Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion Cheats |
Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion
Cheat Codes:
Update by: patton93
Submitted by: Bojan Novakovic
Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following
codes to activate the cheat function.
Result Code
Toggle God mode - TGM or ToggleGodMode
Advance a level experience - AdvLevel
Advance skill experience - AdvSkill
Kill all - Killall
Unlocks target object - Unlock
Complete current quest - CompleteQuest
Sets all quest stages - caqs or CompleteAllQuestStages
Modify an actor value. [modpca luck, 10] - ModPCA or ModPCAttribute
Modify the Players Skill. [modpcs Blunt, 10] - ModPCS or ModPCSkill
Does modav XXX (value - getav XXX). [player.forceav luck 25] - ForceAV or ForceActorValue
Gives Player 1000 gold - player.additem 0000000f 1000
Gives Player 100 lockpicks - player.additem 0000000a "100"
Gives Player 100 skeleton keys - player.additem 0000000b "100"
Gives Player 100 repair hammers - player.additem 0000000c "100"
Add all spells to player - psb or PlayerSpellBook
Teleport - COC (location)
Shows more Help commands - Help
All map locations shown - togglemapmarkers
Change your gender - sexchange
Change your birthsign - showbirthsignmenu
Change your class - showclassmenu
Spawn indicated item - additem [item number]
Get indicated spell - addspell [spell number]
Give all spells to player - psb
Force skill level up - advskill [skill]
Free camera movement - tfc
Kill selected NPC target; suicide if nothing is targeted - kill
Moves to current quest target - movetoquesttarget
Quit game immediately - qqq
Set player level - player.setlevel [1-255]
Set all quest stages - completeallqueststages
Set hair color - hairtint [red] [green] [blue]
Spawn indicated item - player.additem [item code] (*1)
Save game - savegame [filename]
Set fog start and end depths - setfog [start] [end]
Show sign selection screen - showbirthsignmenu
Show class selection screen - showclassmenu
Show quest log - showquestlog
Show current quest log - showquestlog 0
Show completed quest log - showquestlog 1
Show current quest targets - showquesttargets
Show name/race/appearance selection screen - showracemenu
Teleport - player.coc [destination name]
Toggle full help - tfh
Toggle grass - tg
Toggle NPC conversation subtitles - showsubtitle
Toggle AI - tai
Toggle combat AI - tcai
Toggle no clipping - tcl
Toggle AI detection - tdetect
Toggle debug display - tdt
Toggle leaves - tlv
Toggle menus - tm
Toggle fog of war - togglefogofwar
Toggle sky - ts
Toggle trees - tt
Toggle wireframe - twf
Toggle water - tws
Window with the full game scene graph - ssg
Clone your character (*) - createfullactorcopy
1.For example, enter modpcs blade, 10 to increase your blade skill by 10 points; It will not set
it to 10. Raising your skills in this manner will cause you to level up, but will not give you any
attribute bonuses when you pick which attributes you want to increase on the level up screen.
2. For example, enter modpca strength, 10 to increase your strength by 10; it will not set it to 10.
(*) After enabling this code you can double your items by killing your clone and
looting its items.
Easy money:
A quick way to make money without going to the trouble of stealing or fighting for it is to join a
guild. When you join a guild you will have access to a number of guild halls all over Tamriel. It
seems that the guild has no problem sharing their wealth. You can pick up nearly any item in the
various guilds without making it a crime, and without labeling your items as stolen. By doing this
you can just loot the guild halls and sell them to the closest merchant for an easy profit. It is
not very ethical but quite effective.
When you defeat Caminalda on the Anvil Recommendation quest for the mages guild, search her body for
gold and her room key for the inn. Use her room key on the upper door in the inn. You will find a
treasure chest in the back of the room. Open the unlocked chest to get all of the gold that is inside.
Use the following trick to easily complete the "independent thievery" requirements and get easy gold.
Get a very valuable item such as the skeleton key (from the Nocturnal Daedric Shrine quest). Use the
"Duplicate items" glitch. Go to any merchant and sell the duplicates. If you sell the items to a
Thieves Guild fence, you should have the required amount for most of the remaining quests in no time.
Complete all the Mage Guild Recommendation Quests so that you can enter the Arcane University. Get
five or more Grand Soul Gems and fill them with Grand Souls. Buy a Chameleon spell such as Shroudwalk
from a mage. Go to the place where you enchant weapons with the following: two rings, one necklace or
amulet, and any two pieces of armor. Enchant the rings, amulet and armor with the Chameleon effect
using the Grand Soul Gems. You will get 20% Chameleon for each of the equipment, for a total of 100%.
Equip them all at once and you will be invisible to everyone. You can now steal directly from people
and attack anything without fear of retaliation because they cannot see you. Use this to cause mischief
around towns, finish quests or dungeons without getting in battles, or to defeat an enemy without
getting hurt. Note: You must wear all the pieces at once to be 100% invisible. You can use any other
type of equipment as long as there are at least five pieces and all have been enchanted using Grand
Soul Gems. Some enemies may hit you once, but they will not do so again.
Unlimited arrows:
For an unlimited source of iron arrows, go to the Bloodworks in the arena. One of the gladiators is
practicing with his bow on a target. Stand close by. When there are five to ten arrows in the target,
take them before he does. He will just continue shooting when you move out of the way. This is an
unlimited source of iron arrows, which can be sold to almost any merchant and therefore also makes
an unlimited source of gold.
When you are at the Inn of Ill Omen, go outside where the man is practicing his archery.He is using
steel arrows. Go in front of him and pick up the arrows. He will not hit you. He will wait until you
move out of his way. You will not get into trouble with the guards. You can do this as many times as
Easy Heavy Armor experience:
Lower the difficulty down to zero. Put on your heavy armor and let a weak monster such as a rat
pummel you. When your health gets low, heal yourself (this also helps with Restoration). When you
get strong enough, you can try letting a human hit you. You will level up about every ten to fifty
seconds, depending on how many monsters or people are hitting you.
Save lockpicks:
When you are going on a mission for the Theives Guild, it is much easier to steal keys for all the
doors from immobile gaurds (or the owners of the building of the place you are robbing) after you
have leveled up your Sneak skill with the "Easy Sneak level" trick. After you steal the keys you can
open nearly every key for the building you are in.
Ebony and Umbra Sword:
Go to the Arena and get a few claymores. Then, go directly south of the Imperial Waterfront to a
place called the Old Bridge. Move west and follow the road until you reach a ruin that starts with
a "V". Go inside and get past the minor creatures. You will find a girl. This is Umbra. There is one
broken pillar in the room. Use the bench next to it to jump on top of it, then stand at the edge.
Use a ranged attack to have her start attacking you. Then, take out the claymore and just start
hitting her. She has a lot of health and does a lot of damage -- do not fall off the pillar.
If all goes well you will have full Ebony and an incredible sword without getting touched.
Border Watch: Glass and enchanted weapons and armor:
There is a city called Border Watch, northwest of Leyawin. Everyone there has nice Glass weapons, some
of which are enchanted. You cannot steal them while they are sleeping, but can steal their armor(mithril).
The Sheregoth shrine allows you to do a quest here. The Daedric asks you to fulfill a prophesy. Do the
quest, which include three tasks and your done. After this, go to one of the people's houses. You should
be about level 15. Have a good sword ready, then go in sneak mode. Hit the person with a sneak attack x6.
Do not stop and they will appear dazed. Once they are dead you can get their items, which are worth a
lot of gold. Do this repeatedly to any house desired. Do not do it to the shaman unless you are at a
higher level. Some houses have two people inside. You can sometimes kill one person without the other
waking up, then kill the other person.
Easy Destruction experience:
First, summon a skeleton in an area with no other people around. Repeatedly use a low-power
attack spell on it.
Rockmilk Cave: Glass armor and weapons:
Make sure you are at least to level 15 before doing this, as there will be better armor and weapons
inside. Travel on the west road from Leyawiin and keep walking on the trail until you get to Waters
Edge (a small town). From Waters Edge, walk northwest until you reach Rockmilk Cave. This cave is
very close to Waters Edge. Go inside and follow the trails. You will encounter some thieves inside
the cave. If they do not notice you they will fight each other. You can let them fight or join in and
have some fun hacking away. They are not difficult if you are leveled up. Go through the cave and you
will find at least fifteen people inside. Each of them has their own set of Glass, Orcish, Daedric, or
Elven armor and weapons. You can fill up with items and sell about four times.
You can buy various types of horses. In fact, you even get a free Paint Horse just after the beggining
at Weynon Priory. This is the weakest and slowest horse of them all. Do not buy any other horse because
they can be expensive when you are starting out. You can get a horse that is better than all of them for
free. This is Shadowmere. You can get him after completing the Dark Brotherhood quest "The Purification",
which is the first quest you get when you start working for Lachance. Simply kill an innocent person
(preferably a beggar if you are not part of the Thieves Guild) and sleep so that you may begin the Dark
Brotherhood quests. After a few you will get Shadowmere. He is very fast and has a sizeable amount of HP.
Shadowmere is black/purple, wears a skull on his forehead, has a bloody handprint on the sides of his
sadle, and red eyes that glow occasionally at night. He also helps you in battle if you fight near him.
Best of all, he cannot die or run away. He is considered an important character and will just fall
unconcious if defeated then will rise again in a few seconds to join the fray. If you happen to lose him,
you can go to Fort Farragut and he will be there waiting for you.
There is a broken down fort that is the base for some relatively weak vampires directly south of Chorrol.
The fort is called Fort Carmala, and it is located near Hackdirt, very close to northeast of Weatherleah.
To reach it, if you have not done the Hackdirt or Weatherleah quests, go to Chorrol. Leave from the south
gate and move directly south. If you reach the city of Hackdirt, you are near it. Look for a group of
white rocky ruins. The door to the cave is among the ruins.
When using the hex codes for adding items to the character, you don't need to add in the
0s in the beginning of the code.
