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Divide Enemies Within Cheats

Divide - Enemies Within

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Use the tutorial level to your advantage. Every time you run over a weapon, stop
moving, read the tip, and practice turning the thing on and off a few times! 
Believe me, you don't want to get caught later on, having to press everything in
sight trying to drop a mine.
Look around before you leap.

Be sure you find the jumper power-up as soon as possible. The jumper is by far 
the most important piece of equipment you have in the game, as it adds immeasurably
to your maneuvering ability.

Eat and run. Power packs from the aliens and fighting machines you kill will
disappear almost instantly. Since you desperately need that power, try to 
find a firing position where you can pick off your enemies one at a time, 
and recover their remains as you run. You can strafe in emergencies, but 
don't make it the most common mode of attack.
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