Edge of Chaos
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54
default.ini Cheats:
Replace the text in /iwar2/configs/default.ini with this text and review
the changes for the actual Keys...
; $Header: /iwar2/configs/default.ini 69 08/07/01 00:00 BRIT $
; I-War II developer mode commands
Keyboard, G, SHIFT
Keyboard, M, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, F1, CTRL
Keyboard, D, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, Z, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, L, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, S, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, T, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, P, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, B, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, R, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, A, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, Tab, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, Home, SHIFT
Keyboard, PageDown, SHIFT
Keyboard, PageUp, SHIFT
Keyboard, End, SHIFT
Keyboard, F12
; I-War II shell commands
Keyboard, Q, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, Q, SHIFT
Keyboard, Pause
Keyboard, P
Keyboard, Escape
Keyboard, Escape
Keyboard, Left
Joystick1, JoyPov1Left
Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPov1Up
Keyboard, Right
Joystick1, JoyPov1Right
Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPov1Down
Keyboard, Escape
Joystick1, JoyButton2
Mouse, MouseButton2
Keyboard, Return
Keyboard, NumPadReturn
Joystick1, JoyButton1
Keyboard, Backspace
; I-War II in-flight commands
; Yoke
Joystick1, JoyXAxis
Joystick1, JoyYAxis, inverse
Joystick1, JoyRZAxis
Joystick1, Joybutton2
; Throttle
Joystick1, JoyZAxis, inverse
Joystick1, JoyUAxis, inverse
Keyboard, Equals
Keyboard, Minus, inverse
; Thrusters
Keyboard, D
Keyboard, A, inverse
Joystick1, JoyXAxis, ALT
Joystick1, JoyYAxis, ALT
Keyboard, W
Keyboard, S, inverse
Joystick1, Joybutton7
Joystick1, Joybutton8, inverse
; Fly-by-wire modes
Keyboard, LeftControl
Keyboard, N
; Fire control
Joystick1, JoyButton1
Keyboard, Space
Keyboard, I
Keyboard, X
Keyboard, Z
Keyboard, F
; LDS drive
Keyboard, L
; Docking
Keyboard, U
; Targetting
Keyboard, Comma
Joystick1, JoyButton6
Joystick1, JoyButton3, SHIFT
Keyboard, Dot
Joystick1, JoyButton5
Joystick1, JoyButton4, SHIFT
Keyboard, Home
Keyboard, End
Keyboard, R
Keyboard, T
Joystick1, JoyButton2
Keyboard, Q
Keyboard, Y
Keyboard, E
Keyboard, C
; Weapon cycling
Keyboard, RightBracket
Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton4
Keyboard, Backspace
Joystick1, JoyButton3
; Engineering
Keyboard, Left, SHIFT
Keyboard, Right, SHIFT
Keyboard, Down, SHIFT
Keyboard, Up, SHIFT
; Autopilots
Keyboard, F5
Keyboard, F6
Keyboard, F7
Keyboard, F8
Keyboard, F9
Keyboard, R, SHIFT
; Camera selection
Keyboard, F1
Keyboard, F2
Keyboard, F3
Keyboard, F4
Keyboard, F11
; Camera control
Keyboard, NumPad6
Keyboard, NumPad4, inverse
Keyboard, NumPad8
Keyboard, NumPad2, inverse
Keyboard, NumPad7
Keyboard, NumPad9, inverse
Keyboard, NumPadPlus, inverse
Keyboard, NumPadMinus
Mouse, MouseButton3
Keyboard, NumPadStar
Mouse, MouseXAxis, inverse
Mouse, MouseYAxis
Mouse, MouseZAxis, inverse
Mouse, MouseButton2
Mouse, MouseButton1
Keyboard, Space
; Game controls
Keyboard, Pause
Keyboard, P
Keyboard, Space
Keyboard, Escape
Keyboard, Return
; PDA control
; iWar2 HUD commands
Keyboard, Left
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Left
Keyboard, Right
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Right
Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Up
Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Down
Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton1
Keyboard, Backspace
Joystick1, JoyButton2
Keyboard, O, SHIFT
Keyboard, M, SHIFT
Keyboard, L, SHIFT
Keyboard, E, SHIFT
Keyboard, S, SHIFT
; iWar2 comms commands
Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Up
Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Down
Keyboard, Space
Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton1
Keyboard, Delete
; Generic Flux input commands.
Mouse, MouseAbsXAxis
Mouse, MouseAbsYAxis
Mouse, MouseZAxis
Mouse, MouseButton1
Mouse, MouseButton2
Mouse, MouseButton2
; Script Bindings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Keyboard, J
; Cutscene accessor
Keyboard, Space
; Wingmen Commands
Keyboard, 1
Keyboard, 2
Keyboard, 3
Keyboard, 4
Keyboard, 5
Keyboard, 6
; T-Fighter Commands
Keyboard, 0
Keyboard, 7
Keyboard, 8
Keyboard, 9
; Demo Commands
Keyboard, PageUp
Keyboard, PageDown
; Multiplayer Commands
Keyboard, Tab
Keyboard, Backquote
Keyboard, Backquote, SHIFT
Keyboard, 1, SHIFT
Keyboard, 2, SHIFT
Keyboard, 3, SHIFT
Keyboard, 4, SHIFT
; AI Test Suit Commands
Keyboard, O, ALT
Keyboard, P, ALT
; csvchecker commands
Keyboard, F, SHIFT
; Cheat keys
Keyboard, J, SHIFT
Keyboard, J, ALT
; EOF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Enabling Developer Mode:
Open the Flux.ini and edit the developer_mode 0 and change it to 1 (ie.
developer_mode 1) and save. Then open the config folder and edit the
default.ini or keyboard_only.ini depending on what you select in the
controler options. Go to the bottom of the file and delete the :-) and
paste this on the spot on where it used to be.
Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT
Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT
Press all buttons at the same time to enable the cheat listed above.