In other words, the cheat to get ten gold would be:
BEFORE - player.additem 000000F 10
AFTER - player.additem F 10
General Cheats:
Oblivion Cheats: place number where you want amount at #
-Gold: player.additem 00000F #
-Lockpicks: player.additem 0000000A #
-God Mode: TGM
-Lose Bounty: player.SetCrimeGold 0
-Lose Infamy: player.setPCInfamy 0
Skill Cheats:
-modpcs - skills
-modpca - attributes
Type skill name where 'skill' is, the level you want where 'number' is - same with atrib.
modpcs skill number
modpca atribute number
Prinscreen command
Change the "0" to a "1" and now you can take screenshots via the shift+PrtScn button,
Try without shift if it doesn't work.
Submitted by: Jake Kilend
you get to ablivion by going to Gildfort thier is a flaimeing portle walk into it
(you will find a teamate fighting off enimiys)
The Purification quest:
On the "The Purification" quest for the Dark Brotherhood, use the following trick to easily
kill some of the members in the santuary such as Ocheeva and Vincent. First. get your Disposition
with them as high as possible, then sneak attack them with a dagger. Before they have a time to
retaliate, propose a yeild. You can attack and yeild repetedly until they are killed.
Taking Care Of Lex quest: Different weapons:
While doing the ''Taking Care Of Lex" quest for the Thieves Guild you must to scald the paper with
Lex's seal. Just beside the desk where the seal is, you will see a chest. If you came in the door
directly behind the chest you will get an Elven longsword, Glass longsword, Orcish helmet, and a
Mythril sheild. If you came in from the door upstairs you will get an Elven longsword and Dwarven
greaves. If you came in the exact entrance you cannot open the chest.
Bruma: Escaping from jail:
If you get sent to jail in Bruma, you will be in a cell with another person named Jorundr.
If you punch him once, the jailer will unlock your cell, kill Jorundr, and leave the cell door open.
You can now escape from jail by killing the jailer or sneaking out. You can only do this once. Note:
Jorundr is a character in the "Two Sides of the Coin" quest. If you kill him, you cannot complete
the quest. Do not kill him until you finish the quest.
Leyawin: Horse racing:
You first need to get a black horse (for example, at the stable by Chaydenhall). Go to Leyawin and
start up the road to the right that does not go to Bruma. Go follow the road for awhile. Ignore the
small town to your right. Go a little past the town and a woman on a black horse should cut you off.
Note: This may not work every time. You must be at that location at 6:45 to 7:00 a.m.
Skingrad: Hidden treasure:
Buy the house in Skingrad and the upgrades for it. You should have a deer head mounted in the wall.
Jump on it and retrieve the note. It should say that the man who is writing it is being sent to the
prison, but left a clue to his treasure for his loved one. However she never found it. The answer to
the riddle is an hourglass. Go in the basement of the house. The hourglass can be found at the top of
a support beam with the garlic hanging from it. Pick it up and you should get about seven flawless
gems and the Ring Of The Grey.
Skingrad: Song reference:
When you go to Skingrad Castle (where the Lord is the Vampire), follow the lizard woman wearing a
green tunic. After awhile she will stop and talk to a passerby in the castle. She will start talking
about some wine she had drank from the nearest wine vender in town. The passerby replies "Yes he is a
very good friend of mine. He let me drink his wine. It was a mighty fine wine!". These are lyrics to
the song "Joy To The World" by Three Dog Night.
Nord: Easy kills:
If you selected a Nord as your race, choose The Lover as you star pattern. This makes it extremely
eay to kill someone. First, get them down a bit in health. Then use The Lover's star pattern ability
to stun them. while they are stunned, hit them with Nordic Frost. This will kill almbost all enemies
and works well as a finisher.
Non-random Sigil Stones:
While in Sigillum Sanguis (the Sigil Keep at the top of an Oblivion Citadel), save the game while
standing in front of the Sigil Stone. If the effects of the stone you get are not to your liking,
load from the point before you grabbed it. The Sigil Stone you get is chosen at random upon removing
Getting weapons from summoned creatures:
To get a weapon from a summoned creature, summon it then use a disintegrate weapon spell on it.
Making Black Soul Gems:
You need an empty Grand Soul Gem and a Soultrap spell. Take these to any of the four Necromancer lairs.
There will be an altar which will only be active one day of the week. You may need to wait up to six
game days. Place your gem on the altar when it is active and cast Soul Trap on it. You will now have a
Black Soul Gem. These are used for capturing the souls of NPCs. One is also required for one of the
Daedric Quests as a tribute to the shrine.
Easy house:
Go to the city of Anvil and make your way to the inn. Inside is a man whose name starts with a "B".
He is selling his grandfather's old manor. You can purchase it if you have 5,000 gold, which is very
cheap considering that most houses are 15,000 gold and are not as good. The house (at first) is ugly
and haunted. However, after completing the quick quest the house will be fixed up without any additional
Imperial City: Hidden bag:
In the Imperial City waterfront, in The Bloated Float, rent the room. If you look on the table behind
a jar, you should see a bag. Inside are some jewels.
Brindle Home: Strong bow and enchanted arrows:
Go to Brindle Home, north of Skingrad. You will find a man named Torbal The Sufficient. Kill him and
loot his corpse. You will get a lot of enchanted arrows and the Bow of Blizzards. This is an enchanted
bow that does 20 points of ice damage. If you equip this bow and the Arrow of the North Winds, which
does 60 points of damage on its own, you will have a very strong bow.
Skingrad: Ebony and Glass EQUIPMENT:
Go northeast of Skingrad's East Gate to find a fort named Fort Wooden Hand. Kill the people in here
to get the full Ebony armor set and some Glass equipment as well. You can also get some Daedric armor
from the warlord.
Good armor:
At the beginning of the game after the King's convoy is attacked, quickly take the dead guard's katana
and armor. This will make slaughtering rats and defeat trolls a lot easier.
Launch items from chair:
Take a large item and set it on a chair. Then, sit in the chair. You will launch the item across the
room. Try this watermelons.
Make stolen items authentic:
When you steal items, most of the merchants will not buy them. Use the following trick to authenticate
them. Get in the jail and escape. Take your items authenticated or pay for your days in jail and you
will have the items authenticated again.
Skip the Persuade/Bribe mini game:
To skip this annoying and expensive game, go to the Arcane University or Frost Crag Spire (if you have
the download) and make a Charm spell. Set the Magnatude to 100 and the Duration only 2 seconds. This
will make even the most hateful person in the game have a disposition of about 73 at the lowest, and
you will never have to bribe again.
People switch beds:
Wait near in a place where there are more than one person is sleeping. They will all get up at the
same time and may switch beds with each other. They might even walk down to another floor or to the
other side of the room just to go to another bed.
Walk on lava:
If you are in the Planes Of Oblivion and need to get past something such as lava, get a Walk On
Water spell and a Health spell. Use the Walk On Water spell then switch to the Health spell and
Note: The Health spell is for your health when you get burnt.
Test Hall:
Enable the coc testhall code. Inside the Test Hall is a Creature Test room, an NPC Test Hall, a
secret town called Hawkhaven, weapon, armor, clothing, low-high class decor rooms, and lockpick
tests. Note: If you go in and just pick items up (if you have the God mode enabled) the game will
be incompleteable. You will get quest items and you cannot drop them. You will be stuck doing
different quests. Also if you pick up a lot of items the game will lag when you go to where you
dropped everything.
No bounty:
When you have a bounty, enter third person mode, select yourself, then enter payfinethief as a
Easy Alchemy experience:
Steal a mortar and pestle. Steal a lot of food items and turn them into potions. It should not
take too long before you reach the Master Of Alchemy level.
Easy Alteration experience:
To get quick levels in the Alteration skill, make sure you have these spells: Open Average Lock,
Open Easy Lock, and Open Very Easy Lock. Then, find a chest that you would have to normaly need a
key or have to lock pick. Use the opposite spell of the chest. For example, if the chest requires
the easy spell, use the very easy spell on it. Make sure you have some Magicka potions or you can
just wait an hour every time you exhaust you Magicka supply. In no time you will have leveled
your Alteration skill dramaticaly.
Glitch: Invisible sheep:
North of the Imperial City, on your map there is a road called "The Red Ring Road". Go to where the tail
of the "G" is in "Ring" on the map to find a farm called "Aleswell". Use a detect life item or spell to
see that the seemingly empty small pasture actually contains some invisible sheep. If you do not have
any life detect items, just look closely to see that there actually are sheep. If you kill them they
become visible again.
Glitch: Floating paintbrushes:
There are paintbrushes stored in random containers at various locations. If you take one out and drop
it, it will not fall. It will just float in the location you were looking at when you dropped it. You
can drop them in sets of two or more and use them as steps to reach high places. You can also use them
as barriers between you and enemies.
Glitch: Main quest:
This trick requires ten to fifteen paintbrushes. they can be found anywhere in the game, particularly in
boxes, shelves, etc. You can use this glitch even if you have not started the main quest yet. Once you
acquire the of paintbrushes, go in front of the Temple Of The One in the Imperial City Temple District.
Climb you way to the top using the "Floating paintbrushes" glitch. Once you are close to the top, jump
on the roof. You will go through, landing inside The Temple Of The One. You can see everybody else but
they cannot see you. Walk close to where the door would be if you were inside it normally. You will see
the top half of the same door you are in front of. Select it to enter the real interior of The Temple Of
The One. Notice the hole in the ceiling where the light comes down. You will see a red sky. Walk outside
and and two Oblivion Gates will be opened. Your quest will be updated, stating that Dagon is here and that
you should talk to Martin. Even if you are not close to completing the main quest this glitch will still
work. Go inside both of the Oblivion Gates and get the Sigil Stones. Later you will end up crossing over
Dagon. Kill him then talk to Martin in the Cloud Ruler temple.
