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Call of Duty Cheats

Call of Duty

Cheat Codes:
Update by:Alkham Court
Submitted by: ZamCo

Enabling Cheat Codes:
In order to enable cheats to be used with the single player version of Call of Duty, you 
must follow these steps: 
1.Right click on the Call of Duty Single Player shortcut and select "Properties"
2.In the "Target" field enter(w/o quotes) 
"+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0" 
(i.e. "C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\CoDSP.exe" +set thereisacow 1337 +set 
developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0)

3.Start up COD, press the tilde key (~) to enter console.
4.Enter the below cheats for desired effect. 

Effect                                        Code
Spawn indicated item                        - give 
Full health                                 - give health 
Get all items                               - give all 
Ammunition                                  - give ammo 
Invincibility                               - god 
Ignored by enemy                            - notarget 
No clipping mode                            - noclip 
Toggle debug mode                           - debug [0-1] 
Toggle developer mode                       - developer [0-1] 
Fly mode                                    - ufo 
Teleport to a specific map node             - jumptonode 
Suicide                                     - kill 
List all cvars                              - cvarlist 
Dump all cvars to console                   - cvardump 
Reset all cvars                             - cvar_restart 
List all console commands                   - cmdlist 
List all shaders of current map             - shaderlist 
List all images of current map              - imagelist 
List all sounds currently used              - snd_list 
List all entities currently used            - entitylist 
List all currently bound keys               - bindlist 
View graphics information                   - gfxinfo 
Save game                                   - savegame 
Load saved game                             - loadgame 
Reset variable to default value             - reset 
Play a cinematic file                       - cinematic 
Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0  - cg_crosshairAlpha 
Set gravity value; default is 800           - g_gravity 
Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0        - cg_hudAlpha 
Set second that dead bodies remain onscreen - ai_corpsecount 
Set shellshock duration                     - cg_shellshock 
Set skill level                             - g_gameSkill 
Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000 - g_knockback 
Show miss distance when hitting NPCs        - cg_showMiss [0-1] 
Spawn indicated model                       - testmodel 
Toggle AI                                   - g_ai [0-1] 
Toggle bullet debug mode                    - g_debugBullets [0-1] 
Toggle bullet marks                         - cg_marks [0-1] 
Toggle console debugging.                   - con_debug [0-1] 
Toggle crosshair                            - cg_drawCrosshair [0-1] 
Toggle ejecting shells                      - cg_brass [0-1] 
Toggle entity bounding boxes                - g_drawEntBBoxes v 
Toggle fog                                  - r_fog [0-1] 
Toggle framerate displae                    - cg_drawFPS [0-1] 
Toggle FX                                   - fx_draw [0-1] 
Toggle FX debugging.                        - fx_debug [0-1] 
Toggle FX freezing                          - fx_freeze [0-1] 
Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled - fx_enable [0-1] 
Toggle game timer                           - cg_drawTimer [0-1] 
Toggle hit debug mode                       - g_debugShowHit [0-1] 
Toggle HUD                                  - cg_drawStatus [0-1] 
Toggle HUD and crosshair                    - cg_draw2D [0-1] 
Toggle letterbox format                     - cg_letterbox [0-1] 
Toggle NPC health display                   - g_debugDamage [0 or 1] 
Toggle objects and backgrounds              - r_drawWorld [0-1] 
Toggle objects and NPCs                     - r_drawEntities [0-1] 
Toggle player and AI movement debug mode    - g_debugMove [0-1] 
Toggle player and AI movement debugging.    - cl_debugMove [0-1] 
Toggle rendring                             - cg_noRender [0-1] 
Toggle shadows.                             - cg_shadows [0-1] 
Toggle spawning                             - g_spawnai [0-1] 
Toggle subtitles                            - cg_subtitles [0-1] 
Toggle third person view                    - cg_thirdPerson [0-1] 
Toggle vehicle debug mode                   - g_vehicleDebug [0-1] 
Toggle wireframe mode                       - r_showtris [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - testgun 
Unknown                                     - debug_tankall [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - chain [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - ai_nocriticalsections [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - cg_skybox [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - cg_stats [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - cg_noPredict [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - cg_selectPlayer 
Unknown                                     - cg_tracerChance 
Unknown                                     - cg_ignore [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - cl_run [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - cl_running [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - dmflags [0-1] 
Unknown                                     - g_changelevel_time 

Play Any Level:
When in a Single Player game bring down the console with the key above
"TAB", and type the following to play any map you want. 

