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Agricultural Simulator 2013 Cheats

Agricultural Simulator 2013

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", 
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement              How to Unlock
Agricultural Sterility - Complete all "Wash Me" achievement parts.
Alpine Landowner       - Own all lands in Alpine.
Animal Husbandry (1)   - Own at least 50 animals. 
Animal Husbandry (2)   - Own at least 100 animals. 
Animal Husbandry (3)   - Own at least 200 animals. 
Anything But Dirt (1)  - Drive 1km without getting your vehicle dirty.
Anything But Dirt (2)  - Drive 2km without getting your vehicle dirty.
Anything But Dirt (3)  - Drive 5km without getting your vehicle dirty.
Anything But Dirt (4)  - Drive 10km without getting your vehicle dirty.
Billionaire            - Earn one billion dollars. 
Chicken Chaser         - Chase the chicken for at least 20 meters. 
Collector              - Own more than 10 machinery of different brand. 
Cowboy's Way           - Complete all US achievements. 
Cowboy's Way           - Cowboy's Way. 
Deer Whisperer         - Get clsoe to a deer before it flees. 
Explore Church         - Visit the village church. 
Explore Church         - Visit the village church. 
Explore Graveyard      - Find a graveyard and honor the dead. 
Explore Lake           - Find a lake under the hill. 
Explore Lake           - Explore the US lake. 
Explore Mill           - Visit the local US mill. 
Explore Mill           - Visit the local Alpine mill. 
Explore Mill           - Visit the local mill in Tuscany. 
Explore old windmill   - Visit the old windmill and enjoy the sightseeing.
Explore pond           - Find a pond. 
Generous Spendthrift   - Spend 10000000 money. 
Get What You Need (1)  - Buy at least 10 items. 
Get What You Need (2)  - Buy at least 50 items. 
Get What You Need (3)  - Buy at least 250 items. 
Harvest Corn (1)       - Harvest 2500 corn. 
Harvest Corn (2)       - Harvest 5000 corn. 
Harvest Corn (3)       - Harvest 15000 corn. 
Harvest Sunflower (1)  - Harvest 2500 sunflower. 
Harvest Sunflower (2)  - Harvest 5000 sunflower. 
Harvest Sunflower (3)  - Harvest 15000 sunflower. 
Harvest Wheat (1)      - Harvest 2500 wheat. 
Harvest Wheat (2)      - Harvest 5000 wheat. 
Harvest Wheat (3)      - Harvest 15000 wheat. 
Harvesting (1)         - Harvest 2500 of any crop. 
Harvesting (2)         - Harvest 10000 of any crop. 
Harvesting (3)         - Harvest 50000 of any crop. 
Harvesting (4)         - Harvest 250000 of any crop. 
Harvesting (5)         - Harvest 1000000 of any crop. 
I Can Handle It (1)    - Fire 1 Worker. 
I Can Handle It (2)    - Fire 5 Workers. 
I Can Handle It (3)    - Fire 10 Workers. 
I love Pork (1)        - Own at least 10 pigs. 
I love Pork (2)        - Own at least 50 pigs. 
I love Pork (3)        - Own at least 100 pigs. 
It's A Long Way (1)    - Make at least 10 kilometers with any vehicle. 
It's A Long Way (2)    - Make at least 25 kilometers with any vehicle. 
It's A Long Way (3)    - Make at least 100 kilometers with any vehicle. 
It's A Long Way (4)    - Make at least 1000 kilometers with any vehicle. 
Italian Landowner      - Own all lands in Tuscany. 
Items Merchant (1)     - Sell at least 10 items. 
Items Merchant (2)     - Sell at least 100 items. 
Items Merchant (3)     - Sell at least 1000 items. 
Land Of My Own         - Buy at least 1 land. 
Master Harvester       - Complete all Harvesting Achievements. 
Master Seeder          - Complete all Crop Achievements. 
Millionaire            - Earn one million dollars. 
More The Merrier (1)   - Hire at least 1 Worker. 
More The Merrier (2)   - Hire at least 5 Workers. 
More The Merrier (3)   - Hire at least 10 Workers. 
Need More Space        - Create big field (1000m2). 
Not Enough             - Create large field (2000m2). 
One Too Much           - Sell at least 1 land. 
Tweak That Machine (1) - Buy at least 1 upgrade for your vehicle. 
Tweak That Machine (2) - Buy at least 5 upgrades for your vehicles. 
Tweak That Machine (3) - Buy at least 10 upgrades for your vehicles. 
Under The Alps         - Complete all Alpine achievements. 
Wash Me (1)            - Wash one of your vehicles at least once. 
Wash Me (2)            - Wash your vehicles at least 10 times. 
Wash Me (3)            - Wash your vehicles at least 25 times. 
Wash Me (4)            - Wash your vehicles at least 75 times. 
Wealth Of My Own (1)   - Earn at least 1000 money. 
Wealth Of My Own (2)   - Earn at least 10000 money. 
Wealth Of My Own (3)   - Earn at least 100000 money. 
Wealth Of My Own (4)   - Earn at least 1000000 money. 
Wealth Of My Own (5)   - Earn at least 10000000 money. 
Wealth Of My Own (6)   - Earn at least 100000000 money. 
Weekend Farmer         - Complete all tutorials. 
Western Cowboy         - Complete all US West achievements. 
Wholesaler (1)         - Sell at least 10 tons of any crop. 
Wholesaler (3)         - Sell at least 100 tons of any crop. 
Wholesaler (4)         - Sell at least 300 tons of any crop. 
Wholesaler (5)         - Sell at least 1000 tons of any crop.
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