The Purification quest:
On the "The Purification" quest for the Dark Brotherhood, use the following trick to easily kill some of
the members in the sanctuary such as Ocheeva and Vincent. First. get your Disposition with them as high
as possible, then sneak attack them with a dagger. Before they have a time to retaliate, propose a yield.
You can attack and yield repeatedly until they are killed.
Defeating Umbra:
Go to Rindir's Staffs and buy the staff called "Apotheosis". Do not use it. Go to Old Bridge and make
sure you have a bow and arrow. Go to the ruin that starts with a "V". Kill the minor creatures (mostly
rats) and you will reach a campfire. The person in the room is Umbra. Do not attack yet. First, look
at the broken pillar. You can get on top of it by jumping from the nearby table. Once on top, fire an
arrow at her head. She will attack. Do not fall off or she will kill you. Fire two more arrows in her
head. Note: She runs around very quickly, so you must aim carefully. Then, take out Apotheosis. Blast
her a few times to defeat her. You will get ebony armor and a very good sword. It will help you if
you are a vampire and are at least level 8.
Note: You may want to do this at level 7 or higher and have a high Strength attribute. Pause game
play and go to the options menu. Go to "Game Play" and change the difficulty to very easy by setting
the meter to the lowest value. Then go to Vindasel, which is west of the old bridge. It is south of
the Imperial City. Find a campfire inside Vindasel. Umbra will not attack you on sight. Take out your
best weapon and slash away until she is dead. If you manage to kill her, you will get an extremely
strong sword called Umbra and some very good armor. Note: The armor makes you very slow when equipped.
Unlimited arrows:
Enable the tgm code. For an unlimited source of iron arrows, go to the Bloodworks in the arena. One of
the gladiators is practicing with his bow on a target. Stand close by. When there are five to ten arrows
in the target, take them before he does. He will just continue shooting when you move out of the way.
This is an unlimited source of iron arrows, which can be sold to almost any merchant and therefore also
makes an unlimited source of gold.
To make Posions and potions, and to raise your alchemy level, do the following: Buy (Or harvest) as
many ingredients as you can, get allt he main alchemy tools(not sure what all of them are)the beter
the level of them, the beter stuff you'll make beter stuff and more things,(along with being able
to tell what the diffrent effects are of the items):
Posions are all the things together that are somthing like "damage fatige 50pts for 16secounds."
or "Drain health on target." those ingredents together make posions.
Potions are made by adding the good ingredients together, were it says like "Fortify health 100pts
on self." or "Cure Common Aliment". Those together will make potions.
You can mix these together, adn get all diffrent resulets, depending on witch is domominet. Like
if you have 5 loafs of bread and 20 rats Meat, the Potion/Posion you'll mkae will be a Posion.
There are also other ways to get your alcehmy up, eat the ingreddients that you already have,
it'll get it up, not very fast, but it'll still go up.
All game items:
First, you need to have the god mode cheat on. You will need it on because you`le be carrying
well over 1,000 pounds. Begin by pressing ~ . Then type coc testinghall and press enter. You
will automaticly fast travle to a room with many doors. Feel free to brows. Sience you have god
mode on, TAKE IT ALL!!! To exit, walk through the door in the center marked "hawkaven", and carry
on with your old business.
Easy Blade experience:
Use the following trick to master your Blade skill quickly. Go to the Imperial Waterfront then go
directly south from there. After awhile you should find a place called Faregyl Inn. Once inside,
talk to Alix Lencolia. He will master your Blade skill. Note: You hould have at least 9,000 gold,
but you do not have to do it all at once.
Easy Combat experience:
Use the following trick for an easy Strength Bonus modifier and Combat experience. Go to the Imperial
City Market District near the gate to the central circular plaza where there are ramps leading down to
a pond area. Stand in the water at the base of the ramp (not submerged or you cannot conjure). Face up
the ramp and summon skeleton conjuration magic. It will summon behind you in the water. If it is on the
ramp in front of you just push it in the water. The skeleton will not fight back while submerged in the
water. Buy a very basic weapon of each class and set the difficulty to very hard. Raise your hand-to-hand,
blade, and blunt skill by ten levels in total, not each one. Then rest at the Merchants Inn. It helps if
you include two of these skills as your major skills. Each level you will get the +5 strength modifier,
and can easily get to 100 Strength within the first ten levels if you start the game with summon
skeleton. Try this trick with other more powerful summon monsters for later levels. This is also an easy
way to build conjuration and if you have the patience and arrows, Marksman experience.
Good armor:
Use the following trick to create invincible armor. Make a character. Make him be born under the Sign
Of The Tower. Play normally until you are about level 20. Get five Grand Soul Gems and fill each one
with a Grand Soul. Get a curaiss, boots, greaves, a helmet, and gloves. Enchant it all with your Grand
Soul Gems with reflect damage. Nobody will be able to hurt you. In fact, they will get hurt if they
attack. Only mages and archers will be able to stop you, but they are easier to deal with.
Instead of wandering all around Cyrodyl looking for Ninroot, just put it in the ingredients duplicate
chest that you get when you finish the Mage's Guild.
Deepscorn: Sithis shrine and its benefits:
Buy the Deepscorn Hollow. The Ichor of Sithis will activate the shrine in Deepscorn. This shrine will
give you blessings depending upon your infamy level. If your infamy is 0 the shrine will tell you to
"Recant your honorable nature" and not give you a blessing. If it is 1 to 20, it gives you Call Of
Sithis curing disease, fortifying health, and restoring attributes. If it is over 20 and under 50, it
gives you Increased Fortify Health and adds Agility and Sneak boost to everything else. If it is 50 to
90, it increases the Fortify Health, Agility, and Sneak boost. At over 90 it increases them yet again
with a powerful Chameleon enchantment along with everything else.
Unlock Print Screen (PRTSCN) button:
There is a setting in the INI file: bAllowScreenShot=0
change it to: bAllowScreenShot=1
Also, two related items for the screenshots:
There are two INI files, one in the game folder called "Oblivion_default.ini", this is
the one it uses to generate the real one:
My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini
Edit the first one if you want to default to having screenshots on by default for all users.
The settings it uses at runtime are the ones from My Documents folder.
After you edited the INI file, you can press PRTSCN button and Oblivion will write a BMP
file to your game folder.
Item Codes:
player.additem 1
Use one of the following entries with the player.additem code.
CODE Description
0002299C ElvenCuirass ARMO Elven Cuirass
0002299D ElvenGreaves ARMO Elven Greaves
0002299E ElvenGauntlets ARMO Elven Gauntlets
0002299F ElvenBoots ARMO Elven Boots
000229A0 ElvenShield ARMO Elven Shield
000229A1 ElvenHelmet ARMO Elven Helmet
000229A2 SteelCuirass ARMO Steel Cuirass
000229A3 SteelGreaves ARMO Steel Greaves
000229A4 SteelHelmet ARMO Steel Helmet
000229A5 SteelBoots ARMO Steel Boots
000229A6 LowerShirt01 CLOT Blacksmith's Apron
000229A7 LowerPants01 CLOT Blacksmith's Pants
000229A8 LowerShoes01 CLOT Rough Leather Shoes
000229A9 LeatherBracer ARMO Leather Bracer
000229AA LowerShirt02 CLOT Dark Green Shirt
000229AB LowerPants02 CLOT Laced Leather Pants
000229AC LowerShoes02 CLOT Stitched Leather Shoes
000229AD MiddleShirt01 CLOT Brown Shirt
000229AE MiddlePants01 CLOT Light Brown Linens
000229AF MiddleShoes01 CLOT Pigskin Shoes
000229B0 UpperShirt01 CLOT Green Brocade Doublet
000229B1 UpperPants01 CLOT Green Silk Garment
000229B2 UpperShoes01 CLOT Green Velvet Shoes
000ADD4E ImperialDragonBootsHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Boots
000ADD50 ImperialDragonCuirassLight ARMO Imperial Dragon Cuirass
000ADD51 ImperialDragonGauntletsHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Gauntlets
000ADD52 ImperialDragonGreavesHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Greaves
000ADDA2 ImperialDragonHelmetHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Helmet
000ADDA3 ImperialDragonBootsLight ARMO Imperial Dragon Boots
