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X-COM - Interceptor
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Indra Permata Dinda
Cheat mode:
To activate a cheat, press [Ctrl] + E (or W) until the tone.
Then enter its code below.
Result Code
No aliens - JOYRIDE
Side mission: Arms Dealer - SMARMS
Side mission: Corporate Reconnaissance - SMRECON
Side mission: Nova Bomb - SMNOVA
Side mission: Pirate Base Rescue - SMRESCUE
Side mission: Rogue Freighter - SMROGUE
In-flight Cheats:
To activate cheats, you must first enable In-flight mode.
(press [Ctrl] + E until the tone. Then type: BATTLECHEAT.)
Thereafter, enter the corresponding shortcut key for the desired
Cheat Shortcut Key
Cycle weapons [Alt] + X
Destroy targeted object [Alt] + ~
Disable target [Alt] + 2
10,000,000 Credits
While playing press Ctrl-E twice (you should hear a beep) then type PAYDAY.
All Research
Press Ctrl-E twice then type KNOWITALL.
Enable In-Flight Cheats
Press Ctrl-E twice then type BATTLECHEAT.
Finish All Bases Under Construction
Press Ctrl-E twice then type in QUICKBASE for all the bases to be
Press Ctrl-E twice then type CANTTOUCHTHIS.
Unlimited Flight Range
Press Ctrl-E twice then type FILLERUP for unlimited flight range.
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XCOM Interceptor for PC Cheats - XCOM Interceptor Codes - XCOM Interceptor Cheat Codes