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Sid Meiers Civilization V Gods and Kings Cheats |
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Gods and Kings
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile",
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to Unlock
Access Denied - Construct the Great Firewall Wonder.
Apocalypse Now - As the Maya, nuke a city in the year 2012.
Austian Succession - Beat the game on any difficulty as Maria Theresa.
Baktun the Future - Beat the game on any difficulty as Pacal
Capture of Brielle - Capture a Spanish Coastal City with a Dutch Sea Beggar.
Celtic Thunder - Beat the game on any difficulty as Boudicca
Colonize This! - Beat the game on any difficulty as Haile Selassie
Et tu, Brute - Win the Fall of Rome scenario.
Gad Zeus! - Found a Pantheon
No White Flag Here - Beat the game on any difficulty as Dido
Propheteering - Found a Religion
Silent No More - Beat the game on any difficulty as William of Orange
Smooth Talking - Use a Spy to gain influence with a City-State
Sticky fingers - Use a spy to steal Technology from a competitor
Turks Shmurks! - Capture Constantinople as any enemy power in the Fall of
Rome scenario.
We Are Family - Become the dominant Religion in every Capital city on a
standard-size or larger map.
Whack a Mole - Find and kill an enemy Spy.
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Sid Meiers Civilization V Gods and Kings Cheats Codes