000ADDAA ImperialDragonCuirassHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Cuirass
000CA152 UniqueWeapHatred WEAP Battleaxe of Hatred
000CA153 UniqueStaffApotheosis WEAP Apotheosis
000CA154 UniqueWeapAcid WEAP Akavari Sunderblade
000CA155 UniqueWeapAkavari WEAP Akavari Warblade
000CA156 UniqueWeapBlindness WEAP Bow of Infliction
000CA157 UniqueClubSubmission WEAP Truncheon of Submission
000CA158 UniqueWeaponKorbansSaber WEAP Captain Kordan's Saber
000CA159 UniqueWeapCleaver WEAP Destarine's Cleaver
0001FED0 EmperorGauntlets ARMO Emperor's Gauntlets
0001FED1 EmperorGreaves ARMO Emperor's Greaves
0001FED2 EmperorHelmet ARMO Emperor's Helmet
0001FECE EmperorBoots ARMO Emperor's Boots
0000552C EnchClothingRobeShieldGrand CLOT Aegis Robe
0000552D EnchClothingPantsFortifyMagicka CLOT Fortify Magicka Pants
00005530 EnchClothingShirtlShield CLOT Vest of Warding
00005519 EnchClothingRobeShieldPetty CLOT Robe of Deflection
0000551C EnchClothingRobeShieldLesser CLOT Robe of Warding
00005527 EnchClothingRobeShieldCommon CLOT Robe of Protection
00005529 EnchClothingRobeShieldGreater CLOT Robe of Defense
00048981 EnchClothingPantsAcrobatics CLOT Acrobatics Pants
00048982 EnchClothingShirtlLightArmor CLOT Light Armor Vest
00048983 EnchClothingShirtMarksman CLOT Marksman Quilted Doublet
00048984 EnchClothingShirtMerchantile CLOT Mercantile Black Outfit
00048985 EnchClothingShirtSecurity CLOT Security Russet Felt Shirt
00048986 EnchClothingShoesSneak CLOT Sneak Blue Suede Shoes
00048987 EnchClothingShirtSpeechcraft CLOT Speechcraft Green Brocade Doublet
00048989 EnchClothingShirtResistDisease CLOT Resist Disease Burgundy Linen Shirt
0004898A EnchClothingPantsResistFire CLOT Resist Fire Burgundy Linens
0004898B EnchClothingShirtResistNormalWeapons CLOT Resist Normal Weapons Quilted Doublet
0004898C EnchClothingShirtResistPoison CLOT Resist Poison Blue & Green Outfit
0004898F EnchClothingShoesWaterwalking CLOT Waterwalking Gold Trimmed Shoes
00048990 EnchClothingRobeChameleon CLOT Lesser Chameleon Robe
00048991 EnchClothingShoesFeather CLOT Feather Shoes
00048992 EnchClothingPantsFortifyFatigue CLOT Fortify Fatigue Pants
000CA10F UniqueDwarvenCuirassJuggernaut ARMO Dondoran's Juggernaut
000CA110 UniqueElvenCuirassLegacy ARMO Birthright of Astalon
000CA111 UniqueChainBootsMerchant ARMO Boots of the Swift Merchant
000CA112 UniqueFurGreavesMonkey ARMO Monkeypants
000CA113 UniqueGlassBootsQuicksilver ARMO Quicksilver Boots
000CA114 UniqueSteelGauntletsRasheedasSpecial ARMO Rasheda's Special
000CA116 UniqueAkavariShieldTowerOfTheNine ARMO Tower of the Nine
000CA117 UniqueAkavariCuirassApocalypse ARMO Aegis of the Apocalypse
000CA118 UniqueEbonyGauntetsAtronach ARMO Hands of the Atronach
000CA119 UniqueDwarvenHelmDelver ARMO Helm of the Deep Delver
000CA11A UniqueIronGauntletsDrunkard ARMO Fists of the Drunkard
000CA11B UniqueOrcishHelmFerocity ARMO Helm of Ferocity
000CA11C UniqueOrcishGaunletsHunger ARMO Gauntlets of Gluttony
000CA11D UniqueScrollSacrifice BOOK Chronicle of Sacrifice
000CA11E UniqueScrollPurileBanter BOOK Document of Purile Banter
000CA11F UniqueScrollFireNexus BOOK Annal of the Fire Nexus
000CA120 UniqueScrollStorms BOOK Stormrider Scroll
000CA121 UniqueClothingHoodDruid CLOT Cowl of the Druid
000CA122 UniqueClothingShirtArtisan CLOT Apron of the Master Artisan
000CA123 UniqueClothingShirtBard CLOT Vest of the Bard
000CA124 UniqueClothingHoodSeer CLOT Veil of the Seer
000CA125 UniqueClothingPantsSilverTongues CLOT Imperial Breeches
000CA126 UniqueRingTransmuter CLOT Ring of Transmutation
000CA127 UniqueClothingRobeCreativity CLOT Robe of Creativity
000CA128 UniqueRingWortcraft CLOT Ring of Wortcraft
000CA129 UniqueClothingHoodGatherer CLOT Mantle of the Woodsman
000CA12A UniqueRingUnseen CLOT Spectre Ring
000CA12B UniqueClothingBootsAthlete CLOT Nistor's Boots
000CA12C UniqueClothingHoodDiplomat CLOT Councilor's Hood
0018AE4B ImperialPalaceBoots ARMO Imperial Watch Boots
0018AE4C ImperialPalaceCuirass ARMO Imperial Watch Cuirass
0018AE4D ImperialPalaceGauntlets ARMO Imperial Watch Gauntlets
0018AE4E ImperialPalaceGreaves ARMO Imperial Watch Greaves
0018AE4F ImperialPalaceHelmet ARMO Imperial Watch Helmet
0002C212 EnchDaedricHelmetDetectLife ARMO Inquisitor's Helmet
0002C214 EnchDaedricGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Inquisitor's Gauntlets
0002C215 EnchDaedricBootsFeather ARMO Boots of the Thrall
0002C217 EnchDaedricGauntletsFortStrength ARMO Gauntlets of Brutality
0002C218 EnchDaedricCuirassFortEndurance ARMO Cuirass of Fortitude
0002C21A EnchDaedricGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Deathmarch Greaves
0002C21B EnchDaedricCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of the Undefeated
0002C21D EnchDaedricGauntletsFortArmorer ARMO Warforger's Gauntlets
0002C21E EnchDaedricBootsFortAthletics ARMO Boots of the Taskmaster
0002C220 EnchDaedricShieldFortBlock ARMO Dwarvenskin Shield
0002C221 EnchDaedricGauntletsFortHandtoHand ARMO Gauntlets of Punishment
0002C223 EnchDaedricCuirassFortHeavyArmor ARMO Cuirass of the Blood Legion
0002C224 EnchDaedricGauntletsLight ARMO Moonshadow Gauntlets
0002C226 EnchDaedricShieldLight ARMO Moonshadow Shield
0002C227 EnchDaedricShieldReflectDamage ARMO Shield of Vengence
0002C228 EnchDaedricShieldReflectSpell ARMO Shield of Animus
0002C229 EnchDaedricGreavesResistFire ARMO Flamewalker Greaves
0002C233 EnchDaedricGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Nordslayer Gauntlets
0002C235 EnchDaedricHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Mageslayer's Helmet
0002C239 EnchDaedricGreavesResistParalysis ARMO Slavemaster's Greaves
0002C23B EnchDaedricCuirassResistPoison ARMO Cuirass of the Pit Viper
0002C23F EnchDaedricBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of the Storm
0002C244 EnchDaedricShieldShield ARMO Monolithic Shield
0002C245 EnchDaedricShieldShockShield ARMO Stormlord's Shield
0002C247 EnchDaedricGreavesSpellAbsorption ARMO Magebane Greaves
0002C24E EnchDaedricHelmetWaterbreathing ARMO Helmet of the Flood
0003633F GlassHelmet ARMO Glass Helmet
00036340 GlassGauntlets ARMO Glass Gauntlets
00036341 GlassBoots ARMO Glass Boots
00036342 GlassGreaves ARMO Glass Greaves
00036343 GlassCuirass ARMO Glass Cuirass
00036344 GlassShield ARMO Glass Shield
00036345 DwarvenHelmet ARMO Dwarven Helmet
00036346 DwarvenGauntlets ARMO Dwarven Gauntlets
00036347 DwarvenBoots ARMO Dwarven Boots
00036348 DwarvenGreaves ARMO Dwarven Greaves
00036349 DwarvenCuirass ARMO Dwarven Cuirass
0003634A DwarvenShield ARMO Dwarven Shield
0003634B OrcishHelmet ARMO Orcish Helmet
0003634C OrcishGauntlets ARMO Orcish Gauntlets
0003634D OrcishBoots ARMO Orcish Boots
0003634E OrcishGreaves ARMO Orcish Greaves
0003634F OrcishCuirass ARMO Orcish Cuirass
00036350 OrcishShield ARMO Orcish Shield
00036351 EbonyHelmet ARMO Ebony Helmet
00036352 EbonyGauntlets ARMO Ebony Gauntlets
00036353 EbonyBoots ARMO Ebony Boots
00036354 EbonyGreaves ARMO Ebony Greaves
00036355 EnchEbonyCuirassResistPoison ARMO Viperbane Cuirass
00036356 EbonyShield ARMO Ebony Shield
00036357 DaedricHelmet ARMO Daedric Helmet
00036358 DaedricGauntlets ARMO Daedric Gauntlets
00036359 DaedricBoots ARMO Daedric Boots
0003635A DaedricGreaves ARMO Daedric Greaves
0003635B DaedricCuirass ARMO Daedric Cuirass
0003635C DaedricShield ARMO Daedric Shield
000977BC ArenaChainmailHelmet ARMO Chainmail Helmet
000977BD ArenaOrcishShield ARMO Orcish Shield
000977BE ArenaFurShield ARMO Fur Shield
000977BF ArenaLeatherShield ARMO Leather Shield
000977C0 ArenaMithrilShield ARMO Mithril Shield
000977C1 ArenaElvenShield ARMO Elven Shield
000977C2 ArenaSteelShield ARMO Steel Shield
000977C3 ArenaSteelLongsword WEAP Steel Longsword
000977C4 ArenaSilverMace WEAP Silver Mace
000977C5 ArenaSilverShortsword WEAP Silver Shortsword
000977C6 ArenaIronBow WEAP Iron Bow
000977C7 ArenaSilverLongsword WEAP Silver Longsword
000977C8 ArenaIronWarAxe WEAP Iron War Axe
000977C9 ArenaAkaviriLongSword WEAP Akaviri Katana
000977CA ArenaDwarvenClaymore WEAP Dwarven Claymore
000977CB ArenaGlassWarHammer WEAP Glass Warhammer
000977CC ArenaElvenBow WEAP Elven Bow
000977CD ArenaElvenLongSword WEAP Elven Long Sword
000977CE ArenaEbonyMace WEAP Ebony Mace
000977CF ArenaEbonyWarAxe WEAP Ebony War Axe
000977D0 ArenaEbonyBow WEAP Ebony Bow
000977D1 ArenaIronLongsword WEAP Iron Longsword
000977D2 ArenaSilverBattleAxe WEAP Silver BattleAxe
00098417 EnchRingResistDiseaseJadeTopaz CLOT Ring of Fortitude
00098418 EnchRingResistDiseaseJadeRuby CLOT Grand Ring of Fortitude
00098419 EnchRingResistFireBrass CLOT Base Ring of Firewalking
0009841A EnchRingResistFireBrassPearl CLOT Ring of Firewalking
0009841B EnchRingResistFireBrassTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Firewalking
0009841C EnchRingResistFrostSilver CLOT Base Ring of the North
