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Zombie Bowl-O-Rama
Unlockables: Steam Achievements:
Complete each requirement to receive the achievements.
Unlockable How to Unlock
1000 Club - Earn 1000 points.
300 Club - A perfect 300, 12 strikes in one game.
Agility - No gutterballs were thrown a complete game.
Anarchy - Get a strike against rank and file zombies.
Bi-Centennial - A 200 game was rolled.
Carnival Game - A strike was made with every zombie being knocked off the lane.
Dance Fever - Throw a strike against dancing zombies.
Dead Meat - Throw a strike with a meatball.
Experienced Striker - 15 strikes in all games.
Fair Play - Won a game without using any tricks or threats.
Freedom Fighter - Free Play mode was completed.
Happily Ever After - Single Player mode was completed.
Marking Pen - A strike or spare was made in every frame of a game.
Pinball Wizard - A strike was made using the pinball.
Rookie Striker - 5 strikes in all games.
Shields Down, Captain - A strike was made against shielded zombies.
Sneaky - A strike was made using a small ball.
Strike King - 100 strikes in all games.
Strike Master - 30 strikes in all games.
Triple Striker - Three strikes in one game.
Turkey and Giblets - Three strikes in a row were rolled in a game.
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Zombie BowlORama for PC Cheats - Zombie BowlORama Codes - Zombie BowlORama Cheat Codes