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Elder Scrolls Adventures Redguard Cheats

Elder Scrolls Adventures - Redguard

Submitted by: BoneK

Press F12 to display the console window. Then, type "Item add," using a 
value from the following list:

ITEM                                   - OBJECT NUMBER
Gold                                   - 2
Stoneskin potion                       - 3
Health potion                          - 4
Ring of invisibility                   - 5
Vola’s ring                            - 6
Sabre                                  - 7
Rusty key                              - 8
Gold key                               - 9
Silver key                             - 10
Amulet                                 - 11
Soul gem                               - 12
Soul sword                             - 13
Crowbar                                - 14
Peg rune                               - 15
Peg rune 2                             - 16
Peg rune 3                             - 17
Orc’s blood                            - 19
Orc’s blood with??                     - 20
Spider’s milk                          - 21
Spider’s milk with??                   - 22
Ectoplasm                              - 23
Ectoplasm with??                       - 24
Hist sap                               - 25
Hist sap with??                        - 26
Dwarven lore book                      - 27
Dwarven gear                           - 28
Glass vial                             - 29
Glass vial filled with elixer          - 30
Iron weight                            - 31
Bucket                                 - 32
Bucket full of water                   - 33
Gauntlet rune                          - 34
Elven artifact book                    - 35
Redguard heroes book                   - 37
Hammerfell book on flora               - 38
Map from makio                         - 39
Leather pouch of gold                  - 40
Crendel’s stolen map                   - 41
Silver boat                            - 42
Shovel                                 - 43
Aloe                                   - 44
Torch                                  - 45
Monocle eyepiece                       - 46
Flag                                   - 47
Silver locket                          - 48
League insignia parchment              - 49
Joto’s jail map                        - 50
Flask of lillandril                    - 51
Hundings tailsman                      - 52
Izsara’s journal                       - 53
Feather                                - 54
Kithral’s journal The dead monk        - 55
Folks firmament book                   - 56
Izara’s journal locked                 - 57
Star stone                             - 58
Key to warehouse                       - 59
Key izara’s house                      - 60
Spell                                  - 61
Glass bottle empty                     - 64
Glass bottle with water                - 65
Glass bottle mixed with water and aloe - 66
Strength potion                        - 67
Bandage                                - 68
Bandage with blood                     - 69
Sabre                                  - 70
Sabre                                  - 71
Sabre                                  - 72
Sabre                                  - 73
Bone key                               - 74

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