0009841D EnchRingResistFrostSilverRuby CLOT Ring of the North
0009841E EnchRingResistFrostSilverSapphire CLOT Grand Ring of the North
0009841F EnchRingResistMagickaEbony CLOT Base Ring of Nihilism
00098420 EnchRingResistMagickaEbonyEmerald CLOT Ring of Nihilism
00098421 EnchRingResistMagickaEbonyDiamond CLOT Grand Ring of Nihilism
00098422 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGold CLOT Base Ring of Steelskin
00098423 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGoldSapphire CLOT Ring of Steelskin
00098424 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGoldEmerald CLOT Grand Ring of Steelskin
00098425 EnchRingResistParalysisJadeSapphire CLOT Base Ring of Freedom
00098426 EnchRingResistParalysisSilverSapphire CLOT Ring of Freedom
00098427 EnchRingResistParalysisGoldSapphire CLOT Grand Ring of Freedom
00098428 EnchRingResistPoisonSilverEmerald CLOT Base Ring of the Viper
00098429 EnchRingResistPoisonGoldEmerald CLOT Ring of the Viper
0009842A EnchRingResistPoisonEbonyEmerald CLOT Grand Ring of the Viper
0009842B EnchRingResistShockCopper CLOT Base Ring of Storms
0009842C EnchRingResistShockCopperPearl CLOT Ring of Storms
0009842D EnchRingResistShockCopperTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Storms
00098437 EnchRingShieldCopper CLOT Base Ring of Aegis
00098438 EnchRingShieldCopperPearl CLOT Ring of Aegis
00098439 EnchRingShieldCopperTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Aegis
0009843A EnchRingShockShieldCopper CLOT Base Ring of Shock Shield
0009843B EnchRingShockShieldCopperPearl CLOT Ring of Shock Shield
0009843C EnchRingShockShieldCopperTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Shock Shield
0009843D EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionCopper CLOT Base Amulet of Absorption
0009843E EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionSilver CLOT Amulet of Absorption
0009843F EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionJeweled CLOT Grand Amulet of Absorption
00098440 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingCopper CLOT Base Necklace of the Sea
00098441 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingSilver CLOT Grand Necklace of the Sea
00098442 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingJeweled CLOT Necklace of the Sea
00098443 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingBronze CLOT Base Necklace of Seawalking
00098444 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingJade CLOT Necklace of Seawalking
00098445 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingGold CLOT Grand Necklace of Seawalking
00098446 EnchRingofPerfection CLOT Ring of Perfection
00098447 EnchRingofStamina CLOT Ring of Stamina
00098448 EnchRingofWar CLOT Ring of War
00098449 EnchRingofTreachery CLOT Ring of Treachery
0009844A EnchRingofWizardry CLOT Ring of Wizardry
0009844B EnchRingMundane CLOT Mundane Ring
0009844C EnchRingFlame CLOT Flame Ring
0009844D EnchRingFrost CLOT Frost Ring
0009844E EnchRingStorm CLOT Storm Ring
0009844F EnchRingofVitality CLOT Ring of Vitality
00098450 EnchRingElemental CLOT Elemental Ring
00098452 EnchNecklaceofSwords CLOT Necklace of Swords
00098453 EnchAmuletofAxes CLOT Amulet of Axes
00098454 EnchRingSorcerers CLOT Sorcerer's Ring
00098455 EnchRingofThieves CLOT Ring of Thieves
00098456 EnchRingofSkimming CLOT Ring of Skimming
00098457 EnchAcrobatsAmulet CLOT Acrobat's Amulet
00098458 EnchRingoftheIronFist CLOT Ring of the Iron Fist
0009845B EnchAmuletReflectSpellJade CLOT Amulet of Reflection
0009845C EnchAmuletReflectSpellGold CLOT Grand Amulet of Reflection
0009845D EnchRingResistDiseaseJade CLOT Base Ring of Fortitude
00038510 BlackwoodCuirass ARMO Blackwood Cuirass
00038511 BlackwoodGauntlets ARMO Blackwood Gauntlets
00038512 BlackwoodGreaves ARMO Blackwood Greaves
00038513 BlackwoodHelmet ARMO Blackwood Helmet
00038514 BlackwoodBoots ARMO Blackwood Boots
000387A6 EnchElvenWarhammerAbsFatigue WEAP Warhammer of Siphoning
000387A7 EnchElvenMaceAbsFatigue WEAP Mace of Siphoning
000387A8 EnchEbonyMaceAbsHealth WEAP Mace of Feeding
000387A9 EnchEbonyWarhammerAbsHealth WEAP Warhammer of Feeding
000387AA EnchSilverDaggerAbsMagicka WEAP Dagger of Depletion
000387AB EnchSilverShortswordAbsMagicka WEAP Shortsword of Depletion
000387AC EnchSilverLongswordAbsMagicka WEAP Longsword of Depletion
000387AD EnchSilverMaceAbsMagicka WEAP Mace of Depletion
000387AE EnchSilverBattleaxeAbsMagicka WEAP Battle Axe of Depletion
000387AF EnchSilverWaraxeAbsMagicka WEAP War Axe of Depletion
000387B0 EnchSilverWarhammerAbsMagicka WEAP Warhammer of Depletion
000387B1 EnchIronMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Weight
000387B2 EnchIronWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Weight
000387B3 EnchSteelWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Strain
000387B4 EnchSteelMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Strain
000387B5 EnchDwarvenWarhammerBurden WEAP Akaviri Warhammer Burden
000387B6 EnchDwarvenMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Burden
000387B7 EnchElvenMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Overload
000387B8 EnchElvenWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Overload
000387B9 EnchGlassWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Encumbrance
000387BA EnchGlassMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Encumbrance
000387BB EnchEbonyWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Excess
000387BC EnchEbonyMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Excess
000387BD EnchDaedricWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Deadweight
000387BE EnchDaedricMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Deadweight
000389E6 EnchDwarvenDaggerDamIntelligence WEAP Dagger of Enfeeblement
000389E7 EnchDwarvenShortswordDamSpeed WEAP Shortsword of Enfeeblement
000389E8 EnchDwarvenLongswordDamAgility WEAP Longsword of Enfeeblement
000389E9 EnchDwarvenMaceDamWillpower WEAP Mace of Enfeeblement
000389EA EnchDwarvenWarhammerDamStrength WEAP Warhammer of Enfeeblement
000389EB EnchDwarvenWaraxeDamLuck WEAP War Axe of Enfeeblement
0003A856 WeapSteelBattleAxeFine WEAP Fine Steel Battle Axe
0003A857 WeapSteelBowFine WEAP Fine Steel Bow
0003A858 WeapSteelClaymoreFine WEAP Fine Steel Claymore
0003A859 WeapSteelDaggerFine WEAP Fine Steel Dagger
0003A85A WeapSteelLongswordFine WEAP Fine Steel Longsword
0003A85B WeapSteelMaceFine WEAP Fine Steel Mace
0003A85C WeapSteelShortswordFine WEAP Fine Steel Shortsword
0003A85D WeapSteelWarAxeFine WEAP Fine Steel War Axe
0003A85E WeapSteelWarhammerFine WEAP Fine Steel Warhammer
0003A85F WeapIronBattleAxeFine WEAP Fine Iron Battle Axe
0003A860 WeapIronBowFine WEAP Fine Iron Bow
0003A861 WeapIronClaymoreFine WEAP Fine Iron Claymore
0003A862 WeapIronDaggerFine WEAP Fine Iron Dagger
0003A863 WeapIronLongswordFine WEAP Fine Iron Longsword
0003A864 WeapIronMaceFine WEAP Fine Iron Mace
0003A865 WeapIronShortswordFine WEAP Fine Iron Shortsword
0003A866 WeapIronWarAxeFine WEAP Fine Iron War Axe
0003A867 WeapIronWarhammerFine WEAP Fine Iron Warhammer
0003B3FF EnchElvenBattleAxeAbsFatigue WEAP Battle Axe of Siphoning
0003B400 EnchElvenWarAxeAbsFatigue WEAP War Axe of Siphoning
0003B401 EnchEbonyWarAxeAbsHealth WEAP War Axe of Feeding
0003B402 EnchEbonyBattleAxeAbsHealth WEAP Battle Axe of Feeding
0003B403 EnchDaedricBattleAxeAbsMagicka WEAP Battle Axe of Transmogrify
0003B404 EnchDaedricMaceAbsMagicka WEAP Mace of Transmogrify
0003B405 EnchDaedricWarAxeAbsMagicka WEAP War Axe of Transmogrify
0003B406 EnchDaedricWarHammerAbsMagicka WEAP Warhammer of Transmogrify
0003B407 EnchDwarvenBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Decay
0003B408 EnchDwarvenWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Decay
0003B409 EnchElvenWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Dissolution
0003B40A EnchElvenBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Dissolution
0003B40B EnchGlassWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Fracturing
0003B40C EnchDaedricBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Putrification
0003B40D EnchDaedricWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Putrification
0003B40E EnchEbonyBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Rending
0003B40F EnchEbonyWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Rending
0001C6CD WeapIronClaymore WEAP Iron Claymore
0001C6CE IronHelmet ARMO Iron Helmet
0001C6CF IronBoots ARMO Iron Boots
0001C6D0 IronGreaves ARMO Iron Greaves
0001C6D1 IronCuirass ARMO Iron Cuirass
0001C6D2 IronGauntlets ARMO Iron Gauntlets
0001C6D3 ChainmailCuirass ARMO Chainmail Cuirass
0001C6D4 ChainmailBoots ARMO Chainmail Boots
0001C6D5 ChainmailGreaves ARMO Chainmail Greaves
0001C6D6 ChainmailGauntlets ARMO Chainmail Gauntlets
0001C6D7 ChainmailHelmet ARMO Chainmail Helmet
