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Cognition An Erica Reed Thriller Episode 1 The Hangman Cheats

Cognition - An Erica Reed Thriller Episode 1 - The Hangman

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View 
all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement             Description
A Little Birdie       - Find the hidden Phoenix Online Logo. 
A Parallel Universe   - Examine the Scarlet Furies poster. 
A Question of Dust    - McAdams doesn’t trust you after a tense exchange in a car.
A Question of Trust   - McAdams trusts you after a tense exchange in a car.
Avoidable Casualties  - Let Jetta die during the undercover operation.
Back in 'Nam          - Successfully help a friend remember what Bao-Thanh said.
Bad Attitude          - Establish a bad relationship with McAdams.
Bad Breakup           - See vision of Kelsey's death.
Badaboomdingdang!     - Help Terence with his problem, and get his help in return.
Big Girl Now          - Complete "The Hangman" without texting Erica's dad.
Boston Tea Party      - Complete Act 3 of "The Hangman". 
Caffeine Addict       - Take the coffee from Tess. 
Do A Barrel Roll!     - Dive clear of the car in the parking lot. 
Eye of the Beholder   - Two women see art very differently. 
Hanged                - Complete Act 2 of "The Hangman". 
Hear No Evil          - Complete the Tess interrogation. 
No Time For Games!    - Find the game within the game. 
Not A Witch           - Successfully complete "The Hangman". 
Only Reed Blood       - Complete Act 1 of "The Hangman". 
Patron of the Arts    - Erica gets a close look at all the notable art. 
Pay Your Respects     - Say goodbye to Davies. 
PenPointing           - Try to place the pen in all possible places. 
Privacy Violation     - Sneak a peek in someone else's inbox. 
See No Evil           - Open the puzzle box. 
Speak No Evil         - Use a divination device to get Melissa's help. 
Stand Your Ground     - Fire at the car in the parking lot. 
Suffer!               - Find the Suffer. 
Take That, Jack!      - Protect a fellow agent.
The Good Sister       - Never lose any of Keith's trust in the Lakehouse.
Trip Down Memory Lane - Complete all memories in the apartment. 
Trying to Quit        - Refuse the coffee from Tess. 
Wired                 - Erica saves Scott from the trap.
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