Code                   Effect
map airfield         - Play "Airfield" Map.
map berlin           - Play "Berlin" Map.
map brecourt         - Play "Brecourt" Map.
map burnville        - Play "Burnville" Map.
map carride          - Play "Car Ride" Map.
map chateau          - Play "Chateau" Map.
map dam              - Play "Dam" Map.
map dawnville        - Play "Dawnville" Map.
map factory          - Play "Factory" Map.
map hurtgen          - Play "Hurtgen" Map.
map pathfinder       - Play "Pathfinder" Map.
map pavlov           - Play "Pavlov" Map. 
map pegasusday       - Play "Pegasus Day" Map. 
map pegasusnight     - Play "Pegasus Night" Map. 
map powcamp          - Play "POW Camp" Map. 
map railyard         - Play "Rail Yard" Map. 
map redsquare        - Play "Red Square" Map. 
map rocket           - Play "Rocket" Map. 
map sewer            - Play "Sewer" Map. 
map ship             - Play "Ship" Map. 
map stalingrad       - Play "Stalingrad" Map. 
map tankdrivecountry - Play "Tank Drive Country" Map. 
map tankdrivetown    - Play "Tank Drive Town" Map. 
map trainstation     - Play "Train Station" Map. 
map training         - Play "Training" Map. 
map truckride        - Play "Truck Ride" Map.

Submitted by: bart

dont use + set developer 1 in cheat line
when u modify the *.exe. because u get anoing text on your screen.
yust use +set thereisacow 1337 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0
and it will work

Cheat activation method for the demo:
Submitted by: Sham

The cheat activation method for the demo has been disabled for the game 
itself (apperently Infinity Ward dislike cheating). now it is neccesary to 
add the following to the end of the target line:
" +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0" 
(as usual ignore quotes" Some people have discovered issues in gameplay from 
this method, for most it works fine.

Eder Dam getaway:
Submitted by: M. Gehan Pinto

In this mission you might have noticed that sergeant waters shots are 
very accurate in fact he very rarely misses a shot, Use this to your 
advantage, When he gives you the panzerfaust don’t take it, decline his 
offer, after the second or third offer he’ll picks it up and shoots 
Bulls eye!!

Stalingrad docks:
After you meet Sergeant Borodin, he sends you first to avoid his death,
after you pass the arrive at the second checkpoint wait until he gives 
the all clear to get to the ruined building Don’t rush it, if you go 
before he’s ready the officer down there classifies you as a traitor 
and (Ouch!!) 
In this mission, your superiors order you to participate in a suicide 
charge, Instead of going forward try backpedaling to the starting point 
after going forward a little way, 

Mp 40 submachine Gun:
This is the German counterpart to the Allied Thompson, Use the MP 40 
it’s quite accurate and packs a decent punch although the mp 40 doesn’t 
have a high fire rate as the Thompson it has a low recoil which allows 
you to fire at a target some distance away with decent accuracy

Mp 44:
This perhaps, is the world’s first assault rifle, in cod 1 you first 
encounter this amazing weapon in the British mission "Pegasus day"
When you see this drop everything necessary to take this 
You’ll soon see why 

Brecourt: Easy kills:
Tossing a grenade into the final courtyard will blow up all the Nazis just 
as they spawn

POW Camp: Deadly crossfire:
On the way back, just before you get to the truck, there are three ways to 
get back to Foley; the alley closest to you, the alley furthermost from you,
and the alley in between. You can play around with the alleys and their 
triggers by running back to the common areas and going down a different alley. 
By doing this, your men will get caught in a three way crossfire. 