0001C6D8 SteelGauntlets ARMO Steel Gauntlets
0003CCFE EnchEbonyClaymoreTempest WEAP Tempest
0003CCFF EnchDwarvenBattleAxeHazards WEAP Axe of Hazards
0003CD01 EnchElvenClaymoreImmolator WEAP Immolator
0003CD02 EnchGlassShortswordWounding WEAP Sword of Wounding
0003CD04 EnchElvenBowDragonsBow WEAP Dragon's Bow
0003CD05 EnchGlassClaymoreBoreal WEAP Boreal
0003CD06 EnchElvenBowBlizzard WEAP Blizzard Bow
0003CD07 EnchSilverWarAxeGhost WEAP Ghost Axe
0003CD08 EnchElvenBowStorm WEAP Storm Bow
0003D7B7 EnchDwarvenDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Fragments
0003D7B8 EnchDwarvenClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Fragments
0003D7B9 EnchDwarvenLongSwordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Fragments
0003D7BA EnchDwarvenShortSwordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Fragments
0003D7BB EnchElvenClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Brittleness
0003D7BC EnchElvenDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Brittleness
0003D7BD EnchElvenLongSwordDisWeapon WEAP Long Sword of Brittleness
0003D7BE EnchElvenShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Brittleness
0003D7BF EnchGlassClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Fracturing
0003D7C0 EnchGlassDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Fracturing
0003D7C1 EnchGlassLongswordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Fracturing
0003D7C2 EnchGlassShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Fracturing
0003D7C3 EnchEbonyClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Shattering
0003D7C4 EnchEbonyDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Shattering
0003D7C5 EnchEbonyLongswordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Shattering
0003D7C6 EnchEbonyShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Shattering
0003D7C7 EnchDaedricClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Disintegration
0003D7C8 EnchDaedricDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Disintegration
0003D7C9 EnchDaedricLongswordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Disintegration
0003D7CA EnchDaedricShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Disintegration
0003D7CB EnchSilverBattleAxeDispel WEAP Battle Axe of Dispel
0003D7CC EnchSilverClaymoreDispel WEAP Claymore of Dispel
0003D7CD EnchSilverDaggerDispel WEAP Dagger of Dispel
0003D7CE EnchSilverLongswordDispel WEAP Longsword of Dispel
0003D7CF EnchSilverMaceDispel WEAP Mace of Dispel
0003D7D0 EnchSilverShortswordDispel WEAP Shortsword of Dispel
0003D7D1 EnchSilverWarAxeDispel WEAP War Axe of Dispel
0003D7D2 EnchSilverWarhammerDispel WEAP Warhammer of Dispel
0003D7D3 EnchSteelBattleAxeDraEndurance WEAP Battle Axe of Diminishing
0003D7D4 EnchSteelDaggerDraIntelligence WEAP Dagger of Diminishing
0003D7D5 EnchSteelLongswordDraAgility WEAP Longsword of Diminishing
0003D7D6 EnchSteelMaceDraWillpower WEAP Mace of Diminishing
0003D7D7 EnchSteelShortswordDraSpeed WEAP Shortsword of Diminishing
0003D7D8 EnchSteelWarAxeDraLuck WEAP War Axe of Diminishing
0003D7D9 EnchSteelWarhammerDraStrength WEAP Warhammer of Diminishing
0003D7DA EnchIronClaymoreDraFatigue WEAP Claymore of Weariness
0003D7DB EnchIronDaggerDraFatigue WEAP Dagger of Weariness
0003D7DC EnchIronLongswordDraFatigue WEAP Longsword of Weariness
0003D7DD EnchIronShortswordDraFatigue WEAP Shortsword of Weariness
0003D7DE EnchDwarvenClaymoreDraHealth WEAP Claymore of Pain
0003D7DF EnchDwarvenDaggerDraHealth WEAP Dagger of Pain
0003D7E0 EnchDwarvenLongSwordDraHealth WEAP Longsword of Pain
0003D7E1 EnchDwarvenShortSwordDraHealth WEAP Shortsword of Pain
0003D7E2 EnchSilverBattleAxeDraMagicka WEAP Battle Axe of Sapping
0003D7E3 EnchSilverClaymoreDraMagicka WEAP Claymore of Sapping
0003D7E4 EnchSilverDaggerDraMagicka WEAP Dagger of Sapping
0003D7E5 EnchSilverLongswordDraMagicka WEAP Longsword of Sapping
0003D7E6 EnchSilverMaceDraMagicka WEAP Mace of Sapping
0003D7E7 EnchSilverShortswordDraMagicka WEAP Shortsword of Sapping
0003D7E8 EnchElvenClaymoreDraMagicka WEAP Claymore of Depletion
0003D7E9 EnchElvenDaggerDraMagicka WEAP Dagger of Depletion
0003D7EA EnchElvenLongSwordDraMagicka WEAP Long Sword of Depletion
0003D7EB EnchElvenShortswordDraMagicka WEAP Shortsword of Depletion
0003DAE7 EnchIronBattleAxeEmber WEAP Battle Axe of Embers
0003DAE9 EnchIronBowEmber WEAP Bow of Embers
0003DAEA EnchIronClaymoreEmber WEAP Claymore of Embers
0003DAEB EnchIronDaggerEmber WEAP Dagger of Embers
0003DAEC EnchIronLongswordEmber WEAP Longsword of Embers
0003DAED EnchIronMaceEmber WEAP Mace of Embers
0003DAEE EnchIronShortswordEmber WEAP Shortsword of Embers
0003DAEF EnchIronWarAxeEmber WEAP War Axe of Embers
0003DAF0 EnchIronWarhammerEmber WEAP Warhammer of Embers
0003DAF1 EnchSteelBattleAxeEmber WEAP Quality Battle Axe Ember
0003DAF2 EnchSteelBowEmber WEAP Bow of Burning
0003DAF3 EnchSteelClaymoreEmber WEAP Claymore of Burning
0003DAF4 EnchSteelDaggerEmber WEAP Dagger of Burning
0003DAF5 EnchSteelLongswordEmber WEAP Longsword of Burning
0003DAF6 EnchSteelMaceEmber WEAP Mace of Burning
0003DAF7 EnchSteelShortswordEmber WEAP Shortsword of Burning
0003DAF8 EnchSteelWarAxeEmber WEAP War Axe of Burning
0003DAF9 EnchSteelWarhammerEmber WEAP Warhammer of Burning
0003DAFA EnchDwarvenBattleAxeFlame WEAP Battle Axe of Scorching
0003DAFB EnchDwarvenBowFlame WEAP Bow of Scorching
0003DAFC EnchDwarvenClaymoreFlame WEAP Claymore of Scorching
0003DAFD EnchDwarvenDaggerFlame WEAP Dagger of Scorching
0003DAFE EnchDwarvenLongSwordFlame WEAP Longsword of Scorching
0003DAFF EnchDwarvenMaceFlame WEAP Mace of Scorching
0003DB00 EnchDwarvenShortSwordFlame WEAP Shortsword of Scorching
0003DB01 EnchDwarvenWarAxeFlame WEAP War Axe of Scorching
0003DB02 EnchDwarvenWarHammerFlame WEAP Warhammer of Scorching
0003DB03 EnchElvenBattleAxeBlaze WEAP Battle Axe of Flames
0003DB04 EnchElvenBowBlaze WEAP Bow of Flames
0003DB05 EnchElvenClaymoreBlaze WEAP Claymore of Flames
0003DB06 EnchElvenDaggerBlaze WEAP Dagger of Flames
0003DB07 EnchElvenLongSwordBlaze WEAP Long Sword of Flames
0003DB08 EnchElvenMaceBlaze WEAP Mace of Flames
0003DB09 EnchElvenShortswordBlaze WEAP Shortsword of Flames
0003DB0A EnchElvenWarAxeBlaze WEAP War Axe of Flames
0003DB0B EnchElvenWarHammerBlaze WEAP Warhammer of Flames
0003DB0C EnchGlassBattleAxeBlaze WEAP Battle Axe of Fire
0003DB0D EnchGlassBowBlaze WEAP Bow of Fire
0003DB0E EnchGlassClaymoreBlaze WEAP Claymore of Fire
0003DB0F EnchGlassDaggerBlaze WEAP Dagger of Fire
0001DA82 ElfPonytail HAIR Windbound
0003DB10 EnchGlassLongswordBlaze WEAP Longsword of Fire
0001DA83 ElfBraid HAIR Wind Braids
0003DB11 EnchGlassMaceBlaze WEAP Mace of Fire
0003DB12 EnchGlassShortswordBlaze WEAP Shortsword of Fire
0003DB13 EnchGlassWarAxeBlaze WEAP War Axe of Fire
0003DB14 EnchGlassWarHammerBlaze WEAP Warhammer of Fire
0003DB15 EnchEbonyBattleAxeScorch WEAP Battle Axe of the Blaze
0003DB16 EnchEbonyBowScorch WEAP Bow of the Blaze
0003DB17 EnchEbonyClaymoreScorch WEAP Claymore of the Blaze
0003DB18 EnchEbonyDaggerScorch WEAP Dagger of the Blaze
0003DB19 EnchEbonyLongswordScorch WEAP Longsword of the Blaze
0003DB1A EnchEbonyMaceScorch WEAP Mace of the Blaze
0003DB1B EnchEbonyShortswordScorch WEAP Shortsword of the Blaze
0003DB1C EnchEbonyWarAxeScorch WEAP War Axe of the Blaze
0003DB1D EnchEbonyWarHammerScorch WEAP Warhammer of the Blaze
0003DB1E EnchDaedricBattleAxeScorch WEAP Battle Axe of the Inferno
0003DB1F EnchDaedricBowScorch WEAP Bow of the Inferno
0003DB20 EnchDaedricClaymoreScorch WEAP Claymore of the Inferno
0003DB21 EnchDaedricDaggerScorch WEAP Dagger of the Inferno
0003DB22 EnchDaedricLongswordScorch WEAP Longsword of the Inferno
0003DB23 EnchDaedricMaceScorch WEAP Mace of the Inferno
0003DB24 EnchDaedricShortswordScorch WEAP Shortsword of the Inferno
0003DB25 EnchDaedricWarAxeScorch WEAP War Axe of the Inferno
0003DB26 EnchDaedricWarHammerScorch WEAP Warhammer of the Inferno
0003DB73 EnchIronClaymoreShiver WEAP Claymore of Frost
0003DB74 EnchIronDaggerShiver WEAP Dagger of Frost
0003DB75 EnchIronLongswordShiver WEAP Longsword of Frost
0003DB76 EnchIronMaceShiver WEAP Mace of Frost
0003DB77 EnchIronShortswordShiver WEAP Shortsword of Frost
0003DB78 EnchIronWarAxeShiver WEAP War Axe of Frost
0003DB79 EnchIronWarhammerShiver WEAP Warhammer of Frost
0003DB7A EnchSteelBattleAxeShiver WEAP Quality Battle Axe Shiver
0003DB7B EnchSteelBowShiver WEAP Bow of Numbing
0003DB7C EnchSteelClaymoreShiver WEAP Claymore of Numbing
0003DB7D EnchSteelDaggerShiver WEAP Dagger of Numbing
0003DB7E EnchSteelLongswordShiver WEAP Longsword of Numbing
0003DB7F EnchSteelMaceShiver WEAP Mace of Numbing
0003DB80 EnchSteelShortswordShiver WEAP Shortsword of Numbing
0003DB81 EnchSteelWarAxeShiver WEAP War Axe of Numbing
0003DB82 EnchSteelWarhammerShiver WEAP Warhammer of Numbing
