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Aliens Colonial Marines Cheats

Aliens - Colonial Marines

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Easy challenges and XP:
In Level 10: Reclaimed, when the objective is "Destroy the AA guns (3 of 3)", you will reach
a point where a solider is using a flamethrower to burn an alien, and "Checkpoint Reached" 
will appear on the left side of the screen. In this area, simply go down the hill and kill 
all enemies, then reload the checkpoint, and repeat this as many times as desired. You can 
get 6,000 XP an hour and complete many challenges for additional XP using this trick. You can
do this at any checkpoint in the game, but this is a really good area to kill a lot of enemies
and get XP.

In Level 10: Reclaimed, once the third AA gun is destroyed, you will continue through the rocky
exterior to a destroyed building. The floor is destroyed just past some ammo to the right of 
the entrance. Stop before leaving this building. There is a sheer drop after stepping through 
the exit door, leading into a large open area with unlimited spawning aliens. From the exit 
looking out into the courtyard, look to the far right. Equip any scoped weapon, and look for 
the aliens appearing above the spotlight. They will run across the roof before jumping down. 
If you stay inside the building, and do not drop down into the courtyard, the aliens will never
stop spawning. Kill as many aliens as desired to get as much XP as desired and complete 
Note: When you run out of ammo, simply reload the previous checkpoint. You will retain any 
points gained toward challenges and XP.

Alien ship pilot holographic space battle Easter Egg:
In Level 8: Rampart, when you encounter the pilot of the alien ship, as featured in the Alien 
movie. Shoot bullets into its skull until a holographic space battle begins playing over its 

Giant donut Easter Egg:
In Level 7: One Bullet, when you get the "Find a way into the Weyland-Yutani Facility to save 
Bella" objective, follow the stairs to a door, and exit the interior to enter a rocky exterior
area with lava flowing down a cliff to your right. Run partway up the path ahead, and look to 
the right across the chasm with a scoped weapon to find a box of donuts. Shoot them, and they
will disappear. Then, look to where your teammates are waiting to see a giant donut appear 
uphill. It will roll down, launch off the cliff, and explode in the lava.

Spaceballs Easter Egg:
In Level 7: One Bullet, go through the facility to the operating rooms with Xeno specimens in 
glass containers. Continue past a room where test subjects are attached to Facehuggers and 
through the hallway ahead where you encounter more soldiers. In this area, look for a door with
a green light. Explore the hallway to locate an office with the mission's second audio log. 
Before entering the second room where soldiers attempt to activate alarms, leave, and go around
to another hallway leading to the same alarm room. Cruz will wait to rush inside the alarm room.
Instead of following him, leave the operating room through the alternate door, and enter the 
alarm room through the left side of the path. By entering the alarm room this alternate way, it
will activate a special Easter Egg. Inside one of the glass containers, look closely to see a 
tiny top hat and cane where a chestburster should be. This is a reference to the famous scene 
near the end of Spaceballs, when the character Kane (played by John Hurt) makes a cameo, in which
a chestburster explodes from his chest and dances out of the scene singing "Hello! Ma Baby" — 
which is a reference to the Warner Bros. character Michigan J. Frog.

Easy "Short, Controlled Bursts" achievement:
In Level 1: Distress, shortly after fighting the first group of aliens, you will reach the 
hangar bay. Your comrade will throw a grenade and destroy a dropship. Then, you will have to 
defend him until he opens a door. Two AI controlled allies are standing behind a barricade. 
None of the enemies can get behind this barricade to get the achievement. It is recommended to 
play on the Recruit difficulty. Stay in front of the barricade the entire time. Enemies are much
more likely to attack real players than AI controlled ones. You may take a few hits, but the 
shotgun will kill all aliens quickly. Once the door is open, immediately fall back.
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