Hidden comment:
In Burnville (the second map), when you have to go into the church to knock 
out the two machine gunners and the antiaircraft fire, do not go to the church.
Instead, stay behind the big tomb with a cross on it and throw grenades over 
the wall to where the two machine gunners and antiaircraft guns would be (the 
corner of where the walls meet above it). Keep throwing them until someone 
says "Way to chuck, Private".

Burnville: Extra machine gunner: 
You can lean from the wall to take out the two MG42S guarding the first flak 
gun. Doing so will cause a new machine gunner to spawn, but will cause your 
men to charge forward anyway, leading to a huge pile up of bodies and extra 
BAR ammunition. Your men will eventually take out the extra gunner.

Boot Camp: Linejumper:
Enable cheats to reach the linejumper. You can exit the same window (but you will 
just fall to the ground). Using grenades to kill a jumper will stop all the other 

Chateau: Two Moodys and Foleys:
Run through the engagement where two Nazi trucks come up and get yourself into the 
chateau quickly. Moody and Foley will not unspawn. They will guard the chateau 
entrance with their SMGs. Later, you will have two Moodys and two Foleys.

Fly through building:
Go to the Berlin level. Enable the ufo code. Fly to the other side of the 
level, to the big building with all the Nazis in it. Fly towards the back-
right corner of the building. You will enter a blue glitched area and see 
the letters "FX" floating in mid-air.

Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle:
In the CARRIDE mission, after you crash the car you find another eventually in a 
garage. Kill the 2 Germans in the window guarding the house. After you reach the 
car you'll have to cover one of your officers while he hot-wires the car. If you 
go upstairs in the house where the car is kept. You will find an semi-auto sniper
rifle (FG-42) to take out the onslaught of Germans on the barricade.

Mystery weapon exchange:
The very first Nazi has his Kar98 leaning against a tree. Normally, he picks up
the rifle and shoots at you. However, you can also kill him before he picks up 
the rifle and it will still lean against the tree. If, however, you charge past
him and swap your weapon for the Kar98 against the tree before he reaches for it,
he will grab the weapon you left behind, but bring a Kar98 to bear on you. Your 
original weapon will still be leaning against the tree. Kill the Nazi, and the 
gun he has in his hand disappears.

Ammunition names:
Use one of the following entries with the give code to spawn ammunition for the
corresponding weapon. Note: Spawning ammunition for weapons not normally found 
in the current weapon will exit the game. 

bar (Browning automatic rifle) 
bren (Bren light machine gun) 
colt (Colt .45) 
enfield (Lee-Enfield rifle) 
fg42 (FG42) 
fraggrenade (M2 frag grenade) 
kar98k (Kar98k) 
kar98k_sniper (Scoped Kar98k) 
luger (Luger) 
m1carbine (M1A1 Carbine) 
m1garand (M1 Garand) 
mk1britishfrag (MK1 frag grenade) 
mosin_nagant (Mosin-Nagant) 
mosin_nagant_sniper (Scoped Mosin-Nagant) 
mp40 (MP40) 
mp44 (MP44) 
ppsh (PPsh) 
rgd-33russianfrag (RGD-33 frag grenade) 
springfield (Springfield rifle) 
sten (Sten) 
stielhandgranate (German grenade) 
thompson (Thompson machine gun)

Ammo big time:
Submitted by: thilina

frist kill a bad guy,take his gun kill other guys with it,go near their guns,
u will pick it up,do this until u can't pick up gun of the same type,and you'll have
all the ammo ucan pick up for that also works with call of duty 4 and 5.

Safety during operation:
Submitted by: Waqar Zeb
Email :

Sniper Rifle (Scoped Mosin Nagant) is most advance weapon in this game. Don't drop 
and replace it with any other as maximum player hold two rifles. Killing opposition from 
distance is easy by using this gun. In some missions like: Sniper Baiting this is only 
effective weapon. Use it while crouch and prone position during this mission and zoom 
to point then fire enemy.
In all difficult missions such as 'Dam' crouch position is perfect. This stance is also 
very handy in missions where there are lot of machine guns in hand of enemy. 
Also note that 'Stielhand Granate' travel more than simple Granate. It also jumps after 
through. Panzerfaust is use as Anti Tank weapon. One fire is all it take to destroy Tank.
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