0003DB8F EnchIronBattleAxeShiver WEAP Battle Axe of Frost
0003E9AE Dremora2KynvalGreaves ARMO Dremora Kynval Greaves
0003E9AF Dremora3KynreeveBoots ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Boots
0003E9B0 Dremora3KynreeveCuirass ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Cuirass
0003E9B1 Dremora3KynreeveGreaves ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Greaves
0003E9B2 Dremora3KynreeveShield ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Shield
0003E9B3 Dremora4KynmarcherBoots ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Boots
0003E9B4 Dremora4KynmarcherCuirass ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Cuirass
0003E9B5 Dremora4KynmarcherGreaves ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Greaves
0003E9B6 Dremora5MarkynazBoots ARMO Dremora Markynaz Boots
0003E9B7 Dremora5MarkynazCuirass ARMO Dremora Markynaz Cuirass
0003E9B8 Dremora5MarkynazGreaves ARMO Dremora Markynaz Greaves
0003E9B9 Dremora0ChurlBoots ARMO Dremora Churl Boots
0003E9BA Dremora1CaitiffBoots ARMO Dremora Caitiff Boots
0003E9BB Dremora2KynvalBoots ARMO Dremora Kynval Boots
0003E9BC Dremora0ChurlGreaves ARMO Dremora Churl Greaves
0003E9BD Dremora0ChurlCuirass ARMO Dremora Churl Cuirass
0003E9BE Dremora1CaitiffCuirass ARMO Dremora Caitiff Cuirass
0003E9BF Dremora1CaitiffGreaves ARMO Dremora Caitiff Greaves
0003E9C0 Dremora1CaitiffShield ARMO Dremora Caitiff Shield
0003E9C1 Dremora2KynvalCuirass ARMO Dremora Kynval Cuirass
0003E9C2 DremoraMace WEAP Dremora Mace
0003E9C3 DremoraLongSword WEAP Dremora Longsword
0003E9C4 DremoraClaymore WEAP Dremora Claymore
Submitted by: David
On most hard or very hard locks, if you get the first three tumblers up, then
hit auto attempt, the lock will open on the first click. NOTE: This cheat works
best if you have at least 40 to 45 security skill level, so that in the unlikely
case that the lock does not open on the first try, you do not lose all the progress
you made on the lock.
Making Stolen Items Legal:
When you have stolen an item a flag or marker will appear to let you know that
shopkeepers wont buy the item and that guards will recognise the item as stolen.
To remove this marker and have the item be recognised in game as 'legal' then
follow one of the 3 methods outlined below:
1 - If you have one non-stolen and one stolen item, alternately equipping the two items
repeatedly will clear the stolen flag.
2 - If you have two stolen items, equipping one item makes the second one appear legitimate.
Dropping this item, then dropping the other, still marked stolen, will clear the stolen
flag on both.
3 - Selling a stolen item to a fencer, then buying it again will clear the flag, as the item
is now "legally bought"
Paintbrush Glitch:
Paint brushes will float in the place where you drop them. If you collect enough, you will be
able to jump on them and use them to scale walls, towers and reach high places. Note that this
trick can be used to "Escape from" or "Get into" places you're not supposed to. With enough
paint brushes and enough patience, you can escape from or get into any place where there's
open sky above you, including the very top of the Imperial City Palace!
Free Lockpicks:
Save your game by a door. Auto lockpick the door until it opens. Right before the door opens,
hit [Escape] and load the save game. The game will load with you inside the door with all
the lockpicks you had before lockpicking and any items from that save.
Permanent Boosts:
To gain several permanent stat/skill boosts, gain any quest item that has a constant
boosting effect on it and cannot be removed (e.g. boots of springheel jak). Equip this
item and either get yourself arrested or do a quest in which all your items are removed.
When you get out of jail (or get your items back), you will see that the boost is still
in effect but you are not wearing the quest item. You can now equip any other item in
place of the quest one, but you will not be able to wear the quest item again (though
the boost will remain permanently).
Brotherhood Invitation:
If you want to join the Dark Brotherhood, you must kill somebody for no reason other than
killing them, and then there will be text in the top left hand corner that says, "Your
killing has been observed by forces unknown..." To do this easily, find a hobo and wait
until night time. You can find them behind houses or by trees in the town, and when they
go to sleep go into sneak mode and attack from behind. Since they have no armor it will
be easy to kill them. But to make sure you kill them, poison your blade and use a power
Ultimate power:
Firstly to Get "God mode" press the tilde key (~) and type "tgm" for all spells type
"psb" to make spells type "showspellmaking" to teleport type "coc" then your destination
example:coc brumamagesguild ---now to clone yourself or other things like wolves or guards
or anything really-just target it after pressing tilde(~) and type createfullactorcopy and
there you have it...a clone!
Note: A good spell to make after you get the cheats described working is "command all"
set it to command creature and humanoid 25 magnitude and 120 duritation and either touch
or target for the spells cast effect.
Activate Sealed Doors and Distant Switches:
Some doors sealed, rusted, or enchanted. You can't normaly access these doors even if
unlocked. Enter the cheat menue by pressing ` then click on the door and type "activate"
NOTE: you must be right by the door. This also works on switches, levers, etc. even
from a distance.
Need More Space:
Carring too many items? Say no more. All you have to do is find a chest in a secure location,
preferably the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Chedinhal. Once you have found a chest then you
can take stuff out of it with stealing and loot it of everything. Next press the left trigger
while still in the chest and it will bring up your inventory. Place all items you want to
store in the chest by pressing A. Do not worry - your items will not disappear - just do not
forget which chest they are in. This can be done with multiple chests.
Lava Swim:
In some Oblivion Gates there are pools of lava in your way.
(Example: Skingrad Gate, Leyawin Gate)
In Bravil there's a big gate in your way. Instead of going in the cave filled with deadra to
get across, you can swim around the gate. To do this you must have a lot of health because
the lava takes away a lot. If you're a Nord you can use woad and your health will go down
more slowly.
Easy Money:
Submitted by: nickel
First you go to the arena then bet the max on any team it doesnt matter then go watch the fight
while watching go to the console click on your guys opponent and type kill.
Your guys opponent dies and you get your money.
Private zoo:
Ever wanted your own private goblin zoo? I know i have. Well ill tell ya how. Go to the fort
near the old alyeid ruin of vilverin.urasek if im not mistaken. When you get in there dont
kill the goblins only the marauders just press ~(tilde key)(next to 1)and type kill to instantly
kill them. Lead the goblins in the cell and run out quickly and shut the door. When it closes
simply press ~ again and type lock 100.thatll make it so they cant get out and you cant get in
without pressing ~ again and typeing unlock. You should have your own private goblin zoo. (note,
you can choose to resurrect the mararuders and watching them try to kill the goblins (might wana
be invisible to make sure they dont attack you).
How to get infinte gold:
To get infinite gold go to the talos plaza district and go in dorians house and kill him then
search his body click his gold continously do not take all or it will stuff the glitch.
Place to hold your stuff:
First you must complete the Dark Brotherhood quests up until you receive Shadowmare as a
reward. Shadowmare is special in that he cannot be killed (only knocked unconscious). Knock
Shadowmare unconscious (you don’t need to be quick about it, he won’t fight back). As soon as
he drops, you are given the option to access his body via the spacebar. Open him up and dump
your extra junk into him (open him then go to your inventory button and single click items to
move them over). Shadowmare will pop back up after a few seconds, and you’ll both be good to go.
Whenever you need to access your gear, simply knock him out again. I’ve used this trick for a
while, and it appears that Shadowmare has no weight limit, and items remain forever. This trick
won’t work on normal horses because they die (and ~ resurrect clears their inventory). Sometimes
after Shadowmare wakes up, he begins to slowly walk away, to stop this, jump on him and quick
transport to a location; this fixes him. Also, be careful not to get onto a regular horse, this
messes up your “tie” to Shadowmare, and is a good way to accidentally lose him.
