station; instead of driving 
away, save your game and exit. Start the game again, reload your save and drive 
away. The game will have forgotten to charge you for the fuel which normally 
happens when you drive away from the bowser.

Hint for Police and Fatigue:
Submitted by: Arslan Akhlaq

This hint is to disable your Police ticket on various points like Red Single, traffic offence, 
over speeding, wrong way etc. and Fatigue during long driving, just go to 
1. C:UsersUser nameDocumentsEuro Truck Simulator 2
2. Go to Profile folder
3. Open config.cfg file in notepad (right click on file Open with then chose program and then hit notepad)
4. Change the values of uset g_fatigue "1" and uset g_police "1" to uset g_fatigue "0" uset g_police "0"
5. then save the file from File menu
6. close

Now start the game and enjoy without police and fatigue...
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