+50 to Acrobatics:
First you need to get the Thieves Guild quest "Boots of Springheel Jack" and complete the
majority of the quest, retrieving the Boots. Do not, however, return the boots to the Grey
Fox. Upon obtaining the Boots, equip them to get a +50 Acrobatics bonus, then travel to the
Shrine of Sanguine and begin the Daedric Quest there. Follow through that quest, and allow
yourself to be arrested by Leyawiin guards when they try. All your possesions will be taken,
except for key items (which include the Boots). Stay your time in jail, and upon exiting, check
your inventory. You should still possess the boots, but when you try to equip them the game will
tell you "You cannot equip this item at this time". However, if you check your current
enhancements,the +50 to Acrobatics will still be there! You can now wear other footwear, but
still have the bonus from the Boots of Springheel Jack!
Submitted by: koby123
To easily escape from jail,finish Nocturnal's quest and earn the skeleton key. Go to any of the
prisons while knowing which cell you will be locked in and drop the skeleton key in there.
Do your crime and get sent to jail. Once in jail, pick up the skeleton key and pick the lock
and viola you're free.
Infinite Money:
First, goto the Imperial City Talos Plaza District. Then, open your map (the one that shows
the names of all the buildings in your current location), and find Dorian's house. Go inside
his house and bribe him all the money you can, then make him upset by making disposition going
down by playing the disposition mini game, and repeat the bribing process. Once you've bribed
him a good amount of money, such as 1000 Gold, kill him as fast as you can.
Infinite Money:
A good way to kill him without allowing him to run away is to push him in the other room and
stand in the doorway while attacking him. After he's dead, goto his body and keep clicking on
his gold. DO NOT select "Take All" as it will ruin the glitch, just keep clicking his gold.
You'll get the amount of gold he has on his body every time you click it, and he will never
run out of it.
100% Chameleon-like effect:
Have your character in the third person view (where you can see your character). Open the
console window and select your character. Type kill at the console window and you should
hear the death music. Next, type resurrect on your character and exit the console screen.
Enter the first person view and you should have the 100% Chameleon effect on your character.
To return to normal, go back to your body and type resurrect on him.
Note: Your body may disappear after awhile, so you may need to take trips back to your body.
Free house at all times:
Visit Weynon Priory. You can use this as your own house, but the only storage chest. You can
use is Jauffre's chest. Ask him about "Assistance" and he will open the chest. You can also
use a few of the beds.
Easy Acrobatic experience:
To gain easy Acrobatic experience, just jump around everywhere you go. You can gain many
levels just by jumping while moving to other destinations. Find a place with a low roof or
ceiling, or get on top of something to make the ceiling or roof closer to you. Start jumping
repeatedly and you will hit the ceiling or roof and come down from fast. This allows you to
jump at very fast speeds depending on how close you are to the ceiling or roof.
Easy Alchemy experience:
Steal a mortar and pestle. Steal a lot of food items and turn them into potions. It should
not take too long before you reach the Master Of Alchemy level. Get two ingredients that form
to make a potion. Use the "Duplicate items" glitch on the ingredients to create a large number
of them. Then continually, make potions and your Alchemy will increase extremely fast.
Note: Only duplicate about 100 of each ingredient at a time or the game will freeze.
Good weapon:
Fill a Black Soul Gem with a Human Soul. Take a weapon that is not already enchanted and
give it shock damage, fire damage, or frost damage. Then, give it weaknes to whatever damage
you just gave it. When you swing the first time, it will do the fire, frost, or shock damage
then give them a weakness to it. The second swing will do a lot more damage.
Unlimited gold:
Go to the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City. Find a house owned by a men named Dorian
(Dorian's House) in the southeast section of the district. Break into his house and find him.
When he tells you to leave, kill him. To loot him, take each item individually, finishing with
the gold, which will not run out once it hits 8 pieces. Just keep selecting the gold he is
carrying take it. Do this repeatedly, and the number of gold pieces remaining will freeze when
it gets down to 8 gold pieces. It will not go any lower, but will just keep giving you as much
gold as desired. Note: After you break in and he tells you to get out, talk to him.
Go to "Persuade" and bribe him a lot. After that, kill him. He will now have more money to
loot, which makes it easier to get more faster.
Unlimited arrows:
Find an enemy archer that fires the type of arrows you want. Get up against a wall and let
him keep firing at you while you jump up in the air dodging the arrows. The arrows will hit
the wall and fall to the ground. Collect the arrows from the ground before they disappear.
You can keep doing this until your opponent's bow breaks and he or she attacks. However before
that happens you should be able to get 250 to 300 arrows. Note: If you get too close to the
archer, he or she will attack you with a melee weapon. You should either run around until he
or she pulls out a bow or kill him or her and move on.
Easy experience:
Make your character a Dark Elf with the birthsign Warrior, and create a class with the
following attributes: Athletics, Acrobatics, Blade, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armor, and Marksman.
Next complete the arena to get leveled up. Then, get a horse and go to the lady in Kvatch.
Note: You may have to shut the Oblivion Gate. Once on your horse, talk to the Orc woman at
Kvatch and sell your most expensive equipped weapon until you have 55,000 gold. Then, join
the Fighters Guild and complete your first mission. Then, go directly south of Imperial
City and find a bridge. Cross the bridge to find a place called Vindisel. Kill a lady named
Umbra and take her armor, shield, and blade. Next, go to Imperial City and mess with the
guards. Every now and then when you are about to die, run from Imperial City before the
guards kill you, or pay the fine using the gold from Kvatch. After you level up, go to any
Fighters Guild and train your major skills. Then, attack the Imperial Guards and repeat.
Multiple summoning:
Summon a creature and have Wabbajack in hand. When you summon the creature you can cast
Wabbajack on it to change it to something else. You can then summon it again and the first
creature will remain.
Add Extra Damage To Your Arrows:
Submitted by: Saikat Roy
To add extra damage to your arrows go into sneak mode and sneak up behind the enemy you wish
to kill. Do not let him see or detect you and also you must be some distance away for this
trick to work! In sneak mode take out your bow and launch an arrow at him! Now when the arrow
is in mid-flight, go immediately into your inventory and equip a sword i.e. any bladed weapon
and voila! You'll see that the damage of the blade is added to your sneak (in this case arrow)
damage! Remember you must be at a far enough distance to go into the inventory and pull out a
Extra arrow damage:
Enter Sneak mode. Sneak up behind the enemy you wish to kill. Do not let him see or detect
you. You must be some distance away. While in Sneak mode, take out your bow and launch an
arrow at the target. When the arrow is in mid-flight, quickly enter your inventory and equip
any bladed weapon. Notice that the damage of the blade is added to your sneak (in this case,
arrow) damage. You must be at a far enough distance to have time to enter your inventory and
equip a bladed weapon while the arrow is in mid-flight.
Fin Gleam helmet:
Travel to the horse whisperer stables in Anvil. Travel west from there to a small island.
When you reach the island, go to the top of the hill. There should be a small boulder. Stand
beside it then jump into the water. Use the glitch where you can see underwater as if on land.
Look below you and there should be a rock formation in the pattern of a hand. The Fin Gleam
helmet is between the smaller rocks and the larger boulder in the center. It will be above
a skeleton. It is best to use a Water Breathing spell and equip the helmet immediately
after you find it.
Double The Goodies:
Submitted by: LED Solid
First you go into the third person view (click down on mouse wheel), then you get to the
cheat screen by pressing ~. Click on your character and type in createfullactorcopy, then
press enter. As you can tell, you now have a clone, and guess what. If you kill your clone
and search his/her body, you have access to his/her (your) full inventory! This means you
have twice as much as before. unfortunatly, if you take everything you will become
overencombered, so put on godmode (tgm at cheat screen) to be able to carry an unlimited
amount of weight!If you have a lot of valuable things in your inventory before you clone
yourself, you can sell many items and get tons of golds. Good luck, and btw, I have used
this cheat and it does work!
Easy Money:
Go to the Mages Guild in Chorrol. Once inside, join the guild if you have not already.
Now, look around. There is a display case table either hard or very hard on the first floor
that has what looks like a glowing white dot inside. Break into that display case. Because
you are already in the Mages Guild you can take whatever you want. Take the glowing white
dot. It is a flawless diamond worth 100 gold with a weight of 0.1. Use the "Duplicate item"
glitch on it until you have as many as you wish to sell. If you have any strength at all,
you will be able to carry around 50,000 gold worth at least. Go to any jewelry or weapons
shop and sell them. You can have around 100,000 gold in about ten minutes.
Note: Make sure not to sell your last diamond, as you may not be able to buy it back to
get more money.
Easy Money:
Steal as much as you can from any store or person until you are over encumbered. When this
happens, leave all the items that made you over encumbered in a specific location that you
can return to later. After that, you take all of the stolen goods that are not making you
over encumbered and sell them. After doing so, go back to the place where you left the other
items. Pick them up then sell those items. After doing this about ten times you should have
4,000 to 5,000 gold.
Change Music:
You can replace the Oblivion Music with any MP3-Format Songs:
1.Open up the Oblivion Folder Typically:(C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion)
2.Open Up "Data" and then "Music"
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Music)
3.There will be 5 Folders: "Battle," "Dungeon," "Explore," "Public,"
and "Spcial(Spacial,Special,Specialer)."
-Battle: (During Fights) Dungeon: (Inside Caves, Forts, etc.)
Explore: (Outdoors) Public: (In a Town/City(Tenacity,Tensity,Tonality))
4.Open the folder that you want to replace, (i.e(IE,I've,I'd) tired of Battle Music?
Open "Battle" Folder) and Highlight all of the Music (i.e(IE,I've,I'd). battle_01,
battle_02, battle_03, etc.) and copy-and-paste them into a safe, known location
5.The Folder Should be empty: Copy-and-Paste your choice MP3-Format songs into the
Empty Folder (i.e(IE,I've,I'd).
6.) Launch Oblivion and check if it worked!
Hot Mead?!:
1.Extract "femaleupperbodynude.nif" from the meshes archive in the .bsa file on the gamedisc.
2.Rename the file "femaleupperbody.nif" and place it in this directory:
C:/Program Files/Oblivion/Data/meshes/characters_male
3.That's it.!